Barack Obama’s width between shoulders. Dr. James Ang’awa, Shoulder Presentation and Shoulder Dystocia.

Barack Obama’s weight and length (as a newborn baby) were record in 1961 on his Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, certificate of birth. Additionally, a measurement defined (on the document itself)  as “width between shoulders” was also recorded.

width between shoulders obama as a newborn

Skeptics have long indicated variants of the following:

1.  “Width between shoulders” is not a measurement taken at birth.

2.  “Width between shoulders” is a measurement which they’ve never heard of and, because they’ve never heard of it before, they believe that the birth certificate is somehow not authentic.

3.   Even if “width between shoulders” was a genuine structure of measurement baby Barack Obama’s is listed as “6 inches” and that is too large for a newborn baby.

There have also been countless and innumerable supplementary speculations (reckless speculations) regarding the measurement which I wont waste time going into but, for example, there was one about “width between shoulder” being a measurement used only for animals and not for humans.

As you may know, the doctor who delivered baby Barack Hussein Obama II was James Oyunga William Ang’awa.

Angawa certificate name and sig

Its should also be noted that Doctor Ang’awa lived in the same neighborhood, Upper Hill, in Nairobi with Barack Obama Sr. during the mid-to-late 1960s 1970s and up thru Obama Sr.’s death in 1982.  (See Ogosia, Kenneth. You are forgiven, judge tells her father’s killer.”   The Nation. January 30, 2010.)

In the year 1951, ten years before baby Barack Obama was born at the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Dr. Ang’awa published a paper entitled, “RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS IN EAST AFRICA: A Note on its Incidence and Aetiology in Women of the Kikuyu Tribe.”   A more detailed version of the paper, known simply as Rupture of the Uterus,  was also published the East African Medical Journal the following year in 1952

In the 1951 paper, page 1030, Dr. Ang’awa discusses “Shoulder presentation” –

“Group 2. Shoulder presentation; 8 cases. This group was subdivided as follows : (I) Spontaneous rupture with shoulder presentation. (“Neglected transverse.”) (2) Rupture discovered after obstetric manipulations in hospital. (3) Rupture discovered at autopsy, after obstetric manipulations in hospital.”

It appears that Ang’awa’s paper attempted to determine factors and causes of uterine rupture and ventured to draw conclusions of how and why the uterus is ruptured. All cases of ruptured uterus were divided into six (6) groups and some groups were subdivided.  One group of the pregnant women consisted of those who exhibited signs of ‘Shoulder presentation’.

Moreover, the ‘Shoulder presentation’ group was subdivided into the following three (3) categories:

1.   Spontaneous rupture with shoulder presentation.  (“Neglected transverse.”)

2.   Rupture discovered after obstetric manipulations in hospital.

3.   Rupture discovered at autopsy, after obstetric manipulations in hospital.

Shoulder presentation is a malpresentation of the fetus in which the shoulder, and sometimes the arm itself, is positioned towards the mother’s pelvic inlet of the birth canal.  Typically an infant cannot, outside of a cesarean section being performed, be delivered in such a position (i.e., malpresentation).

It is presumable and not unlikely that shoulder width measurements (i.e., ‘width between shoulders’) of newborn babies became common practice, if not routine, by doctors such as Ang’awa in the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya in efforts to learn more about the following:

A.    ‘Shoulder presentation’ and factors, circumstances, and influence that contributes to the causes of.

B.    ‘Rupture of the uterus’ (more commonly known as “uterine rupture”) and factors, circumstances, and influence that contributes to the causes of.

C.    ‘Neglected transverse’ (more commonly known as “Neglected transverse lie”) and factors, circumstances, and influence that contributes to the causes of.

1951. James Ang’awa. "RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS IN EAST AFRICA: A Note on its Incidence and Aetiology in… by Lucas Daniel Smith

A somewhat similar condition known as “Shoulder Dystociaoccurs when a fetus/infant cannot be delivered because the shoulders are too wide to pass through the mother’s Pubic symphysis.

There are published studies, similar to doctor Ang’awa’s paper, on ‘Shoulder Dystocia’ in which doctors, attempting to determine risk factors and causes of, have taken shoulder width’ measurements.  The following study was originally located by Bruce Steadman on 05.28.2012 and posted on the InspectorSmith Forum- “The ‘Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate’ indicates that Barack Obama was born a short, broad-shouldered, slightly-less-than-average weight baby, but NOT some improperly proportioned ‘dwarf’ as some ‘forgery-promoting’ individuals have claimed.”  –  and that study is discussed below:

Verspyck, Eric; Gofinet, François; Hellot, Marie F.; Milliez, Jacques; Marpeau, Loïc. “Newborn shoulder width: a prospective study of 2222 consecutive measurements.”  British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Vol 106, pp. 589-593.  June, 1999.

