Democrats blame Trump for Obamacare’s failure

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Democrats blame Trump for Obamacare’s failure

American Thinker
by J. Marsolo


Obama and the Democrats passed Obamacare on a straight party vote without any Republican input or votes using a parliamentary trick by Harry Reid. Among other lies, Obama promised that premiums would be reduced and everyone would keep his doctor. The basis of Obamacare was to force young healthy Americans to purchase expensive health insurance for coverage they did not need and to have taxpayers pay insurance companies to subsidize premiums for low-income Americans.

The health insurance issues could have been, and still can be, resolved by specific laws dealing with specific issues. For example, allow insurance to be sold across state lines, allow consumers to choose coverage, increase the amounts in health savings accounts (HSAs), allow for payment of premiums using HSAs, allow deductibility of all health costs and premiums from gross income, enact tort reform to limit punitive damage awards and non-economic losses, use VA hospitals to treat uninsured and those with pre-existing conditions, and others.

Instead of honestly dealing with the specific problems, Obama revamped the entire health insurance system and brought it under federal control to supposedly provide health insurance to about 12 million uninsured, when the vast majority of Americans, probably over 300 million, had health insurance. The real purpose was to extend federal control over a large portion of the economy and create more voters dependent on the Democratic Party.

Whether by design or incompetence, Obamacare has failed. Premiums have soared; consumers have no choice in coverage, nor sometimes in selection of doctors; we still have uninsured; employers have reduced the hours of employees to avoid providing health insurance; and health insurance companies have withdrawn from Obamacare.

During the past six months, Republicans have tried to fashion a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare. The House finally passed a bill. The Senate has failed to pass a bill. The problem is that the Republicans use Obamacare as a starting point to improve it and make it efficient. As a result, there are differences among the Republicans about how to fix this mess. The Democrats and their cheerleaders in the Destroy Trump Media have sat back to mock and criticize the Republicans without offering any help to fix the problem the Democrats created with Obamacare.


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