Dave Chappelle stand-up comedy – Saturday Night Live 11.12.2016 – He is going to give Donald Trump a chance and is wishing him luck

I haven’t seen Dave Chappelle in a while but he was on Saturday Night Live (SNL) last night.  He’s a tremendously funny comedian as well as an exceptionally talented screenwriter, producer and actor. It’s also worth mentioning that he was born and raised in Washington, D.C.

His performance on SNL consisted of a witty and insightful stand-up monologue which went on for about 11 and a half minutes.  The entire thing was extremely funny and classy (nothing dirty or distasteful)!

Chappelle’s comical and tactful performance covered, though was not limited to, the following:

(1) the recent white riots in Portland (Oregon)

(2Omarosa at Trump’s Victory Speech (WOBIK note: will she be appointed to a key position in Trump’s administration?)

(3) fake ISIS attacks

(4) Cincinnati Police more reluctant to shoot gorillas than they are to shoot black people

(5) why Trump Hotels are swell (as in excellent)

(6) tax cuts for rich blacks (including Chappelle himself)

(7) history of black Americans in the White House

In closing Chappelle stated that he is hopeful and proud to be an American and that he is wishing Donald Trump Luck and that I’m going to give him [i.e., Trump] a chance and we the historically disenfranchised [i.e., black Americans] demand that he give us one too.

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4 Responses to Dave Chappelle stand-up comedy – Saturday Night Live 11.12.2016 – He is going to give Donald Trump a chance and is wishing him luck

  1. Bruce says:

    Dave Chappelle’s Heartfelt ‘SNL’ Monologue Reveals The True Source Of Career Success

    when success threatened what he cherished, he walked away, only to return on his own terms

    you have to be willing to walk away from something good if you ever want to build something great

    by Drew Hansen, Contributor


    In 2005, Dave Chappelle surprised everyone when he left his show on Comedy Central, walking away from a $50 million contract.

    Since then he’s been thought of as a ”renegade to some, a lunatic to others, but most of all, an enigma.”

    He never left comedy entirely, although three years ago he began to resurface more consistently, first with a radio appearance, then a stand-up tour. Recently he’s performed in New York City, and tonight he made his debut as host of sketch comedy show, Saturday Night Live.

    The show opened with Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clinton performing a rendition of Leonard Cohen’s song “Hallelujah.”

    During his monologue, Chappelle reflected on a recent opportunity to visit the White House, noting that Frederick Douglass was escorted away by two policeman when he attempted to enter the White House to congratulate the President Lincoln on his Second Inaugural Address. Only after Lincoln found out he’d been turned away was Douglass admitted. Chappelle said he’d give Donald Trump a chance if the President-Elect would give blacks, a historically disenfranchised people, a chance too.

    His SNL appearance is the latest milestone in what some call his comeback. Yet the twists and turns in his career and the motivations behind his return reveal lessons for anyone interested in achieving excellence in their chosen vocation.

    View the complete article, including image and video, at:


  2. LLDS will be caught soon says:

    Thank you for posting this video. Too bad the content doesn’t match the headline. Will LLDS ever learn? Probably not.

  3. Bruce says:

    Obama Negotiates Stealth Deal with Australia to Take Rejected Refugees from Islamic Countries


    The Post & Email
    by Sharon Rondeau

    (Nov. 24, 2016) — In a tweet on Thursday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley informed the public that the Obama regime has apparently been in negotiations with Australia to accept refugees from Islamic countries which Australia has refused to accept.

    A letter dated November 22, 2016 from Grassley and House Judiciary Chairman Robert Goodlatte addressed to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson begins:

    On November 11, a press report surfaced disclosing that the United States Government was finalizing a deal with Australia in which the United States would take refugees located on certain Pacific island nations that Australia has refused to admit. Congress learned, through the media, that 1,800 migrants interdicted before reaching Australia’s shores, could be transferred from detention facilities in Papua New Guinea and Nauru to U.S. soil.


    View the complete article, including image, at:

    Obama Negotiates Stealth Deal with Australia to Take Rejected Refugees from Islamic Countries

  4. Bruce says:


    VERY SAD — We seem to be RAPIDLY GOING BACKWARDS regarding Race and Political Relations in the USA.

    As a consequence, I think we are entering the most DANGEROUS TIME in our country’s history since the Civil War.

    “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” – Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858



    UMich students demand no-whites-allowed space to plot social justice activism

    Mason Clark – The Kings College NYC


    A student activist group at the University of Michigan is demanding campus officials provide them with a permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.

    The demand is one of several lodged by ‘Students4Justice’, who this month ratcheted up campus demonstrations to pressure administrators to cave, complaining in a newly launched petition that President Mark Schlissel has snubbed their demands.

    The clamor for a segregated space for students of color to organize social justice efforts comes even as the public university builds a $10 million center for black students in the center of campus.

    In their demands, students explain why the new black student center is not enough, because we want a space solely dedicated to community organizing and social justice work specifically for people of color.

    We want documentation of past, current, and future student activism and this should be a permanent space that is staffed, and has resources for students to organize and share resources, the demand letter states.

    ………………………………………….. ………………

    View the complete article, including image and links, at:

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