Donald J. Trump, as elected POTUS, together with Team Arpaio, will provide us with the best chance in 2017 of exposing KENYAN-BORN OBAMA as a LIAR, FRAUD and IMPOSTOR

It is estimated that Trump will initially need to acquire about 1100 delegates in order to ultimately assemble the required 1237 delegates necessary to be declared the Republican nominee for POTUS on the first official delegate ballot.

RNC rules member: Trump will win nod if he gets 1,100 delegates

The Hill
By Jesse Byrnes

As of 4/12/2016, Trump has assembled 743 delegates, 357 delegates short of the 1100 estimated requirement and 494 delegates short of the 1237 ‘hard’ number of delegates actually REQUIRED by the RNC for him to be declared the nominee.

Canadian-born, ‘RINO Trojan Horse’ Ted Cruz has assembled 545 delegates and is currently in second place.

Updated: 2016 presidential election delegate tracker link

At this stage of the process, I don’t have a strong feeling as to what may occur regarding the POTUS nominee selection at the GOP Convention in July if Trump comes in just short of the required 1237 delegates on the first ballot. The Republican Establishment hates Cruz almost as much as they hate Trump.

845 (392 additional required) – 4/20/2016
953 (284 additional required) – 4/27/2016
1047 (190 additional required) – 5/4/2016
1134 (103 additional required) – 5/13/2016
1160 (77 additional required) – 5/18/2016

1239 (Zero Additional Required)
— Includes 1144 bound delegates + 95 Unbound delegates – Updated 6/2/2016

1536 (Zero Additional Required)
— Includes 1441 bound delegates + 95 Unbound delegates – 6/8/2016

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90 Responses to Donald J. Trump, as elected POTUS, together with Team Arpaio, will provide us with the best chance in 2017 of exposing KENYAN-BORN OBAMA as a LIAR, FRAUD and IMPOSTOR

  1. Bruce says:

    Full Event: Donald Trump Holds HUGE Rally in Pittsburgh, PA (4-13-16)

  2. Bruce says:

    Trump: The Amazing American

  3. Bruce says:

    Let Me Ask America a Question

    How has the ‘system’ been working out for you and your family? No wonder voters demand change.

    The Wall Street Journal
    By Donald J. Trump (Op-Ed)


    On Saturday, April 9, Colorado had an “election” without voters. Delegates were chosen on behalf of a presidential nominee, yet the people of Colorado were not able to cast their ballots to say which nominee they preferred.

    A planned vote had been canceled. And one million Republicans in Colorado were sidelined.

    In recent days, something all too predictable has happened: Politicians furiously defended the system. “These are the rules,” we were told over and over again. If the “rules” can be used to block Coloradans from voting on whether they want better trade deals, or stronger borders, or an end to special-interest vote-buying in Congress—well, that’s just the system and we should embrace it.

    Let me ask America a question: How has the “system” been working out for you and your family?

    I, for one, am not interested in defending a system that for decades has served the interest of political parties at the expense of the people. Members of the club—the consultants, the pollsters, the politicians, the pundits and the special interests—grow rich and powerful while the American people grow poorer and more isolated.

    No one forced anyone to cancel the vote in Colorado. Political insiders made a choice to cancel it. And it was the wrong choice.

    Responsible leaders should be shocked by the idea that party officials can simply cancel elections in America if they don’t like what the voters may decide.

    The only antidote to decades of ruinous rule by a small handful of elites is a bold infusion of popular will. On every major issue affecting this country, the people are right and the governing elite are wrong. The elites are wrong on taxes, on the size of government, on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy.

    Why should we trust the people who have made every wrong decision to substitute their will for America’s will in this presidential election?

    Here, I part ways with Sen. Ted Cruz.

    Mr. Cruz has toured the country bragging about his voterless victory in Colorado. For a man who styles himself as a warrior against the establishment (you wouldn’t know it from his list of donors and endorsers), you’d think he would be demanding a vote for Coloradans. Instead, Mr. Cruz is celebrating their disenfranchisement.

    Likewise, Mr. Cruz loudly boasts every time party insiders disenfranchise voters in a congressional district by appointing delegates who will vote the opposite of the expressed will of the people who live in that district.

    That’s because Mr. Cruz has no democratic path to the nomination. He has been mathematically eliminated by the voters.

    View the complete article, including image, at:

  4. Bruce says:

    Wikipedia Link: List of Donald Trump presidential campaign endorsements, 2016,_2016

  5. Bruce says:

    Meet the Georgians leading Donald Trump’s minority outreach effort

    Atlanta Journal Constitution /
    by Greg Bluestein


    New York – A few days ago, Bruce LeVell was sitting anxiously at the back of an Alpharetta club hoping to win a vote to be a delegate for Donald Trump. A few weeks ago, Dahlys Hamilton was the Georgia Hispanic outreach coordinator for the Republican frontrunner’s biggest rival.

    On Monday, the two were at the center of a swirl of TV cameras and media attention at Trump Tower to unveil a new minority outreach campaign for the billionaire as he tries to lock down the GOP nomination. The National Diversity Coalition for Trump organized an “honorary cabinet” with LeVell, a Dunwoody jeweler, at its top.

    “When we get past the wheeling and dealing, Mr. Trump is going to be the Republican nominee. There’s no question. So we need to unite,” said LeVell, who narrowly won a slot as a Georgia delegate to the Cleveland convention. “There’s a bad rumor out there that he’s a racist. I don’t know how else to put it, but it’s wrong.”

    Trump’s plans to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico and deport illegal immigrants have helped him build a dominating lead in the Republican presidential race, but they’ve also renewed questions about whether he can grow his support from a base of mostly white men. Mitt Romney won less than one-fifth of black voters in 2012, and some Democrats predict Trump could fare worse.

    The coalition was dreamed up by Trump adviser Michael Cohen as a way to counter that image before New York’s vote Tuesday and a round of other primaries in diverse states like Pennsylvania, Maryland and California over the next six weeks. The coalition is expected to play an increasing role in the upcoming states.

    Hamilton was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s liaison to the Hispanic community in Georgia until she bolted for Trump’s camp a few weeks ago, announcing on her Facebook page in capital letters: “I’m getting off ‘Lyin’ Ted’s’ Cruz ship and boarding the Trump train!”

    “I’ve always liked Trump. I was probably the only Cruz person who liked Trump and I found myself always defending Trump,” Hamilton said before the rally.

    “I hate all the racism accusations. I get them all the time, people asking ‘How can you be Hispanic and still conservative?’” said Hamilton, who was born in Panama and raised by a Puerto Rican father. “Well, you can. I believe in the rule of law. I believe English should be the official language of government in Georgia. And I believe illegal immigrants should be deported.”

    View the complete article, including links and video, at:

    Diversity group aims to soften Trump’s image

  6. Seven years and counting. says:

    These birther fantasies get more desperate, and require an increasing number of moving parts to become plausible.

    In 275 days, Obama will leave the White House, and retire to the private sector, with all the amenities afforded to an ex-President. His successor won’t touch him. I don’t know why you’re so set on riling yourself up with even MORE false hope. Did the last seven years teach you nothing, about hoping for things you know aren’t going to happen?

    Seven years has seen over 200 failed birther court cases, numerous debunked conspiracies, the rise and fall of con men like Mike Zullo, and even a few birthers dropping dead. Even several promises of armed insurrection and rebellion. No impeached/arrested Obama though. You’ve got a better chance of meeting Capslock Patriot in the hottest part of the afterlife, than ever seeing Obama convicted of anything. The reason isn’t that “the system is corrupt” or that “the fix is in”, but rather, you were wrong, about everything.

  7. Bruce says:

    Only about NINE MONTHS now and COUNTING DOWN till the Presidential Inauguration of Donald J. Trump!

    Trump just received 60.1% of the votes in the 4/19/2016 New York Republican Presidential Primary.

