American Town Moves To Confiscate ‘Assault Weapons,’ Fine Violators Up To $1,000 Per Day

Piecemeal gun control being rolled out across America

by Adan Salazar


A village in Illinois has declared a ban on “assault weapons,” and has given gun owners 60 days to turn them all in.

After June 13, residents of the Village of Deerfield have 60 days to sell, render inoperable or turn their “assault weapons” over to local police.

“Any person who is found to have violated this Article shall be fined not less than $250 and not more than $1,000 for each offense,” reads the ordinance penalty, “and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.”

The village defines an “assault weapon” broadly, including rifles with fixed magazines that are capable of accepting magazines holding more than ten rounds, certain pistols with detachable magazines, and certain shotguns.

The town has additionally banned so-called high capacity magazines.


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