Coyote Caravan Coming to Help Progressive Left Take Trump Down

Canada Free Press
by Judi McLeod


If you believe that a caravan of more than 1,000 people, now making its way through Mexico towards the U.S. border, sprang up from nowhere overnight, then you would also believe that former President Barack Obama had the best interest of America at heart when his administration allowed an influx of unattended minors into into the U.S. back in 2014.

Caravans have been part of the immigration picture for some time now, including before the election of President Donald Trump.

The MSM and social media presentation of the latest caravan as a group of desperate, bedraggled migrants just looking for a safe port in the U.S., is disingenuous at best.

These determined Central America migrants want in on changing the current populist politics of the U.S.A. and are determined to force their way through to have a go at it.

Their list of demands is one they expect President Trump to comply with, including unfettered access to the U.S. upon their expected mid-May arrival. (InforWars, April 2, 2018)

“Pueblo sin Fronteras, the political outreach group who organized the caravan, released a press statement for the United States, Mexico, and their respective Central American governments.

“We demand of the Mexico and the United States: that they respect our rights as refugees and our right to dignified work to be able to support our families,” the statements read.

“The second demand is “that they open the borders to us because we are as much citizens as the people of the countries where we are and/or travel.”


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3 Responses to Coyote Caravan Coming to Help Progressive Left Take Trump Down

  1. Bruce says:

    Central American ‘caravan’ to end in Mexico City, migrants defiant

    by Delphine Schrank

  2. Bruce says:

    BOOM! Illegal Alien Caravan Reportedly ABANDONS Plan To Flood US-Mexico Border

    President Donald Trump scored a big win Wednesday after a caravan of illegal aliens reportedly opted to abandon traveling to the US-Mexico border.

    Gateway Pundit
    by Joshua Caplan

    BOOM! Illegal Alien Caravan Reportedly ABANDONS Plan To Flood US-Mexico Border

  3. Bruce says:

    How Trump beat the left at its own game with the caravan to our border

    American Thinker
    by Thomas Lifson

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