The Saudi Stink of Hypocrisy

The Arabian kingdom projects its human rights abuses on… Australia?

FrontPage Mag, by Raymond Ibrahim — October 15, 2019


Saudi Arabia continues to demonstrate why it is the “world’s greatest hypocrite.”

After Australia recently condemned the Islamic kingdom of human rights abuses, the latter launched an “extraordinary” tirade.  Saudi ambassador, Abdulaziz Alwasil, projected everything his nation does onto Australia.  He claimed that minorities, migrants and Muslims face “horrific violations of human rights” and “racist and extremist policies….  We see in some countries, radicalism against Muslims, we see xenophobia, racism. And some governments sympathise with them [xenophobes and racists], like Australia. Here we refer to the massacre perpetrated by Brenton Tarrant – an Australian – which was based on hate speech.”

Some context is desperately needed: Saudi Arabia is where not a single non-Muslim building of worship is allowed; its highest Islamic authority decreed that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.”  Whenever Christians are suspected of meeting in a house for worship—or as one Saudi official once complained, “plotting to celebrate Christmas”—they are arrested and punished.  Any cross or other non-Muslim symbol found is confiscated and destroyed. Anyone caught trying to smuggle Bibles or any other “publications that have prejudice to any other religious belief other than Islam” can be executed.


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