Diamond and Silk FURIOUS After Facebook Reveals Why Their Content Has Been Censored

Gateway Pundit
by Cristina Laila


Diamond and Silk unloaded on Facebook Friday night after the social media giant finally responded to their many inquiries as to why Facebook is censoring their content and brand.

The dynamic duo boast over 1.2 million Facebook followers on their main Diamond and Silk page.

Diamond and Silk say their reach on Facebook has dramatically reduced prompting them to seek answers from Facebook.

After giving them the runaround for months, Facebook responded with, “The Policy team has came to the conclusion that your content and your brand has been determined unsafe to the community.”

Even worse, Facebook said their ‘decision is final and it is not appeal-able in any way.’


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One Response to Diamond and Silk FURIOUS After Facebook Reveals Why Their Content Has Been Censored

  1. Bruce says:

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