Corsi Refers to Obama’s Alleged “Official 1961 Birth Records from Kenya”

The Post & Email, by Sharon Rondeau — March 7, 2019




In an article dated October 23, 2008, WND wrote:

Corsi reported that when he was in Kenya he was told that Obama actually was born not in Honolulu but in Mombosa, on the Kenyan coast. He also said he was told by government officials there that his records were sealed and nothing could be released.

(bold emphasis added)


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3 Responses to Corsi Refers to Obama’s Alleged “Official 1961 Birth Records from Kenya”

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Exclusive: Corsi Corrects the Record

    The Post & Email
    by Sharon Rondeau
    March 7, 2019

    Exclusive: Corsi Corrects the Record

  2. Bruce Steadman says:

    VIDEO: CNN Interview Goes off Rails After Jerome Corsi’s Lawyer Insists Obama Birth Certificate Fraudulent

  3. Thanks for sharing Bruce!

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