    He now has 845 delegates committed for the first ballot at the July GOP convention in Cleveland. This is only 392 delegates short of the 1237 delegates required for POTUS candidate nomination.

    Tip for O-Minions: Your best chance to possibly escape some of the POLITICAL MAYHEM most certainly coming in 2017 for OBAMA THE KENYAN-BORN FRAUD AND HIS MAJOR ENABLERS, from Trump and Arpaio, is to ABANDON YOUR SINKING SHIP NOW AND SWIM LIKE HELL away from Obama and Washington, DC in any direction of your choosing!

  8. Fan of Falcon says:

    @ Seven years and counting.:
    Do you have any other purpose in your shallow existence other than posting here trying to aggravate people who do not share your love for the mulatto usurper?

  9. Bruce says:

    Trump Nears Nomination

    The Weekly Standard
    By Fred Barnes


    An hour before polls closed in five states last night, Our Principles PAC declared that Donald Trump would sweep all five primaries. No worry, the anti-Trump outfit said. “The path to the nomination does not hinge” on any of these outcomes.

    Really? Well, the anti-Trump folks had an explanation. The five states “have always been identified” as tough places to stop the Trump juggernaut. So those results – Trump won all five by wide margins – are “neither surprising nor decisive.”

    This is delusional. Trump, in fact, is on a roll. A few weeks ago, his campaign was said to be losing speed. He had peaked. Even when he won, his margins of victory were shrinking. And he couldn’t get to 50 percent.

    Then he won the New York primary with 60 percent a week ago. Yes, it is his home state. But now he has followed up by capturing Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, and Rhode Island in similar blowouts. Bill Hemmer of Fox News said he won every county in all five states.

    That his victories were not surprising is an indication of how Trump has taken command of the GOP race. Ted Cruz and John Kasich have become figures in his rear view mirror. The Cruz campaign, after winning in Wisconsin on April 5, has collapsed. Cruz is desperate. He now insists Trump can’t beat Hillary Clinton. Only he can. This is not a convincing argument.

    “I consider myself the presumptive nominee,” Trump said last night. “Absolutely.” I think he’s not quite there. If he wins in Indiana next week, he will be. And he’s in a strong position to take the state. It will take an intervening event – a Trump blunder, say – to hold him back.

    As the presumptive nominee, Trump has a new obligation. “The guy who has to unite the party is the presumptive nominee,” Newt Gingrich said. “That’s Donald Trump.” In other words, he has to take the initiative. His Republican detractors, including many conservatives, won’t come to him.

    View the complete article at:

  10. Bruce says:

    Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz was asked to speak at pro-Trump rallies on May 13 in San Fernando Valley and May 7 in Temecula

    Attorney Taitz was at Trump rally in Orange County. 31,000 attended. Taitz was asked to speak at pro-Trump rally on May 13 in San Fernando valley and May 7 in Temecula. Pictures will be posted later today

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.

    View the complete post, including comments, at:

  11. Bruce says:

    Black Female Executive Speaks Out About Working For Trump Family

    “… this is the right thing to do …”

    Western Journalism
    by Jack Davis


    Lynne Patton had had enough, so she decided to lay out exactly what she thought about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Patton, who is black, shared her judgments in a letter she read on a YouTube video, which has more than 127,000 views.

    “I can no longer remain silent about the repeated and reprehensible attempts to align my boss and his family with racist hate-mongering groups, campaigns and messaging,” wrote Patton, director of the Eric Trump Foundation and assistant to Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. She said the video was not part of her employment but was triggered by the reaction Trump has received during his campaign.

    “To the skeptics who will undoubtedly claim that I am doing this at the behest of the Trump family or with the promise of reward, I deliberately chose not to seek their approval nor council in advance to this video for fear that there would be more concern for me and its potential viral ramifications than they would be for themselves and the fact that quite simply this is the right thing to do,” said Patton, who posted the video on YouTube and has been flooded with comments on Twitter.

    “The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,” she said. “They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world – hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I’ve ever worked.”

    Patton defended Trump’s policies for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. and the construction of a wall with Mexico.

    “To equate racism with my boss’ call for a temporary moratorium on a flawed immigration system that radical Islamic terrorists continue to exploit, or the construction of an impassible wall to protect our borders from the influx of illegal drugs, is not only incendiary, it’s wholly irresponsible and only serves to embolden the very hatred these draconian groups espouse,” she wrote, later criticizing “paid protesters” who target Trump.

    View the complete article, including image and links, at:

  12. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump’s Full Indiana Victory Speech, 5/3/2016

  13. Bruce says:

    Constitutional Attorney and Doctor, Orly Taitz, speaks at pro-Trump rally

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.

    Link to post:

    Rally for Trump in Temecula, California May 7, 2016

    Note: The introduction to Dr. Taitz begins at about the 1:24 minute mark in the video.

  14. Where is Ike's Birth Certificate says:

    You wish! Shufjoe and three of his deputies were just found guilty. Sentencing starts on the 31st. Birtherism’s favorite rent-a-cop just got his goose cooked. Judge Snow is probably not going to show much in the way of mercy. Good for him!

  15. Larry Bland says:

    @ Where is Ike’s Birth Certificate: Sock puppeteer Bob Jones AKA Slow Bob, Bobby Boy and many other monikers of his own choice is at it again.

  16. Bruce says:

    Trump wins NRA endorsement, blasts Clinton on gun stance at forum


    The National Rifle Association threw its weight Friday behind Donald Trump, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee personally assured the group’s members he would protect Second Amendment rights if elected – and claimed that likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton would threaten them.

    The billionaire businessman and leaders of the nation’s powerful gun lobby joined forces as they amplified warnings that the Supreme Court vacancy only raises the stakes for gun owners in this election. Trump, speaking to the NRA-ILA (Institute for Legislative Action) forum in Louisville, Ky., even challenged Clinton on Friday to release a list of her potential Supreme Court nominees, after he did so earlier this week.

    “I would like for Hillary Clinton to put a list together also, and I want to see what the list consists of,” he said. “It will be day and night, it won’t be good for the people in this room and the country.”

    He charged, “Hillary Clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

    He addressed the NRA-ILA forum moments after Executive Director Chris Cox announced the group’s Trump endorsement.

    In a written statement, Cox also said: “The stakes in this year’s presidential election could not be higher for gun owners. If Hillary Clinton gets the opportunity to replace Antonin Scalia with an anti-gun Supreme Court justice, we will lose the individual right to keep a gun in the home for self-defense. … So the choice for gun owners in this election is clear. And that choice is Donald Trump.”

    The NRA’s endorsement comes significantly earlier in the election cycle than previous endorsements by the group. The group did not endorse 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney until October 2012.

    However, officials told Fox News ahead of the announcement there is an excitement for Trump among their members that they did not see for Romney or 2008 nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

    View the complete article, including video, at:

  17. Bruce says:

    Proof That Donald Trump IS THE REAL DEAL!

  18. Bruce says:

    Will Trump Win or Lose?

    Money and Markets
    Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.


    Fair warning: The analysis I provide today on the chances of a Trump victory in November will probably leave you shell-shocked, tickled pink or with some sweet-and-sour mix of both.

    I will name eight inescapable facts that political pundits from both parties are underestimating or missing entirely.

    I will show you how the presidential election campaign and the stock market could soon be feeding off each other in a vicious spiral.

    And I will tell you how to prepare for virtually any outcome in November.

    The key: No matter which camp you’re in, you should know that I’m tackling this topic objectively and unemotionally.

    Like most readers, I’m an American citizen with deep fears and high hopes for America. Like many, I could also let those emotions cloud my vision.

    But when it comes to my hard-earned money, and when that money is vulnerable to history-breaking landmark political events, I stick with the facts and only the facts.

    What you want is not always what you get. And what you think should happen must never influence your judgment of what could happen. That’s how I approach this election madness. And that’s how you should too.