Page 589:

Population   A total of 2222 newborn shoulder width measurements were performed and 22 cases of true shoulder dystocia occurred during the study period.”

Methods   Newborn shoulder width measurements were reviewed and correlated with maternal age, parity, nonpregnant weight, weight gain during pregnancy, height, race, fasting glucose and one hour glucose levels, gestational age, birthweight and sex of the neonate. A receiver-operating characteristics curve was constructed to evaluate newborn shoulder width as a test for predicting shoulder dystocia.”

Results   The mean newborn shoulder width was 122.06 mm (10.50 SD). Stepwise multiple regression showed that newborn shoulder width was significantly associated with birthweight (P < 0.001), parity (P = 0.04), and nonpregnant weight (P = 0.04). We estimated that the best cut off for shoulder dystocia prediction was a newborn shoulder width measurement with a low false positive rate (< 10%) in association with a high sensitivity rate. Therefore, newborn shoulder width measurement > 140 mm was selected. This measurement should have a low sensitivity of 27.27%, a specificity of 91.82%, a positive predictive value of 4.02%. and a negative predictive value of 99.01% for shoulder dystocia prediction. Nevertheless, birthweight > 4000 g should have a better predictive value retrospectively for shoulder dystocia.”

Conclusions   Newborn shoulder width measurement, which is strongly correlated with birthweight, still remains a poor predictor for shoulder dystocia, even when this evaluation is correct antenatally.”

Between more than 2000 shoulder width measurements the mean average reported was 122.06 mm (millimeters) which is the equivalent of 4.826 inches.

The study also expresses, on page 590, that, “Ethnic variations were studied after comparaisons between Caucasians, North African, black and Asian groups. Shoulder dystocia was defined as manoeuvers that were required to deliver the shoulders in addition to downward traction of the fetal head and episiotomy……The mean newborn shoulder width was not different between white infants [121 mm (10.1), 52.08%], North African infants [122.2 mm (10.8), 14.84%], black infants [120.9 mm (10.6), 14.25%] and Asian infants [121.2 mm (1 1.9), 8-9%].”

Newborn baby Barack Obama’s width between shoulders measurement was recorded on his 1961 Kenyan birth certificate as “6 inches” which is the equivalent of 152.400 mm (millimeters).

Difference between the above study’s means average and Obama’s measurement:  30.34 millimeters or 1.194 inches.

In my opinion I don’t see how a difference of 1.194 inches would fall outside of the standard deviation of a mean average of 4.826 inches.

To calculate the shoulder width standard deviation, we’d need to compute the difference of shoulder width measurements from the mean average and then square the result of each.

Each of the more than 2,000 shoulder width measurements are NOT provided so we cannot calculate the standard deviation.

However, again, in my opinion, I don’t see how the difference noted above would fall outside of what is known as standard deviation.  If anyone reading has evidence to the contrary I welcome and implore you to post that same in the comments section at the foot of this blog report.

Moreover, I don’t see how a study of a little more than 2000 newborn babies, all within the country of France, granted ethnic variations (within France) were included in the study, suffice to epitomize all newborns in a world with a population of nearly 7 (seven) billion where, in the United States of America alone, approximately 4 (four) million babies are born each year.  The study is a little to ‘PC’ (politically correct) for me.

I prefer Dr. Ang’awa’s paper in which, notwithstanding that the paper is void of shoulder width measurements(!), he seems to contend that ethnicity and culture are applicable and are factors.

1999. &quot;Newborn shoulder width: a prospective study of 2222 consecutive measurements.&quot; British Jo… by Lucas Daniel Smith

I haven’t been able to locate or acquire any other hospital birth certificates which request or provide a measurement for “width between shoulders”.   However, I do have in my possession a hospital birth record titled “NEWBORN SUMMARY” which requests a similar sort of measurement listed as a Chest Circ. (i.e., Chest Circumference).

In closing I want to state here for the record that fetus/infant shoulder width has proven, overwhelmingly, to be worthy of attention.  Depending on the width of the fetus’/infant’s shoulders normal delivery of the baby may not be possible and could potentially, if not outrightly and aggressively, become life threatening for both the mother and the baby.

In some extreme cases, after all other methods to manipulate the baby have failed or are no longer (or never were) an option, a procedure known as a Cleidotomy is performed.   The collarbone (clavicles) is cut/divided by a surgeon to make the shoulders less broad.  Its a risky operation any typically not performed on living babies outside of there being no other operable alternatives.

Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so.

