The Cultural Civil War and Trump Derangement Syndrome

And what happens when politics becomes culture.

FrontPage Mag, by Daniel Greenfield — October 11, 2019


The Black Death originated in Chinese rats, Ebola in monkeys in the Congo, and Trump Derangement Syndrome in furious liberal suburbanites who swarmed D.C. wearing pink hats and screaming at the sky.

To understand the virology of Trump Derangement Syndrome, it’s important to distinguish between ideological and cultural lefties. Contrary to expectations, TDS is found less among ideological lefties who actually know their politics than among cultural lefties who don’t even think in political terms.

Contrast Bernie Sanders, a professional socialist politician, with Debra Messing, Ashley Judd, or any of the other Hollywood #resistance celebs with a poor understanding of politics, but an unhinged conviction that Trump’s very existence is an unbearable insult to the cultural fabric of their existence.

Ideological lefties know their Marx, Alinsky, and their Crenshaw. Their hostility to Trump is relentless, but it’s the cold, political enmity of a faction that sees him as a dangerous threat to their agenda, but also as an opportunity to rapidly radicalize the Democrats to embrace previously unthinkable options.


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