    So here are eight inescapable facts that could make all the difference in the world in 2016 …

    1. Trump has momentum.

    Since the first day he jumped into the race, Trump’s poll numbers have been rising virtually nonstop.

    Last year, months before the first primaries, his support level leaped from last in the pack (at 4.5% on May 28, 2015) to top dog (at 22.5% on August 3).

    In the Republican primaries, as competing candidates dropped off like flies, his percentage of votes jumped from 24% in Iowa on February 1 to 66% in Oregon last Tuesday.

    And in a head-to-head match with Hillary Clinton, after trailing by double digits, the recent data shows they’re already locked in a tight, volatile battle. In fact, the very latest poll from Fox News now gives Trump a 3-point lead.

    2. Trump naysayers have been dead wrong.

    Nate Silver, a disciplined political prognosticator that I respect, gave Trump a meager 5% chance of capturing the Republican nomination, saying he would peak early and “flame out” quickly.

    Both Democratic- and Republican-leaning pundits for The New York Times, NBC News, Fox News and every major media outlet unanimously voiced similar opinions.

    And today, most pundits are making the same arguments with the same tools. Nate Silver still gives Trump only a 25% chance of winning the White House. Sports betting site Paddy Power gives him 33% odds. And most say he’s still a long shot.

    They may be right; Clinton has lots of advantages in the electoral map and in the country’s demographics.

    But the pundits admit they were wrong before. And yet most don’t want to change their methodology.

    3. Trump’s event risk is low.

    Can you think of a new Black Swan event that could suddenly knock Trump for a loop? I can’t.

    The barrage of attacks — from the media, from Democrats, and from the Republican establishment itself — has already been so intense, it may have vaccinated Trump against future hits, including those coming from the Clinton campaign and Super PACs.

    Sure, Clinton’s got all the anti-Trump research on a platter, left over from the Republican primaries. But that steers her to mostly old, recycled, material that’s already been posted on social media, seen widely on TV, and absorbed by the political marketplace.

    Like a stock price that already reflects the bad earnings news, Trump’s current poll numbers already reflect most of his political weaknesses.

    Meanwhile, Trump himself has already shot himself in the foot a few times without any lasting damage. So it’s hard to imagine any future self-inflicted wounds that could make a big difference.

    In contrast, Clinton’s event risk is high, with most of her bad news still pending …

    4. The FBI investigation into the Clinton emails hangs over her campaign like the Sword of Damocles.

    FBI Director James Comey, who’s personally overseeing the investigation, says he doesn’t “give a spit” about the political calendar, and nor does his professional staff.

    This means that, if there’s going to be a Justice Department indictment against her, it could strike before she’s nominated as the Democratic candidate, a big disaster for the Democrats. Or it could happen after she’s nominated, an even bigger disaster for the Democrats.

    View the complete article, including images, at:

  19. Bruce says:

    Trump: Will He be Controlling or Controlled?

    The New American
    by William F. Jasper


    He came, he roared, he bellowed, he boasted — and he kicked proverbial tail. Out of the crowded field of 17 contestants in the GOP’s presidential beauty pageant, Donald Trump is the last man standing, after repeatedly defying the oddsmakers, the political establishment, the media thought cartel, the political correctness gestapo, and a multitude of naysaying special interest groups.

    The exits of Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich from the race, following Trump’s decisive Indiana primary victory on May 3, have left the bellicose billionaire with a clear road all the way to Cleveland, where the Republican Party convention will take place in July. The outcome of that convention is still by no means clear, since there are still many tricks party leaders can pull. But should Trump emerge from the convention as the GOP standard bearer, there is then, of course, the general election in November, where he would face off against (presumably) Hillary Clinton — and whatever third-party spoiler efforts are thrown against him by the #NeverTrump Republican defectors. That main event would also assuredly bring a new tidal wave of anti-Trump media attacks and violent protests aimed at derailing the New York mogul’s brazen White House bid.

    Savior, Satan — or Neither?

    To say Donald Trump elicits strong emotions is an understatement. While virtually all elections have a polarizing effect, Trump has brought to the current fray an outsized polarization to match his outsized ego. To many Trumpistas he is the savior who will finally set the country right and “Make America Great Again!” To the Never Trumpers, he is the devil incarnate (or some facsimile thereof) who would, if allowed to become president, usher in the end of the Republic — and maybe even the end of the world.

    This writer is neither a Trumpista nor a Never Trumper. As a matter of full disclosure, I should confess that I do not like the man; never have. I agree with his critics (from the Right, Left, and center) that he is crass, crude, vulgar, arrogant, and narcissistic to a degree that exceeds, perhaps, the level of these same vices that we’ve come to accept among politicians. I say perhaps because Trump doesn’t encase himself in a facade of fake pieties, false modesty, and finely parsed press statements like the typical paragon of the political class. He’s a rough-and-tumble entertainer/entrepreneur who is used to having his way and is given to over-the-top antics and statements that guarantee more limelight and celebrity brand appeal. In a March 7, 2016 article for the print edition of The New American (“Dump Trump, or Promote Him?”), Charles Scaliger appropriately compared Trump to Marcus Licinius Crassus, the uber-wealthy Roman plutocrat, from whom we derive the pejorative term “crass,” and who played a key role in the descent of the Roman Republic into the tyranny of the Caesars.

    However, as a nation, we have already slid far down the slippery slope toward Caesarian empire and tyranny — under the leadership of Republicans and Democrats who exude the “presidential” style and temperament Trump so obviously lacks. Would a Trump presidency really be worse for America — politically, economically, morally, militarily — than the leadership we’ve received from recent White House occupants (both Republican and Democrat), or what we could reasonably expect from the current alternatives? Or to approach the question from the opposite direction: Are there some crucial issues on which we might reasonably expect that Trump would slow, or even reverse, our precipitous slide? Is this why the powers that be attack him with such relentless and unprecedented fury? These are critically important questions that we may be able to answer in the affirmative. This being the case, we will be setting out here, in what follows, a fair and clear-minded assessment of the positive and negative potential of a Trump presidency vis-à-vis the current political-economic-social context.

    Outsider vs. Insiders

    View the complete article, including images, at:

  20. Bruce says:

    Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father)

    Published on Apr 22, 2015 by ‘Joel Gilbert’

    In this “tell all” interview with Director Joel Gilbert, Malik Obama, the “half-brother” of President Obama, reveals his pain and confusion over Barack’s shunning of his Kenyan family after becoming President. Malik provides a stunning take on the film, Dreams from My Real Father, stating “Frank Marshall Davis and Barack look alike” and adds that Barack does not look like his father. Malik says he would like a DNA test so the truth can come come out. Malik also states that Barack is “deceptive” and “has not been an honest man.” In the interview, Malik displays an early manuscript he helped edit of Barack’s book Dreams from My Father with a different title. Malik Obama, also known as Abon’go (Roy) Obama, was born in 1958. He is the first child from the marriage of Barack Hussein Obama and Kezia Obama. Malik and Barack first met in 1985 when Barack flew from Chicago to Washington DC to visit Malik. Malik later hosted Barack in Kenya and they served as the best men at each other’s weddings. Barack wrote of his lifelong relationship with Malik (Roy) in Dreams from My Father.

    Link to transcript of the video:

  21. Bruce says:

    Why Trump Must Not Apologize

    The Daily Trump
    by Staff


    By Patrick J.Buchanan — “Never retreat. Never explain. Get it done and let them howl.”

    Donald Trump has internalized the maxim Benjamin Jowett gave to his students at Balliol who would soon be running the empire.

    And in rejecting demands that he apologize for his remarks about the La Raza judge presiding over the class-action suit against Trump University, the Donald is instinctively correct

    Assume, as we must, that Trump believes what he said.

    Why, then, should he apologize for speaking the truth, as he sees it?

    To do so would be to submit to extortion, to recant, to confess to a sin he does not believe he committed. It would be to capitulate to pressure, to tell a lie to stop the beating, to grovel before the Inquisition of Political Correctness.

