President Trump: Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION
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6 Responses to President Trump: Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Muslim Brotherhood: In-Depth Reports

    Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

    Muslim Brotherhood

  2. Bruce Steadman says:



    The Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Ihkwan al-Muslimun) can be summarized as the mothership of Islamic terrorism.

    This Islamist network is an overarching motricity which unifies a variety of different factions and sects of Islamic terrorist organizations worldwide.

    The Muslim Brotherhood is the oldest terrorist organization in the world and still wields an incredibly dangerous amount of influence and power across the globe.

    The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 in Egypt, is a militant, pro-sharia law organization that has used both violent and non-violent means to achieve its ultimate goal of restoring the Muslim caliphate and the glory of the Islamic empire.


  3. Bruce Steadman says:

    United States Senators — Subject: S 68 Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017

    United States Representative — Subject: HR 377 The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act

  4. Bruce Steadman says:

    Trump Admin, Congress Ready to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terror Group

    Trump views Brotherhood as a key national security threat

    Trump Admin, Congress Ready to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terror Group

  5. Bruce Steadman says:

    Countries that have already designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization:

  6. Bruce Steadman says:

    Trump Considers Designating Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Org

    Finally, a U.S. president who understands the threat.

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