This entry was posted in birth announcements, Birth Certificates that aid in authenticating "president" Barack Obama's Kenya birth certificate, Bruce Steadman, Eligibility, Great Kim aka Mik Taerg, James Oyunga William Ang’awa, Kenya Protectorate, Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama birth certificate, paper antiquities, The Government vs Lucas Daniel Smith and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

19 Responses to Barack Obama’s width between shoulders. Dr. James Ang’awa, Shoulder Presentation and Shoulder Dystocia.

  1. ehancock says:

    A month ago you were challenged to prove that you had ever been in Kenya because you CLAIMED to have gotten the alleged “Kenyan birth certificate” in Mombasa, Kenya. All that would require would be for you to show a scan of your passport with a Kenya stamp on it, but so far you have not done so. Why not?

    The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on alleged birth certificates, like that of Lucas D. Smith, and falsifications–such as the claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—when she actually said right on the same tape that he was born IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

    Lucas D. Smith claimed that he went to Kenya and got Obama’s birth certificate at a hospital in Mombasa. But Lucas D. Smith has constantly refused to show proof that he, Smith, had ever gone to Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to show a Kenya stamp on a page of a passport, but Lucas D. Smith has refused to do that, constantly, and he has also constantly refused to say why he will not show that proof.

    Laying aside for a moment the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the evidence that Obama was NOT born in Kenya is also very strong. There were a grand total of 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Of these only seven were US citizens. And the birther myth has always been that Obama’s parents went there and returned by plane, but only one person came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 by plane and that person was, wait for it, NOT a US citizen. And Obama’s father did not go to Kenya in 1961 either (making it unlikely that his mother did, since travel late in pregnancy was rare, and even more rare without the husband going along). WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961.

    And the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya” story, and found that it was not true.

    “Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

    “It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday.“His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.””

    Obama has a Hawaii birth certificate that says that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, and the officials of both parties in Hawaii have confirmed that fact. It is also confirmed by the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961, which were sent to the papers only by the DOH of Hawaii.

    Obama’s birth announcement appeared in a section of the newspapers called Health Bureau Statistics. As the name indicates, and as the papers and the DOH also say, ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to the Health Bureau Statistics section of the paper. And the DOH only sent out those notices for children that it had issued birth certificates for, and in 1961 the DOH was not allowed to register the births of children who were not born in Hawaii.

    Oh, and there is this:

    Is that all? NO there is more.

    Birthers allege that the Kenyan government has hidden all documents that prove that Obama’s mother went to Kenya. Well, that is possible, but not likely—such things tend to leak. But what about the US government? Did it hide its records too?

    That is because, obviously, if a child were born in Kenya she or he would need a US travel document to get to the USA. We simply do not allow a child to be carried into the USA without some form of official document. (Except some are smuggled across the Mexican and Canadian borders, but Kenya does not have a land border with the USA.) And a US travel document, such as having Obama added to his mother’s US passport would have required an application for that document in the US consulate in Nairobi Kenya.

    That application would have been filed in multiple files, and there would have been communication about it with Washington, so it would be difficult to be lost or scrapped. And the Bush Administration was in charge of the US State Department for eight years until early 2009, so they could have found it, and if they did they would surely have shown it, and they didn’t.

    So, for the “born in Kenya” story to be true, both Kenya and the Bush Administration must be part of a plot. Hawaii too, of course, and that would include the former Republican governor of Hawaii. And the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers that were placed by the DOH in the Hawaii newspapers (and only the DOH could put notices into the Health Bureau Statistics section of the papers) in 1961 would have to be fraudulent too.

    And, Kenya is about ten thousand miles from Hawaii, and the idea that Obama’s parents had that kind of money (Obama’s American grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother was just a low-level employee in a bank at the time) or would spend it on a trip while Obama’s mother was late in pregnancy (which was very rare in those days) and take the risk of stillbirth and Yellow Fever (which was endemic in Kenya, and a Yellow Fever shot is bad during pregnancy) is nutty in the extreme.

    The bottom line: There is no proof that Obama’s mother went to Kenya and it is highly unlikely that she did. The Kenyan government and Obama’s relatives both say that he was not born there. If he were born in Kenya there would have to be US government documents saying that his family applied for a passport or a visa, and there isn’t any. There is no INS check in for Obama or his mother (which would normally have taken place in New York, since there were no direct flights, and those files are not missing), and the birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of both parties and the Index Data and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers all show that he was born in Hawaii.

  2. Sam Sewell says:

    this affidavit from a pastor in Kenya, Kweli Shuhubia states:


    I, Kweli Shuhubia am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action. If called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath as follows I am an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a native evangelist and translator for the Anabaptist churches in Kenya. I am the official Swahili translator for the annual Anabaptists Conference held each year in Africa, working with the American bishops sitting upon the Continental Presbytery of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa. I am fluent in Swahili and in English. I am a former teacher in Kenya, and travel extensively in the ministries of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa throughout Kenya, Uganda and the Sudan.