    Trump is cheered today because he defies the commands of political correctness, and, to the astonishment of enemies and admirers alike, he gets away with it.

    To the establishment, Trump is thus a far greater menace than Bernie Sanders, who simply wants to push his soak-the-rich party a little further in the direction of Robin Hood and his Merry Men.

    But Trump, with his defiant refusal to apologize for remarks about “rapists” among illegal immigrants from Mexico, and banning Muslims, is doing something far more significant.

    He is hurling his “Non serviam!” in the face of the establishment. He is declaring: “I reject your moral authority. You have no right to sit in judgment of me. I will defy any moral sanction you impose, and get away with it. And my people will stand by me.”

    Trump’s rebellion is not only against the Republican elite but against the establishment’s claim to define what is right and wrong, true and false, acceptable and unacceptable, in this republic.

    Contrast Trump with Paul Ryan, who has buckled pathetically.

    The speaker says Trump’s remark about Judge Gonzalo Curiel being hostile to him, probably because the judge is Mexican-American, is the “textbook definition of a racist comment.”

    But Ryan’s remark raises fewer questions about Trump’s beliefs than it does about the depth of Ryan’s mind.

    View the complete article, including image, at:

  22. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump’s Full Speech on National Security/Hillary Clinton in Manchester, NH (6-13-16)

  23. Bruce says:

    Words of Obama’s Father Still Waiting to Be Read by His Son

    Letters written long ago by Barack Obama Sr. shed new light on a young Kenyan whose ambitions helped change the course of U.S. history. But for the president, they may also revive old pain.

    The New York Times
    by Rachel L. Swarns


    The archivist stumbled across the file in a stack of boxes on the second floor of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem. The yellowing letters inside dated back more than half a century, chronicling the dreams and struggles of a young man in Kenya.

    He was ambitious and impetuous, a 22-year-old clerk who could type 75 words a minute and translate English into Swahili. But he had no money for college. So he pounded away on a typewriter in Nairobi, pleading for financial aid from universities and foundations across the Atlantic.

    In 2013, the Schomburg Center invited President Obama to see the newly discovered documents, which included nearly two dozen of his father’s letters, his transcripts from the University of Hawaii and Harvard University, and references from professors, advisers and supporters. Nearly three years later, as Mr. Obama celebrates his last Father’s Day in the White House, the center is still waiting for a response.

    The trove of documents, described publicly here for the first time, renders a portrait of Barack Obama Sr. in his own words, sometimes in his own handwriting, as he describes his studies in the United States. But it also lays bare the beginnings of the fractured relationship between father and son.

    A senior White House official said President Obama would be interested in seeing the documents after he leaves office next year, but declined to comment on why administration officials had not responded to the letter or to follow-up correspondence.

    “The papers are rich; they tell a fascinating, traditional, self-made man’s story,” said Khalil Gibran Muhammad, the director of the Schomburg Center, who said he hoped Mr. Obama would read them someday. “There’s a reason to bear witness to the personal legacy that is here.” (bold emphasis added in the above four paragraphs)

    It was while pursuing his undergraduate degree at the University of Hawaii in 1960 that Barack Obama Sr. met Ann Dunham, a classmate. Although he already had a wife and two children in Kenya, he married her the following year, after she became pregnant. Their son was born on Aug. 4, 1961. But Barack Obama Sr. never mentioned his new wife and son, not even in his scholarship applications.

    In 1963, as he applied for a grant to help cover his graduate studies at Harvard, Barack Obama Sr. was asked on a financial aid form about his marital status and number of dependents. He left the section blank.


    On Aug. 4, 1959, he boarded Flight 162 of British Overseas Airways Corp. and flew from Nairobi to Rome, records show. From there, he flew to Paris and then on to New York. A bus carried him to Los Angeles, where he caught a plane to Hawaii. A year later, he would meet Ms. Dunham, President Obama’s mother.

    View the complete article, including images, at:


    My comment regarding Obama’s obvious reluctance to examine the Schomburg Center papers:

    I wonder if he is afraid that one or more of those papers penned by his ‘Dad’ so many years ago might reveal something damning about his son’s past — For example — OBAMA WAS ACTUALLY BORN IN KENYA and not in Hawaii as he claims. Hmmmm!

  24. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump’s Full Anti-Hillary Clinton Speech in NYC (6-22-16)

  25. Bruce says:

    Brexit Referendum Results (6/23/2016) – Approximately 52% of the UK voted to get out of the European Union!

    — An amazing and very hopeful sign concerning future events in the world.

    I believe the thinking and concerned PEOPLE in a major part of the Western World, MOST CERTAINLY INCLUDING THE U.S.A., are getting totally fed up with the actions of the self-annointed members of the GLOBALIST ELITE ESTABLISHMENT making important decisions regarding their countries with absolutely no consideration for the social desires, finances and general well-being of the common folk.

    BEST WISHES to the capable and hard-working, ‘tell-it-like-it-is’, populist, nationalist and pragmatist, DONALD J. TRUMP, in our November 2016 Presidential Election!

  26. Bruce says:

    Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama

    The Daily Trump
    by Staff


    Breitbart says British voters chose to “leave” the European Union on Thursday, defying the polls — and President Barack Obama, who had urged Britain to “remain” in the EU. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had also urged Britain to stay in the EU. Only Donald Trump had backed the campaign to leave.

    Republican strategists had panned Trump’s decision to travel to the UK in the midst of campaign turmoil, and in the wake of his blistering attack on Hillary Clinton earlier this week.

    Now, however, it looks like a risk that paid off handsomely, in the currency of foreign policy credibility.

    Obama’s advice may have pushed some voters to “leave.” In April, he warned British voters they would be at the “back of the queue” in trade with the U.S. if they left the EU. Some, like Andrew Roberts, took offense, writing in the Wall Street Journal:

    Surely—surely—this is an issue on which the British people, and they alone, have the right to decide, without the intervention of President Obama, who adopted his haughtiest professorial manner when lecturing us to stay in the EU, before making the naked threat that we would be sent “to the back of the queue” (i.e., the back of the line) in any future trade deals if we had the temerity to vote to leave.

    Was my country at the back of the line when Winston Churchill promised in 1941 that in the event of a Japanese attack on the U.S., a British declaration of war on Japan would be made within the hour?

    Were we at the back of the line on 9/11, or did we step forward immediately and instinctively as the very first of your allies to contribute troops to join you in the expulsion of the Taliban, al Qaeda’s hosts, from power in Afghanistan?

    Or in Iraq two years later, was it the French or the Germans or the Belgians who stood and fought and bled beside you? Whatever views you might have over the rights or wrongs of that war, no one can deny that Britain was in its accustomed place: at the front of the line, in the firing line. So it is not right for President Obama now to threaten to send us to the back of the line.

    Hillary Clinton also backed a “remain” vote in April, with a senior policy adviser issuing a statement on her behalf:

    Hillary Clinton believes that transatlantic cooperation is essential, and that cooperation is strongest when Europe is united. She has always valued a strong United Kingdom in a strong EU. And she values a strong British voice in the EU.

    Trump, who happens to be in Scotland to open a golf resort, promised in May that leaving the EU would not put Britain at the “back of the queue,” and said: “I think if I were from Britain I would probably want to go back to a different system.” He reiterated that support last week, telling the Sunday Times: “I would personally be more inclined to leave, for a lot of reasons like having a lot less bureaucracy. … But I am not a British citizen. This is just my opinion.”

    View the complete article, including image, at:

  27. Bruce says:

    Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote

    The Daily Signal
    by Nile Gardiner


    The momentous victory for the Brexit campaign signals a new era of freedom for the British people.

    After more than four decades of being shackled to the European Union (previously the European Economic Community), Great Britain has declared its independence.

