WATCH: Protester Jumps on Stage at LSU to Disrupt Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens’ TPUSA Speech

Image source: bsteaman screen capture


Breitbart, by ALANA MASTRANGEL — April 4, 2019


Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens were speaking at a Louisiana State University event on Wednesday when a protester jumped on stage and proceeded to shout obscenities, while another protester in the audience shouted “death to white nationalism” at the two conservative pundits, one of whom is black.

Turning Point USA (TPUSA) founder and Executive Director Charlie Kirk and Communication Director Candace Owens were delivering their remarks in an auditorium on Wednesday night at LSU when a protester jumped on stage and disrupted the event.

The protester, who stood on the opposite end of the stage from Kirk and Owens, began to shout obscenities with her hands raised in the air, until she was eventually escorted off the stage by campus police officers. The incident was captured on video.

“We would like to have a conversation with you,” said Owens several times to the protester.

“You are racist,” shouted the protester.

Moments later, the protester was escorted off the stage by campus police, at which point a second protester — who students say is a member of the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) group at LSU — can be heard chanting “death to white nationalism.”

Mississippi College TPUSA chapter president Evan Sanders, who captured the video from the audience, told Breitbart News that Kirk had been speaking about American exceptionalism moments before the protester jumped onto the stage.


View the complete article including video, image, links and comments at:


FULL YOUTUBE VIDEO: LIVE from LSU! Campus Clash presents Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Dave Rubin & Kyle Kashuv!

The interruption starts at about the 18:12 mark in the video.

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One Response to WATCH: Protester Jumps on Stage at LSU to Disrupt Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens’ TPUSA Speech

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Texas State University Students Demand Censorship of TPUSA in the Name of ‘Free Speech’

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