    It is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the United States Presidential candidate, was born in Mombosa Kenya. Senator Obama’s grandmother still resides in the village of Alego-Kogello, approximately 37 miles from Kisumu City.

    During my interview of Sarah Obama; I called Bishop Ron McRae in the United States from my mobile number. I advised Bishop McRae that I was present with Ms. Obama in her home, and wished for him to speak with her. Bishop McRae informed me he would call me right back, to avoid the international costs on my personal mobile phone. Bishop McRae subsequently called me back; Bishop McRae requested permission to electronically record his telephone conversations with Ms. Obama, to which I agreed.

    Due to bad telephone connections Bishop McRae had to call me back three [3] times, before we were able to continue our conversation. The telephone interview conducted by Bishop McRae was conducted on loud speaker (speaker phone). During the interview conversation, one of Ms. Obama’s grandsons’s and myself acted as Swahili translators, and as Bishop McRae talked to and questioned Ms. Obama, we would translate what Bishop McRae said to Ms. Obama in Swahili, and then we would translate her Swahili responses to Bishop McRae in English. Ms. Obama can fluently speak Swahili in her native dialect, but cannot read or write.

    Bishop McRae asked Ms. Obama specifically, “Were you present when your grandson Barack Obama was born in Kenya?” This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she specifically replied, “Yes”. It appeared Ms. Obama’s relatives and her grandson, handling the translating,, had obviously been versed to counter such facts with the purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii. Despite this, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States. When Ms. Obama’s grandson attempted to counter his grandmother’s clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Obama in Kenya, Bishop McRae asked her grandson, how she could be present at Barack Obama’s birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but the grandson would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, “No, No, No.

    He was born in the United States!” But during the conversation, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama never changed her reply that she was in deed present when Senator Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

    This is one of many such sworn statements from individuals in Kenya that interviewed or witnessed the interview of Obama’s grandmother.

  3. Bruce says:


    Quote from the current post:

    Newborn baby Barack Obama’s width between shoulders measurement was recorded on his 1961 Kenyan birth certificate as “6 inches” which is the equivalent of 152.400 mm (millimeters).

    Difference between the above study’s means average and Obama’s measurement: 30.34 millimeters or 1.194 inches.

    In my opinion I don’t see how a difference of 1.194 inches would fall outside of the standard deviation of a mean average of 4.826 inches.

    To calculate the shoulder width standard deviation, we’d need to compute the difference of shoulder width measurements from the mean average and then square the result of each.

    Each of the more than 2,000 shoulder width measurements are NOT provided so we cannot calculate the standard deviation. – (bold emphasis added)

    However, again, in my opinion, I don’t see how the difference noted above would fall outside of what is known as standard deviation. If anyone reading has evidence to the contrary I welcome and implore you to post that same in the comments section at the foot of this blog report. – (bold emphasis added)

    I must respectfully disagree with your conclusion stated above that:

    I don’t see how the difference noted above would fall outside of what is known as standard deviation.

    However, you are certainly correct in stating:

    Each of the more than 2,000 shoulder width measurements are NOT provided so we cannot calculate the standard deviation.

    Without a record of the individual shoulder width readings in the British Journal study, it is IMPOSSIBLE to state, or even give an accurate guess, regarding what the actual standard deviation is for the recorded sample of the baby’s shoulder widths at birth.

    That is, the standard deviation for the British Journal study could be as high as 1.194 inches (for example), which would put BHO-II’s shoulder width at only 1 standard deviation above the mean, or it could be 0.413 inches (for example), which would put his shoulder width at 2.9 standard deviations above the mean. The latter figure is the standard deviation reported in the CDC study that I cited in the following post:

    We just don’t know and can not accurately even guess what the standard deviation is in the British Journal study because it is neither specifically reported nor the individual sample readings given, which would allow one to calculate the figure.

    The current post contains lots of good information and I have placed a reference to it over on the Inspector Smith Forum under the above cited URL.

  4. @ Bruce:
    I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this post and thank you for taking the time to read it.

    “Without a record of the individual shoulder width readings in the British Journal study, it is IMPOSSIBLE to state, or even give an accurate guess, regarding what the actual standard deviation is for the recorded sample of the baby’s shoulder widths at birth.”

    “That is, the standard deviation for the British Journal study could be as high as 1.194 inches (for example), which would put BHO-II’s shoulder width at only 1 standard deviation above the mean, or it could be 0.413 inches (for example), which would put his shoulder width at 2.9 standard deviations above the mean. The latter figure is the standard deviation reported in the CDC study that I cited in the following post:”

    You are absolutely correct.