    The vote for Brexit (52 percent of Britons cast ballots to leave the EU) is a vote for sovereignty and self-determination. Britain will no longer be subject to European legislation, with Britain’s Parliament retaking control. British judges will no longer be overruled by the European Court of Justice, and British businesses will be liberated from mountains of EU regulations, which have undermined economic liberty.

    Indeed, Brexit will result in a bonfire of red tape, freeing the city of London and enterprises across the nation from European Union diktat. And at last, Britain is free again to negotiate its own free trade deals, a huge boost to the world’s fifth largest economy.

    The United States should seize upon Brexit as a tremendous opportunity to sign an historic free trade agreement with the United Kingdom—a deal that would advance prosperity on both sides of the Atlantic. Brexit will also strengthen the Anglo-American special relationship, the most important bilateral partnership in the world.

    View the complete article, including image, at:

    Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote

  28. Bruce says:

    Five reasons Brexit could signal Trump winning the White House

    BBC World News
    by Katty Kay


    The two most surprising political phenomena of this year have been the rise of Donald Trump and the success of the Leave Europe camp in Britain’s referendum on Brexit.

    Few pundits saw either coming (and full disclosure, I include myself here, particularly on Trump) – but we should have and now would be a good chance to make up for past oversight by looking at how the two are linked.

    Later this year, Americans will decide whether to elect Donald Trump as the 45th US President, or Hillary Clinton.

    Opinion polls also suggest this race is close, though with five months to go, those polls aren’t terribly instructive yet. Yet the result next week in Britain could give us some indication of how Americans will vote in November.

    Here’s five reasons why.

    Angry electorate

    Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, the leader of the Leave campaign, have tapped into a similar public mood of disgruntlement. On both sides of the Atlantic, a lot of people feel they’ve been handed a bad deal. In the UK, it’s European bureaucrats in Brussels who are to blame. In the US, it’s elected politicians in Washington who are held responsible. Mr Johnson promises Brits a better deal if they throw off the onerous yoke of EU regulations. Mr Trump promises Americans a better deal if they put him in the White House.


    The forces of globalisation are causing havoc for European workers as they are for American workers. If you are a white working class man (in particular) the combined effects of immigration, free trade and technology have made your job and your wages less secure. Policy makers in the UK and the US have singularly failed to address these issues in any meaningful way. If the Brexit camp wins next week it could suggest the global anti-globalisation mood (if such a thing is possible) is stronger than we realised.



    View the complete article, including image, at:

  29. Bruce says:

    Brits defeat the black plague of the Globalist organized crime; other nations, including the US, are expected to free from the shackles of Globalism as well
    by Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ


    History was made today. June 23, 2016 became Britain’s Independence day! By over a million votes margin Britons rejected the EU.

    This event is expected to send shock-waves of independence movements around the EU and around the world. Just recently Greelo’s M5S movement won the mayorship of Rome and, with Brexit as a catalyst, Italy might vote to leave the EU as well. Victor Orban of Hungary is expected to push for more independence, particularly the end of massive immigration. Patriotic, anti-EU movements are rising in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Holland, Germany, France, Belgium, Poland and Greece. Austria nearly elected a patriotic anti-EU president. Currently re-count petition is being heard by the Austrian Supreme court.

    What is more important, is that Brexit will be a shot in the arm for Trump’s campaign, it will give confidence in victory to Trump’s anti-establishment, anti-Globalism supporters.

    View the complete post at:

  30. Bruce says:

    Full Speech: Donald Trump Speaks at Western Conservative Summit in Denver (7-1-16)

  31. Bruce says:

    Commentary: Believe it or not, Christie is Trump’s best choice for veep

    CBS News
    by Will Rahn


    A big test of this election is whether Trump can focus the spotlight on Clinton and make this election more of a referendum on her than it is on him. That would be an enormous undertaking for Trump in the best circumstances. Putting Newt on the ticket will not help. Gingrich has said that he has about 10 ideas a day, and at least two of them are typically “very weird.” The Trump ticket does not need more very weird. When, come October, Trump says something controversial, he will not need a vice president who tries to pivot the conversation to terraforming Jupiter.

    So that’s the case against Newt before we get into his immense personal baggage, his rocky Speakership, and his failed crusades against the Clintons. Enough has been written about all that – google “Marianne Gingrich” if you’d like a refresher – so let’s get back to Christie, the other guy who really wants the job.

    We’ve forgotten, after Bridgegate and the go-nowhere presidential run, about how compelling Christie can be as a speaker, and how astute he often is politically. And perhaps most importantly, he was a highly-regarded federal prosecutor, a skill set that comes through when he targets one opponent in particular, as he did with Marco Rubio in New Hampshire.

    It’s been suggested that Trump has no need for an attack dog on the trail, a task usually allocated to the VP contender, because he’s constantly in attack mode himself. But he hasn’t been very good at tearing down Hillary Clinton, in part because he’s so unfocused that he always seems to draw attention away from her whenever she gets bad news. Christie could help redress that weakness, zeroing in Hillary’s emails and various ethical lapses while letting Trump do his Trump thing.

    Christie, if relieved from defending Trump all the time, could go back-and-forth between Ohio and Pennsylvania making the case that what Clinton did with her email servers was criminally reckless, and that she only beat the rap due to connections. Without the burden of making a positive case for himself – he’s just the spare, after all – he could spend all his time building the case against Hillary, a job he is uniquely equipped to do given his legal experience. Trump will be Trump, and there’s no fixing that. But Christie the prosecutor on the ticket could at least focus more attention on Hillary’s failings, and help make this race more about her deficiencies, and less about Trump’s.

    View the complete article, including videos, at:

  32. Bruce says:

    Trump Responds to Dallas Shooting

    American Action News (AAN)
    by AAN Staff


    Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump weighed in on the Dallas terror attack by a black extremist that left 5 police officers dead. Via the Washington Examiner:

    Trump referenced both incidents in his statement.

    “The senseless, tragic deaths of two motorists in Louisiana and Minnesota reminds us how much more needs to be done,” Trump said. Sterling in Louisiana was not a motorist, but rather shot outside a convenience store. Castile was shot in his car during a traffic stop.

    “Our nation has become too divided. Too many Americans feel like they’ve lost hope. Crime is harming too many citizens. Racial tensions have gotten worse, not better. This isn’t the American Dream we all want for our children,” Trump concluded. “This is a time, perhaps more than ever, for strong leadership, love and compassion. We will pull through these tragedies.”

    Earlier Friday morning, Trump tweeted his “prayers and condolences” to anyone “devastated by the horrors we are all watching take place in our country.” He canceled a planned campaign stop in Miama for Friday.

    Trump’s statement is a surprisingly measured one, and a welcome departure from President Obama, who used the tragedy as an opportunity to shamelessly advocate for gun control.

    View the complete article, including image, at:

  33. Larry Bland says:

    @ Bruce: Mr. Trump chose to be Presidential. Barry did not, he chose to be a community activist advocating for the minorities.

  34. Bruce says:

    A curveball in Trump’s Veep search: He’s seriously considering a retired general

    The Washington Post
    by Robert Costa


    After weeks of focusing on a group of current and former elected officials in his search for a running mate, Donald Trump is increasingly intrigued by the idea of tapping retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to project strength and know-how on national security, according to four people familiar with the vetting process.

    Flynn, a registered Democrat but fierce critic of President Obama, previously ran the Defense Intelligence Agency.

    The people who spoke with The Washington Post on Saturday did so on the condition of anonymity to discuss their private conversations in recent days with Trump’s confidants and campaign aides.

    The turn toward a military figure is being driven by Trump himself rather than by his advisers, the people said, and comes as the real estate mogul is telling his friends that national unrest may demand a “tough and steady” presence alongside him on the ticket.

    In Flynn, they added, Trump thinks he would have a partner whom he trusts, based on their close working relationship over the course of the campaign on policy. And he likes the image of a businessman and a general coming to Washington as outsiders.

