An Obama Photo Worth a Thousand Lies

The dictator is out of the White House. But his lackeys still control the news

Canada Free Press
by Daniel Greenfield


When a a major Obama news photo story broke, the media was there to capture it. A 2-year-old girl was photographed looking at a really terrible painting of Michelle Obama.

“‘A moment of awe’: Photo of little girl captivated by Michelle Obama portrait goes viral,” Washington Post cheered.  “Little girl awestruck by Michelle Obama’s portrait believes she’s a queen,” urgently reported CNN. The sum total of this story is that a little girl looked at a portrait of Michelle.

Eat your heart out, North Korea. Our fake news propaganda is even tackier than yours.

Barack Obama meeting with Louis Farrakhan

Recently, a photo was released of Barack Obama meeting with Louis Farrakhan. The photo had been suppressed all these years to protect Obama’s career. Farrakhan was the racist leader of a hate group who had praised Hitler and described Jews as “satanic”. And yet he had met with the future president at a Congressional Black Caucus event. A CBC member, Rep. Danny Davis, had even praised Farrakhan.

You might think there’s a story in all that. And you would be wrong.

There isn’t a single Washington Post story on the photo. Not one. The same paper that believed its readers needed to be informed that a little girl had been photographed looking at a bad painting of Michelle Obama hasn’t found the time to report on the cover up of a meeting between top Democrats, including a future president, and the leader of a racist hate group that had once allied with the KKK.


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2 Responses to An Obama Photo Worth a Thousand Lies

  1. Larry Bland says:

    Andrew McCabe fired, his FBI pension gone! Great news, now put him in prison for what he has been trying to do to our President.

  2. Bruce says:

    Larry Bland wrote:

    Andrew McCabe fired, his FBI pension gone! ….

    Great News. Thanks!

    See: Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe fired

    Fox News
    by Brooke Singman

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