    Moreover, now that I think about I should NOT have tainted (that’s the only term I can think of which accurately fits) an otherwise fairly objective report with a segment based roundly and altogether on instinct rather than intellect. I understand now that it was a visceral reaction which had no foundation other than my gut.

    “In my opinion I don’t see how a difference of 1.194 inches would fall outside of the standard deviation of a mean average of 4.826 inches.” — ah! If was Jerome Corsi I could just deleted that segment and pretend that I never wrote it! (lol!).

    However, I don’t operate like that and the segment will remain (as it would in a tangible paper newspaper) and will also serve as a reminder to me to be more disciplined in the future.

    Thank you again Bruce.

  5. Bruce says:

    Lucas Daniel Smith wrote:

    @ Bruce:
    “Without a record of the individual shoulder width readings in the British Journal study, it is IMPOSSIBLE to state, or even give an accurate guess, regarding what the actual standard deviation is for the recorded sample of the baby’s shoulder widths at birth.” …………..


    In reviewing my preceding comment, I see that I made two errors. Sorry!

    They really don’t change the overall thrust of my comment, but they do need to be recorded.

    (1) I mistakenly referenced a ‘CDC study’, whereas this actually was the British Journal study.

    (2) I now see that the abstract for the British Journal study actually does cite the standard deviation for the data to be 10.50 mm.

    “RESULTS: The mean newborn shoulder width was 122.06 mm (10.50 SD).” – (bold emphasis added)

    Again, I apologize for any confusion caused by the above cited errors on my part.

  6. Bruce wrote:

    (2) I now see that the abstract for the British Journal study actually does cite the standard deviation for the data to be 10.50 mm.

    ah! I too missed it, how did I overlook “SD” as meaning anything but Standard Division!

    Its right there in plain sight on the first page of the study! ah!

    If only I were Jerome Corsi then I could make this whole thing disappear and I’d be a super-scholar!

  7. greatkim says:

    probably someone already pointed this out:

    Standard deviation is the square root of the variance

  8. greatkim says:

    academic papers are subject to peer review. Please go ahead since even measurements beyond std dev (outside confidence interval) have a slight chance of occurring. Like in politics: Bush 50±3, Obama 49±3

  9. Sam Sewell says:

    From AKA Obama’s Grandmother – Time to re-post this evidence
    This affidavit from a pastor in Kenya, Kweli Shuhubia states:


    I, Kweli Shuhubia am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action. If called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath as follows I am an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a native evangelist and translator for the Anabaptist churches in Kenya. I am the official Swahili translator for the annual Anabaptists Conference held each year in Africa, working with the American bishops sitting upon the Continental Presbytery of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa. I am fluent in Swahili and in English. I am a former teacher in Kenya, and travel extensively in the ministries of the Anabaptists Churches of Africa throughout Kenya, Uganda and the Sudan.

    It is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the United States Presidential candidate, was born in Mombosa Kenya. Senator Obama’s grandmother still resides in the village of Alego-Kogello, approximately 37 miles from Kisumu City.

    During my interview of Sarah Obama; I called Bishop Ron McRae in the United States from my mobile number. I advised Bishop McRae that I was present with Ms. Obama in her home, and wished for him to speak with her. Bishop McRae informed me he would call me right back, to avoid the international costs on my personal mobile phone. Bishop McRae subsequently called me back; Bishop McRae requested permission to electronically record his telephone conversations with Ms. Obama, to which I agreed.

    Due to bad telephone connections Bishop McRae had to call me back three [3] times, before we were able to continue our conversation. The telephone interview conducted by Bishop McRae was conducted on loud speaker (speaker phone). During the interview conversation, one of Ms. Obama’s grandsons’s and myself acted as Swahili translators, and as Bishop McRae talked to and questioned Ms. Obama, we would translate what Bishop McRae said to Ms. Obama in Swahili, and then we would translate her Swahili responses to Bishop McRae in English. Ms. Obama can fluently speak Swahili in her native dialect, but cannot read or write.

    Bishop McRae asked Ms. Obama specifically, “Were you present when your grandson Barack Obama was born in Kenya?” This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she specifically replied, “Yes”. It appeared Ms. Obama’s relatives and her grandson, handling the translating,, had obviously been versed to counter such facts with the purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii. Despite this, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States. When Ms. Obama’s grandson attempted to counter his grandmother’s clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Obama in Kenya, Bishop McRae asked her grandson, how she could be present at Barack Obama’s birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but the grandson would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, “No, No, No.

    He was born in the United States!” But during the conversation, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama never changed her reply that she was in deed present when Senator Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

    This is one of many such sworn statements from individuals in Kenya that interviewed or witnessed the interview of Obama’s grandmother.

