The Federalist, by Libby Emmons — April 16, 2019
We categorize ourselves according to our chosen and or innate identifiers, but when big tech companies do it, and cater to what they have determined we want, we get irritated. Why? Isn’t this what we want? Don’t we want to be catalogued, classified, and commodified?
Identity has been a driving social and political force, and it makes sense that it would now become part of that other great institution of American cultural life: capitalism.
Using AI for Tribalism
Machine learning is the science of using algorithms and statistical models to essentially teach artificial intelligence (AI) to make choices based on predictive data, without further human input, such as using usage history to determine a user’s future preferences, and prioritizing access to those preferences to the exclusion of others. This is how Facebook sorts the posts on a user’s feed, and Amazon selects products a consumer might be interested in, or how Google gives different search information depending on who is signed in to the engine.
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