    The shift in how Trump is evaluating his short list has also been spurred by his growing sense that he does not necessarily want or need a running mate who will satisfy Republican insiders, in spite of long saying that he would probably go that direction. Instead, and after some testy exchanges with GOP lawmakers during his visit Thursday to Capitol Hill, Trump is more open than ever to a non-politician.

    As multiple people explained, Trump is eager to rally the party around him but sees the convention and other parts of the campaign as integral to that goal, with the vice-presidential nod potentially more important in terms of what it broadly symbolizes to voters.

    View the complete article, including image, at:

  35. Bruce says:

    COMPLETE INTERVIEW: Martha Raddatz Interviewes LT Gen Michael Flynn On “This Week” (7/10/2016)

  36. Bruce says:

    Mike Pence, Indiana Governor and possible choice as Trump’s VP running mate, on the issues

    View the complete posts at:

    The Issues, Summary –

    Immigration –

    Free Trade –

  37. Bruce says:

    Gov. Mike Pence to President Barack Obama: Yes, We Hoosiers Built That Economy

    Breitbart / Big-Government
    by Ken Klukowski


    Indiana has succeeded despite President Barack Obama’s policies, not because of them, says Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

    Obama visited Elkhart, Indiana, on June 1, to claim credit for the economic recovery in Indiana, as well as the sorta-recovery across the nation. When Obama first visited this mid-sized city in north-central Indiana in 2009, it was experiencing almost 20 percent unemployment from the 2008 recession.

    “The people of Elkhart and my fellow Hoosiers have brought our economy back in spite of the burdens that higher taxes, mandates and increasing regulations from Washington, D.C. have placed on them,” Pence wrote in an op-ed published by the Elkhart Truth, early in the morning before Obama’s Elkhart speech. “I hope you will join me in giving credit where credit is due, to the people of Elkhart and north central Indiana,” Pence told Obama in the op-ed.

    View the complete article, including images and videos, at:

  38. Bruce says:

    Full Speech: Mike Pence Speaks After Being Announced Trump VP (7-16-2016)

  39. Bruce says:

    Melania Trump Full Speech at Republican National Convention (7-18-16)

  40. Bruce says:

    Donald J. Trump Accepts Republican Nomination for President at Cleveland Convention, with Introduction by His Daughter, Ivanka (7-21-16)

  41. Bruce says:

    FULL: IVANKA TRUMP Memorable Speech at RNC Introducing Her Father (7-21-16)

  42. Bruce says:

    Trump currently leading Clinton by 4.1% in a National Poll

    The USC Dornsife / LA Times Presidential Election “Daybreak” Poll – 7/24/2016

    Donald Trump – 45.4%
    Hillary Clinton – 41.3%

    View the complete daily updated post, including graph, at:

  43. Bruce says:

    Malik Obama says president Obama, is a hypocrite! Why I endorsed Donald Trump

    Malik Obama who is the half brother to US president Obama thinks the president is a hypocrite.

    African Press International (API)
    by Nelcon Odhiambo


    US President Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik says he endorsed the election of Republican Party candidate Donald Trump because he is a “down-to-earth” person.

    An excited Mr Trump on Monday tweeted that Mr Malik will vote for him.

    “Wow, President Obama’s brother Malik just announced that he is voting for me,” tweeted the flamboyant billionaire, who will fight it out with Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton for the White House.

    On Sunday, Mr Malik described Mr Trump as a visionary leader who will help transform the US economy.

    “Donald is a down-to-earth kind of person, he also approaches issues directly and does not mince his words and being a candidate of the Republican Party I support his candidature,” said Mr Malik in a phone interview with the Nation.


    Mr Malik said he supports the Republican Party because it had stopped the deportation of his aunt Zeituni Onyango.

    Ms Onyango was the half-sister of Mr Obama’s father.

    According to Mr Malik, then US President George Bush came up with policies that accommodated Ms Onyango, who was given asylum.

    Ms Onyango went to the US in 2000 and sought political asylum in 2002. Her asylum application was rejected in 2004, and she was ordered to leave the US.

    She, however, refused to leave and sought American citizenship. However, a court granted her asylum in 2010.

    Ms Onyango died in April 2014 and her body was flown to Kisumu for burial.

    View the complete post at:

    Malik Obama says president Obama, is a hypocrite! Why I endorsed Donald Trump

  44. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump Steals Clinton’s DNC Thunder – Full Press Conference 7/27/16

  45. Bruce says:


    Poll: Persistent Partisan Divide Over ‘Birther’ Question

    NBC News
    by Josh Clinton and Carrie Roush


    One way that Donald Trump launched onto the political stage five years ago was through his fervent claims that President Barack Obama was not a U.S. citizen. Though Obama has since produced birth certificates certifying his birth in Hawaii, recently, such rumors have been given new life by commentators and pundits on the right. But just how many continue to think the president was not born in the U.S.? And which voters hold such views?

    Seventy-two percent of registered Republican voters still doubt President Obama’s citizenship, according to a recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll conducted in late June and early July of more than 1,700 registered voters. And this skepticism even exists among Republicans high in political knowledge.

    To see whether voters believe that Obama was not born in the United States, we asked them about their agreement with this statement: “Barack Obama was born in the United States.” The chart … shows responses broken down by party identification.

    A first look reveals significant and surprising differences between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to their beliefs about Obama’s birthplace.

    While more than eight in 10 Democrats agreed with the claim, far more Republicans disagreed with the statement (41 percent) than agreed with it (27 percent). An additional 31 percent of Republicans expressed some doubts about whether Obama is a native U.S. citizen (i.e. indicating that they neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement). Only slightly more than one in four Republican voters agreed that the president was born in the United States.

    View the complete article, including images, at:

  46. Bruce says:

    How Global Elites Forsake Their Countrymen

    Those in power see people at the bottom as aliens whose bizarre emotions they must try to manage.

    The Wall Street Journal
    by Peggy Noonan


    This is about distance, and detachment, and a kind of historic decoupling between the top and the bottom in the West that did not, in more moderate recent times, exist.

    Recently I spoke with an acquaintance of Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and the conversation quickly turned, as conversations about Ms. Merkel now always do, to her decisions on immigration. Last summer when Europe was engulfed with increasing waves of migrants and refugees from Muslim countries, Ms. Merkel, moving unilaterally, announced that Germany would take in an astounding 800,000. Naturally this was taken as an invitation, and more than a million came. The result has been widespread public furor over crime, cultural dissimilation and fears of terrorism. From such a sturdy, grounded character as Ms. Merkel the decision was puzzling—uncharacteristically romantic about people, how they live their lives, and history itself, which is more charnel house than settlement house.

    Ms. Merkel’s acquaintance sighed and agreed. It’s one thing to be overwhelmed by an unexpected force, quite another to invite your invaders in! But, the acquaintance said, he believed the chancellor was operating in pursuit of ideals. As the daughter of a Lutheran minister, someone who grew up in East Germany, Ms. Merkel would have natural sympathy for those who feel marginalized and displaced. Moreover she is attempting to provide a kind of counter-statement, in the 21st century, to Germany’s great sin of the 20th. The historical stain of Nazism, the murder and abuse of the minority, will be followed by the moral triumph of open arms toward the dispossessed. That’s what’s driving it, said the acquaintance.

    It was as good an explanation as I’d heard. But there was a fundamental problem with the decision that you can see rippling now throughout the West. Ms. Merkel had put the entire burden of a huge cultural change not on herself and those like her but on regular people who live closer to the edge, who do not have the resources to meet the burden, who have no particular protection or money or connections. Ms. Merkel, her cabinet and government, the media and cultural apparatus that lauded her decision were not in the least affected by it and likely never would be.

    Nothing in their lives will get worse. The challenge of integrating different cultures, negotiating daily tensions, dealing with crime and extremism and fearfulness on the street—that was put on those with comparatively little, whom I’ve called the unprotected. They were left to struggle, not gradually and over the years but suddenly and in an air of ongoing crisis that shows no signs of ending—because nobody cares about them enough to stop it.