  10. The Magic M says:

    First, while you spend many paragraphs on detailing why shoulder measurements were taken, you give no explanation why this would be recorded on a birth certificate.

    Today, many tests are being taken with a newborn child, yet none of their results (from blood type to hair colour) are recorded on their BC.

    > In my opinion I don’t see how a difference of 1.194 inches would fall outside of the standard deviation of a mean average of 4.826 inches.

    Also from said abstract:
    “Stepwise multiple regression showed that newborn shoulder width was significantly associated with birthweight (P < 0.001)"

    So you're saying "baby Obama" was outside that "significant association" by having a 25% (!) increased shoulder width while having a pretty average (by today's standards) weight?
    How disformed was "baby Obama" in your opinion?

    I'd say whoever cobbled this together had *no* idea about what is/was normal for a baby.

  11. ehancock says:


    There is no Reverend Kweli Shuhubia. It is a pseudonym, and an “affidavit” by a person who does not give his real name has no legal weight. And in fact, it is possible to lie, even when you give your real name, which other lying birther “affidavits” have done. The fact is that the government of Kenya said that it investigated and that Obama was not born there, and the government of Hawaii—-officials of both parties—says that Obama was born there. And when the government of Kenya says he was not born there and the government of Hawaii says that he was born there, lying “affidavits” do not convince anyone.

    Moreover, the transcript of the telephone interview with Obama’s Kenyan grandmother shows that she repeatedly said that Obama was born in HAWAII right after she was asked “Where was he born?” And birther sites simply cut off the tape recording and the transcript of it just before she was asked “Where was he born?”

    Would you like to see the transcript???

    The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on alleged birth certificates, like that of Lucas D. Smith, and falsifications–such as the claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—when she actually said right on the same tape that he was born IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

    Lucas D. Smith claimed that he went to Kenya and got Obama’s birth certificate at a hospital in Mombasa. But Lucas D. Smith has constantly refused to show proof that he, Smith, had ever gone to Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to show a Kenya stamp on a page of a passport, but Lucas D. Smith has refused to do that, constantly, and he has also constantly refused to say why he will not show that proof.

    Laying aside for a moment the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the evidence that Obama was NOT born in Kenya is also very strong. There were a grand total of 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Of these only seven were US citizens. And the birther myth has always been that Obama’s parents went there and returned by plane, but only one person came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 by plane and that person was, wait for it, NOT a US citizen. And Obama’s father did not go to Kenya in 1961 either (making it unlikely that his mother did, since travel late in pregnancy was rare, and even more rare without the husband going along). WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961.

    And the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya” story, and found that it was not true.

    “Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

    “It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday.“His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.””

    Obama has a Hawaii birth certificate that says that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, and the officials of both parties in Hawaii have confirmed that fact. It is also confirmed by the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961, which were sent to the papers only by the DOH of Hawaii.

    Obama’s birth announcement appeared in a section of the newspapers called Health Bureau Statistics. As the name indicates, and as the papers and the DOH also say, ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to the Health Bureau Statistics section of the paper. And the DOH only sent out those notices for children that it had issued birth certificates for, and in 1961 the DOH was not allowed to register the births of children who were not born in Hawaii.

    Oh, and there is this:

    Is that all? NO there is more.

    Birthers allege that the Kenyan government has hidden all documents that prove that Obama’s mother went to Kenya. Well, that is possible, but not likely—such things tend to leak. But what about the US government? Did it hide its records too?

    That is because, obviously, if a child were born in Kenya she or he would need a US travel document to get to the USA. We simply do not allow a child to be carried into the USA without some form of official document. (Except some are smuggled across the Mexican and Canadian borders, but Kenya does not have a land border with the USA.) And a US travel document, such as having Obama added to his mother’s US passport would have required an application for that document in the US consulate in Nairobi Kenya.

    That application would have been filed in multiple files, and there would have been communication about it with Washington, so it would be difficult to be lost or scrapped. And the Bush Administration was in charge of the US State Department for eight years until early 2009, so they could have found it, and if they did they would surely have shown it, and they didn’t.

    So, for the “born in Kenya” story to be true, both Kenya and the Bush Administration must be part of a plot. Hawaii too, of course, and that would include the former Republican governor of Hawaii. And the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers that were placed by the DOH in the Hawaii newspapers (and only the DOH could put notices into the Health Bureau Statistics section of the papers) in 1961 would have to be fraudulent too.

