Flashback 2017: Obama’s Half-Brother Malik Tweets Obama’s KENYAN Birth Certificate

DC CLOTHESLINE, by Dean Garrison* — April 1, 2019


… many Americans still wonder if he was trying to tell us something with that March 2017 tweet, without having to come out and say it directly.

The Obama Kenyan birth certificate has been claimed a forgery.

Malik Obama was born in 1958 in Nairobi Kenya. He was 3 years old when Barack was born.

To trust the memories of a 3-year old would be an obvious stretch. But others in the Obama family have made claims of a Kenyan birth, including his own grandmother. She claims she was there.

Israel National News reported in 2008:

Someone is lying.  According to Obama’s Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims.  His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room.  -This, according to several news sites and Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg (see video below) who is, surprisingly, a life long democrat himself.  Berg is the former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and he has an impressive background in his activities as a democrat, but his support for the party seemingly stops when it comes to his trust in Barack Hussein Obama.

The video has been scrubbed.

Isn’t it funny how controversial items have a way of getting lost on the internet?


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* Dean Garrison is the Publisher at DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry. ( 21,314 subscribers)

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