NEWS WITH VIEWS, by J.D. Pendry — October 29, 2019
In a painful way, it’s interesting phenomena. Sometimes infuriating. Sometimes laughable. Sometimes saddening. Always dangerous. Watching it unfold. Watching freedom swirl around the drain while politicians, the media, and the ignorant cheer. The legislative branch of our government could not be more broken or morally bankrupt than now. Devoid of leadership. Standing back and watching. Waiting to jump ship and side up with whoever looks the winner. Side up to whoever puts the plug back in the swamp’s drain. Letting life in Babylon on the Potomac return to its normal back scratching existence. As Thomas Pain described the beginnings of the American Revolution in The Crisis, December 23, 1776, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” – (bold emphasis added)
Washington’s swamp life, cheerleaders and strap hangers hate President Donald Trump. It’s not a question. It’s a declaration. By extension, they also hate me. Truthfully, they mostly hate me. The forgotten American that put Mr. Trump in the Whitehouse. A commoner hanging on for dear life to what remains of the middle rung of America’s backbone. The middle class. Decades of neglect thinned our ranks. They’ve tried to turn us into a tribal culture of multiple identities then pit us against one another. Or pit all of us against some non-existent straw dog. One they can beat on daily keeping the unclean masses angry and in perpetual despair. It’s a dangerous game Washington plays. Only then to ride in adorned in shining armor declaring in utopian fashion there is only one United States of America.
That didn’t work out so well now did it? E Pluribis Unum is a quaint concept these days. The more we declare we are one, the more they try to make us many. Being a red, white, and blue loving American is offensive. Getting on your knees, disrespect, hate. That’s the new way. Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots. Unable to see how blessed they were to be born American. (bold emphasis added)
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“These are the times that try men’s souls…”