PROVE IT! “Kansas Hopes To Resurrect Proof-Of-Citizenship Voting Law”

Gateway Pundit, by Nan and Byron McKeeby — March 18, 2019 (Guest post by Bright Start News )


Is Kansas just trolling progressives? Because this would be the perfect way to make the open border left go completely insane.

Kansas is asking an appeals court to resurrect a law that had required people who were registering to vote to show documents proving their U.S. citizenship.


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2 Responses to PROVE IT! “Kansas Hopes To Resurrect Proof-Of-Citizenship Voting Law”

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Hmmm! Interesting!
    The LDS OBAMA KENYAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE shows up yet again being featured on a widely read website.

  2. Great find Bruce! Thanks for posting!

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