    And, Kenya is about ten thousand miles from Hawaii, and the idea that Obama’s parents had that kind of money (Obama’s American grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother was just a low-level employee in a bank at the time) or would spend it on a trip while Obama’s mother was late in pregnancy (which was very rare in those days) and take the risk of stillbirth and Yellow Fever (which was endemic in Kenya, and a Yellow Fever shot is bad during pregnancy) is nutty in the extreme.

    The bottom line: There is no proof that Obama’s mother went to Kenya and it is highly unlikely that she did. The Kenyan government and Obama’s relatives both say that he was not born there. If he were born in Kenya there would have to be US government documents saying that his family applied for a passport or a visa, and there isn’t any. There is no INS check in for Obama or his mother (which would normally have taken place in New York, since there were no direct flights, and those files are not missing), and the birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of both parties and the Index Data and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers all show that he was born in Hawaii.




    @ greatkim:
    ———– WHO GIVES A RAT ‘ S ASS ??????????

  14. ehancock says:


    What gives you the nutty idea that Lucas ever went to Kenya? And, if he didn’t, he had loads of time, unlimited time, to do exactly what y0u say that he did not have time to do. And yet, Lucas refuses to show any evidence that he had ever been in Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to scan his passport showing the Kenya stamp on it, but he has never done this.

    The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on alleged birth certificates, like that of Lucas D. Smith, and falsifications–such as the claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—when she actually said right on the same tape that he was born IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

    Lucas D. Smith claimed that he went to Kenya and got Obama’s birth certificate at a hospital in Mombasa. But Lucas D. Smith has constantly refused to show proof that he, Smith, had ever gone to Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to show a Kenya stamp on a page of a passport, but Lucas D. Smith has refused to do that, constantly, and he has also constantly refused to say why he will not show that proof.

    Laying aside for a moment the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the evidence that Obama was NOT born in Kenya is also very strong. There were a grand total of 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Of these only seven were US citizens. And the birther myth has always been that Obama’s parents went there and returned by plane, but only one person came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 by plane and that person was, wait for it, NOT a US citizen. And Obama’s father did not go to Kenya in 1961 either (making it unlikely that his mother did, since travel late in pregnancy was rare, and even more rare without the husband going along). WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961.

    And the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya” story, and found that it was not true.

    “Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

    “It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday.“His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.””

    Obama has a Hawaii birth certificate that says that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, and the officials of both parties in Hawaii have confirmed that fact. It is also confirmed by the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961, which were sent to the papers only by the DOH of Hawaii.

    Obama’s birth announcement appeared in a section of the newspapers called Health Bureau Statistics. As the name indicates, and as the papers and the DOH also say, ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to the Health Bureau Statistics section of the paper. And the DOH only sent out those notices for children that it had issued birth certificates for, and in 1961 the DOH was not allowed to register the births of children who were not born in Hawaii.

    Oh, and there is this:

    Is that all? NO there is more.

    Birthers allege that the Kenyan government has hidden all documents that prove that Obama’s mother went to Kenya. Well, that is possible, but not likely—such things tend to leak. But what about the US government? Did it hide its records too?

    That is because, obviously, if a child were born in Kenya she or he would need a US travel document to get to the USA. We simply do not allow a child to be carried into the USA without some form of official document. (Except some are smuggled across the Mexican and Canadian borders, but Kenya does not have a land border with the USA.) And a US travel document, such as having Obama added to his mother’s US passport would have required an application for that document in the US consulate in Nairobi Kenya.

    That application would have been filed in multiple files, and there would have been communication about it with Washington, so it would be difficult to be lost or scrapped. And the Bush Administration was in charge of the US State Department for eight years until early 2009, so they could have found it, and if they did they would surely have shown it, and they didn’t.

    So, for the “born in Kenya” story to be true, both Kenya and the Bush Administration must be part of a plot. Hawaii too, of course, and that would include the former Republican governor of Hawaii. And the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers that were placed by the DOH in the Hawaii newspapers (and only the DOH could put notices into the Health Bureau Statistics section of the papers) in 1961 would have to be fraudulent too.

    And, Kenya is about ten thousand miles from Hawaii, and the idea that Obama’s parents had that kind of money (Obama’s American grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother was just a low-level employee in a bank at the time) or would spend it on a trip while Obama’s mother was late in pregnancy (which was very rare in those days) and take the risk of stillbirth and Yellow Fever (which was endemic in Kenya, and a Yellow Fever shot is bad during pregnancy) is nutty in the extreme.

    The bottom line: There is no proof that Obama’s mother went to Kenya and it is highly unlikely that she did. The Kenyan government and Obama’s relatives both say that he was not born there. If he were born in Kenya there would have to be US government documents saying that his family applied for a passport or a visa, and there isn’t any. There is no INS check in for Obama or his mother (which would normally have taken place in New York, since there were no direct flights, and those files are not missing), and the birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of both parties and the Index Data and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers all show that he was born in Hawaii.