    The powerful show no particular sign of worrying about any of this. When the working and middle class pushed back in shocked indignation, the people on top called them “xenophobic,” “narrow-minded,” “racist.” The detached, who made the decisions and bore none of the costs, got to be called “humanist,” “compassionate,” and “hero of human rights.”

    View the complete article, including image, at:

    Subscription Required

  47. Bruce says:

    by: Devvy (Devvy Kidd)


    Last week the Clinton media, that would be CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and rags like the LA & NY Times began a coordinated effort to promote a consenus that Donald Trump is toast. Unindicted serial criminal, Hildebeast Clinton, is ahead in all the polls so it’s just a matter of time until Trump does down.

    The NeverTrump dogs are still at it. Yeah, they are and no one cares. The media has been all a twitter for weeks trumpeting GOP elites (that would be globalist RINOs) refusing to endorse Trump because they would rather see Clinton in the Oval Office.

    Dozens of Republicans urge RNC to spend money on congressional races, not Trump: “More than 75 Republicans have signed a letter urging Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus to spend the party’s money on helping secure the Republican majority in the Senate, not on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.”

    Let me see if I have this correctly. Put Hildebeast in the White House which will finally finish us off with a Republican controlled house and senate. Isn’t that what we have now? A criminal impostor in the White House, a Democrat, with a Republican controlled house and senate we were promised two years ago would go after Barry Soeotro/Obama.

    Dirty rats Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will get in bed with Hillary keeping our borders open, give amnesty to tens of millions of liars, cheats, thieves and murderers, that would be illegal aliens and continue importing thousands of Muslims with no proper vetting. Make no mistake: that includes jihadists. Take us into yet more wars, push through the final nail in our coffin (sovereignty as well as jobs) the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and spend us into the final collapse. Then there are 3-4 U.S. Supreme Court seats that will likely come up in the next four years. How many Republicans in the senate voted for agenda driven incompetents like Sotomayor and Kagan? Enough to get both on the bench.

    Hildebeast Clinton can’t even fill a high school gymnasium. THAT is a fact. No one is going to her rallies. Hillary can’t fill a room while hundreds are consistently turned away at Trump rallies because of space availability……………….

    … We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.

    Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.

    Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.

    Trump 33478 votes 67%

    Clinton 9788 Votes 19%

    Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%

    50,000 registered voters from all 50 states vs 803 or 1,134 voters. The poll above was also taken from registered voter lists. 33% Republicans, 33% Democrats and 34% independents. Now, tell me Hildebeast is up 14% anywhere except Hollyweird.

    View the complete article, including links, at:

  48. BobJ says:

    Is LLDS in jail? I heard a rumor. Is he still wanted?

  49. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump’s full terrorism speech, Youngstown, Ohio, 8/15/2016

  50. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump pushes law and order agenda in direct appeal to black voters

    The Washington Times
    by S.A. Miller


    Republican Donald Trump made his most direct appeal yet Tuesday for black voters in the presidential race, pushing forward an agenda to restore law and order and revitalize inner-city neighborhoods that he said suffer from years of misguided Democratic policies.

    In a speech delivered not far from Milwaukee neighborhoods rocked by anti-police riots, Mr. Trump laid the blame for urban despair and conflict between police and minorities at the feet of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

    “I am running to offer you a much better future,” Mr. Trump said in a speech in West Bend, Wisconsin. “Crime and violence is an attack on the poor and it will never be accepted in a Trump administration.”

    He said the policies holding back minority neighborhoods were part of the “rigged system” led by Mrs. Clinton, who he said pandered to black voters but didn’t really care about their suffering.

    “The political class that Mrs. Clinton has been a part of for 30 years has abandoned the people of this county. They only care about themselves,” he said. “I am going to give the people their voice back.”

    View the complete article, including image, at:

  51. Bruce says:

    by Roger Stone


    Donald Trump has said publicly that he fears the next election will be rigged. Based both on technical capability and recent history, Trump’s concerns are not unfounded.

    A recent study by Stanford University proved that Hillary Clinton’s campaign rigged the system to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

    What was done to Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin is stunning.

    Why would the Clintons not cheat again?

    The issue here is both voter fraud, which is limited but does happen, and election theft through the manipulation of the computerized voting machines, particularly the DIEBOLD/PES voting machines in wide usage in most states.

    POLITICO profiled a Princeton professor – who has demonstrated how the electronic voting machines that are most widely used can be hacked in five minutes or less! Robert Fitrakis Professor of Political Science in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at Columbus State Community College has written a must-read book on the strip and flip technique sued to rig these machines. Professor Fitrakis is a Green Party activist.

    View the complete article at:

  52. Bruce says:

    Nigel Farage to Trump Rally: ‘You Can Beat the Pollsters… You Can Beat Washington’

    Breitbart / London
    by Raheem Kassam


    Jackson, Mississippi – UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage addressed a 10,000+ strong crowd at the Coliseum in Jackson, Mississippi, telling them to “put on their walking boots” and urging them to form their own “People’s Army” to defeat the U.S. political establishment.

    Mr. Farage – who led his party (UKIP) to victory in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections, to a whopping 4m votes in the 2015 UK general election, and mostly importantly, to Britain voting to leave the European Union in 2016 – has used the “People’s Army” moniker to describe his party’s supporters for years.

    Introduced by Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump, he told the crowd that UKIP and Brexit campaigners had defeated the UK political establishment including the big banks, the corporations, the political classes, the pollsters, and the “liberal elite” by talking to people about controlling their country, their borders, and having self-respect for themselves.

    He hit out at U.S. President Barack Obama, who visited Britain during the campaign and threatened to send the country “to the back of the queue” for a trade deal with the United States if Britain voted for Brexit.

    Mr. Farage has previously called Mr. Obama “despicable” and said he refused to repeat his behaviour by telling Americans how to vote.

    View the complete article, including images and videos, at:

  53. Bruce says:

    New Endorsement Could Be Critical For Donald Trump With Black Voters

    “… political slavery …”

    Western Journalism
    by Charles Campbell


    Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter is on a mission to restore hope to black communities across America.

    Originally an avid Bernie Sanders supporter, Carter changed his mind about a couple of things when the Vermont senator ended up losing to his main rival, Hillary Clinton.

    When internal DNC emails were leaked to the public that implicated foul play through rigging the primary, it became apparent to Carter that he was definitely not going to support Clinton. In his mind, the Democratic presidential nominee was the epitome of cronyism.

    “Donald Trump is a business man and a real estate mogul who could provide knowledge and resources to transform urban communities through the development of minority-owned businesses,” Carter said. “With this tour, we’re going to show Mr. Trump and Republicans that the black and minority communities are ready to work with anyone willing to work with us to build opportunities in businesses, employment and housing. We don’t want welfare, we need opportunity.”

    View the complete article at:

  54. Bruce says:

    The following are excerpts from an email I (and probably many other Trump campaign supporters) received today.

    Incredible Momentum


    I wanted to make sure that you’ve seen the latest poll numbers.

    They are OUTSTANDING – and I’ve included some of the key details below!

    According to recent polls our campaign is:

    — Leading Crooked Hillary nationally by two percentage points.

    — Trouncing Crooked Hillary among independent voters, by a stunning 20-point margin.

    — Winning in the crucial states of Iowa, New Hampshire and Ohio.

    — Surging in the swing state of Virginia, closing a double digit gap to within the margin of error in just two short weeks.

    — In a dead heat in the traditionally Democratic-voting states of Maine, Michigan and Wisconsin.

    — More trusted by voters on the most important issues of the day, including the economy and terrorism.

    — Considered more honest and trustworthy than Crooked Hillary by a HUGE margin.

    These polls are devastating news for the Clinton campaign. Every attempt she has made to dishonestly attack me and my campaign has backfired!

    We are winning, we have the momentum, and we can’t let up now – that’s why getting you involved is so important!

