Qatar’s state-sponsored news network, Al Jazeera, published a documentary favorable to ANTIFA, a group designated as a domestic terrorist organization by the Department of Homeland Security

Image source: DANGEROUS —

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One Response to Qatar’s state-sponsored news network, Al Jazeera, published a documentary favorable to ANTIFA, a group designated as a domestic terrorist organization by the Department of Homeland Security

  1. Bruce says:

    Tim Kaine’s son Woody is an Antifa Member

    The European Union Times


    Tim Kaine’s son Woody is a member of an FBI declared domestic terrorist group. Tim Kaine was close to becoming the next US Vice President if Hillary would have won. His son, a terrorist… and the media does not even mention it. If this was Trump’s kid, the media would obsess on it 24/24, non-stop! Can you believe this?

    FOR OVER A YEAR conservative Americans and Trump supporters have been assaulted, spit on, beaten, cold-cocked, egged, chased, tackled and bloodied for attending Trump rallies and conservative events.


    Just last month members of a Patriot Prayer group canceled their rally but a few supporters turned out anyway.

    That’s when hundreds of alt-left Antifa protesters rioted.

    An army of violent left-wing Antifa terrorists wearing all black, covering their faces with masks terrorized Trump supporters and chased them while trying to steal their phones and cameras. Police did not step in to stop the violence.

    After years of far left Antifa violence, hundreds of bloodied bodies and tens of thousands of dollars of property damage the FBI and DHS have listed Antifa violence as “domestic terrorist violence.”


    View the complete article at:

    Tim Kaine’s son Woody is an Antifa Member

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