  15. Rambo Ike says:

    @ ehancock:

    Re: “Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.”

    Chessoni can’t understand why? The answer is a nobrainer.

    Obama has been telling people since gradeschool he is a foreigner either through his statements and/or actions, or through other people associated with him.

    If everything on the ‘original records’ are as Obama & his operatives claim then there should be no problem releasing them for inspection to document experts who represent the interests of both sides. Until that is done then any claims of a birth place other than Hawaii are just as viable.

    What if the records are released and it’s found that the info on file doesn’t match the copies? Where will people look to next for the birth? Kenya?

    You keep claiming hearsay & a couple birth announcements as proof. We all know people lie. Just think about how many whoppers we’ve caught Obama telling, and the Obots can’t get through a day without lying about the Birthers. Then we have the announcements, circumstancial evidence that was generated by another source, a source that is kept hidden from the American people.

    You, ehancock, and your fellow Obots have no respect for the American people & their rights. Back in 2008 when I was following the Berg lawsuit I realized this issue was backasswards when Berg said “If the American people don’t have standing then who does?” That has been my main problem on this birth issue.

    I sure you’ve read Amazon’s description of your theorist buddy’s book: “Even after Barack Obama’s release of an official long-form birth certificate online, a Gallup poll showed that fewer than half of Americans are fully convinced that Barack Obama was actually born in the United States. In a single month, more than 700 YouTube videos were posted on whether or not the long-form birth certificate is a fake — with the vast majority claiming, based on examinations of the computer file, that it is……”

    Only thing being established here is whether or not Obama & operatives are telling the truth about where he was born. It does not resolve citizenship status, and definitely not NBC which he can never be.

  16. ehancock says:

    Actually, there is no proof that Obama’s mother even had a passport in 1961. And her family certainly did not have enough money, or were stupid enough to spend any of it, on a long and risky (incidence of stillbirths were high in those days) trip ALONE to Kenya, when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii.

    So, it is not merely the Hawaii birth certificate and the confirmation of it by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, and by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the newspapers). It is the fact that Obama’s mother’s travel in 1961 has not been proven, and would be most unlikely due to the high expense (and Obama’s grandparents were by no means rich) and huge risk of the trip. And, in addition to the Kenyan government saying that Obama was NOT born in Kenya, there are the records of the US INS for 1961, and they show that only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961, and of them only seven were US citizens—and of those seven not even one came by air.

  17. Mary says:


    I see you disappeared my comment about how “baby Obama” on your fake Kenyan BC is a Dwarf.

    So you are trying to paper over it with this stupid “width between shoulders” crap.


    Hey Lucas, if one is concerned about shoulder dystocia, what is the point of measuring “width between shoulders” AFTER the baby is born???

    You are the most laughable fraud ever!

  18. Mary wrote:

    I see you disappeared my comment about how “baby Obama” on your fake Kenyan BC is a Dwarf.
    So you are trying to paper over it with this stupid “width between shoulders” crap.
    Hey Lucas, if one is concerned about shoulder dystocia, what is the point of measuring “width between shoulders” AFTER the baby is born???
    You are the most laughable fraud ever!

    Calm down, Cujo. No one here “disappeared” your previous comment. You posted your previous comment (May 3, 2013 at 8:33 pm) on a different WOBIK blog report:

    “Funny how you NEVER have addressed the FACT that the weight and length of your purported “baby Obama” on your FAKE Kenyan birth certificate is so far off the wt/lt charts that it indicates the child would be a Dwarf. Yeah, President Obama really looks like a dwarf. Mebbe you should look for records of leg transplants. LOL. Also hospitals do not issue anything but vanity birth certificates – have you found any from non-US hospitals? There is NO REASON to keep a copy of such in a medical record. PLUS, even US hospitals don’t keep records beyond the required limit (as Mikki Booth and several others have discovered). An impoverished African hospital most certainly wouldn’t have maintained records for close to half a century. We continue to laugh at you Lucas. A pitiful lying criminal.”

    Unlike the Dr Conspiracy website and The Fogbow website we here at WOBIK advocate free speech and we do not practice censorship nor do we place incoming comments in moderation.

  19. Mary says:

    You also never address the issues.

    The “baby” on your fake BC is waaaay short. President Obama is of above average height.

    You cannot find a single birth certificate, hospital keepsake or government-issued, that lists “width between shoulders”.

    There is NO reason to measure “width between shoulders” except for a medical research study. The measurements that are done on newborns are: length, weight, head circumference, chest circumference and abdominal circumference. There are good medical reasons for doing those measurements. There is NO medical consequence of the “width between shoulders” of an infant after delivery.

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