    Friend, my promise to you is that I will not rest, I will not waver and I will not squander this momentum.

    Please join our efforts at this critical time, to help build on our current momentum and keep up our fight to Make America Great Again!

    Best wishes,

    Donald J. Trump

  55. Bruce says:

    Why Donald Trump appeals to ordinary Americans

    The Hill
    by Lawrence Sellin, contributor


    There is a winning coalition in America: one which Donald Trump represents, one inclusive of all Americans, and one for all those who believe in a simple proposition — honest, representative and effective government.

    There are many important issues facing voters in the 2016 election: the threat of radical Islam, a weak economy, skyrocketing national debt, unchecked illegal immigration and a dying middle Class.

    Yet, none of the problems can be solved without first recognizing a far greater danger to the survival of the country.

    The federal government and the media are, as institutions, hopelessly corrupt and, although we have elections, we no longer have representative government.

    This election is not simply a contest between the Democrat and Republican ideologies, but a battle between the entrenched power of the bipartisan political establishment versus the freedom and well-being of the American people.

    It is a conflict between those who want to adhere to the Constitution and the rule of law and those who wish to continue the practices of political expediency and crony capitalism.

    It is a choice between a government of the people, by the people and for the people or “elective despotism” when lies, corruption and tyranny are embraced by the political-media establishment.

    Americans now believe that we are no longer citizens of a republic, but subjects of an elected aristocracy, composed of a self-absorbed permanent political class, which serves the interests of international financiers at the expense of the American people. They maintain their authority by an ever-expanding and increasingly intrusive government and use a compliant media to manipulate public opinion in order to maintain the illusion of democracy.

    From the perspective of the ruling class, elections have become little more than occasions to redistribute power between select political elites. For the international financiers, who fund the politicians, it does not matter who wins the election as long as they can continue to influence policy through lobbies and political donations.

    To maintain control, both Democrats and Republicans have fostered a culture of dependency. Democrats create dependency by expanding federal mandates and increasing entitlements. Republicans promote dependency by limiting voter choice and co-opting or crushing independent candidates and grassroots political movements.

    The federal government is now an industry competing with the private sector, but unconstrained by regulation and the rule of law, which has inevitably led to massive and widespread corruption.

    Our political-media establishment is now characterized by executive overreach, legislative complicity, judicial partisanship and journalistic decadence.

    It is a fundamental principle of democracy that the efficiency and effectiveness of government are directly dependent upon the trustworthiness of government officials as representatives and executors of the views and desires of the people.

    It is time to take America back.

    When the history of the Obama Administration is written, the epitaph will read, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, “Never in the course of American history, has so much harm, been done to so many, by so few.”

    It is not by accident.

    What we are witnessing is the product of eight years of Barack Obama and his divisive rhetoric and destructive policies.

    Obama’s “transformation” is a euphemism for the deliberate crippling and humbling of a great nation he fraudulently considers racist, oppressive, venal and dysfunctional.

    It is not the imagination of conspiracy theorists and none of it is “home grown.”

    There is an unholy alliance between the global political left and radical Islam, two totalitarian philosophies that have a shared hatred of Western civilization and Judeo-Christian democracy; and both are determined to extinguish liberty and subjugate the individual, either to Sharia or the state.

    They cannot achieve global subjugation without first destroying the United States.

    It can happen because America’s domestic enemies promulgate notions that attack the basis of our constitutional republic, which emphasizes the uniqueness and sacredness of the individual. They also promote policies that weaken our ability to transmit to the next generation the values and traditions upon which the United States was built.

    Political correctness is part of that effort. Its aim is to narrow the range of thought in order to make independent thinking literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express those thoughts. It is accomplished through the systematic destruction of language as “microaggressions” or simply making statements that are patently untrue.

    Anti-American, messianic political movements can only succeed when the individual believes that his or her actions are determined, not by personal freedom endowed by the Creator, but by the destiny of the community, controlled by a ruling elite of commissars or mullahs.

    Most of the social chaos and extremism we are currently witnessing in our country is the product of a well-funded and well-organized anti-American, radical Islamo-leftist agenda — and an administration that enables rather than opposes the aims of our enemies.

    View the complete article, including image, at:

    Why Donald Trump appeals to ordinary Americans

  56. Bruce says:

    Trump needs to win and turn the nation around. I have no problem with him concentrating on election and not Obama’s IDs

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.


    To my supporters:

    Media calls me the “birther queen” for leading the birther movement. The media is attacking Trump on the birther issue and many conservatives and my supporters are attacking him from the other side on the same issue. Trump is between the rock and the hard place.

    Here is my position: Trump is hands down the best candidate to turn the country around, to bring the jobs back, to start paying off 20 trillion debt, half of which was incurred by Obama, to end illegal immigration, to stop immigration from countries known as the hot -bed of terrorism, to assure national security, to end corruption, and the list goes on and on.

    View the complete post at:

    I agree with Dr. Taitz regarding Trump’s CURRENT handling of the ‘birther issue’ regarding Kenyan-born Obama.

    LOL: At this point in the election cycle, and WITH ALL THE PRESSURE BEING PUT ON HIM, I WISH Trump could just say —

    Some of my friends think Obama was born in the USA and some of my friends think he was born in Kenya, AND I STAND WITH MY FRIENDS.

  57. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump Lets Jimmy Fallon Mess Up His Hair

    Trump’s Tonight Show Triumph

    American Thinker
    by Thomas Lifson


    Donald Trump presented perhaps the most important policy presentation of his campaign yesterday, to the Economic Club of New York, and yet it pales in electoral impact to his appearance on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. No TV news operation, not even MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, could resist the video of an impish Jimmy Fallon asking and receiving permission to muss Donald Trump’s hair.

    Whoever thought this up (and my money is on Kellyanne Conway) identified exactly the best leverage point to redefine Trump-the-candidate as not at all scary and mean, but rather a guy who is game. Watch the mugging for the camera that Trump does. He is having fun, and is in on the game, making fun of his own peculiarities.

    The contrast with Hillary Clinton could not be more striking. The nation saw her go stiff as a board and then collapse, as she tried to get into her Scooby Van. And look at her just 3 weeks ago on the same set as the now famous hair-mussing.

    View the complete article, including video, image and links, at:

  58. Bruce says:

    Trump: Obama was born in US

    The Hill
    by Ben Kamisar


    Donald Trump on Friday declared that President Obama was born in the United States — but refused to take questions on the issue and blamed Democrat Hillary Clinton for starting the “birther” controversy.

    Trump only spoke about Obama’s birthplace more than 20 minutes into an event at his new hotel in Washington, D.C.

    Cable news networks covered the event live, and broadcast 20 minutes of veterans who support Trump lauding his politics.

    When Trump finally spoke about the issue his campaign had promoted, he was brief.

    “Hillary Clinton in her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it,” Trump said. “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.”

    With that, Trump left over the shouts of reporters seeking to get him to answer questions.

    The crowd sought to drown out the reporters by chanting “U.S.A., U.S.A.”

    On cable news, reporters and anchors ripped into the Republican presidential nominee for his handling of the event.

    CNN anchor Jake Tapper said Trump had “rickrolled” the media, referring to an online joke in which viewers are promised one thing, and then click to see a video of the 1980s British singer Rick Astley.

    Other reporters criticized Trump on television for pulling a con job on the event by not answering questions.

    “We got played, again, by the Trump campaign, which is what they do,” CNN’s John King said on air. “He got a live event broadcast for some 20 minutes.”

    Trump had been expected to take questions as he typically engages with the press in these types of settings. And Trump himself had telegraphed that he would address the birther issue after he refused to answer a question on Thursday about whether Obama was born in Hawaii.

    View the complete article, including video, at:


    Donald J. Trump is a populist, a nationalist and most assuredly a PRAGMATIST.

    He KNOWS with certainty that Obama was NOT born in Hawaii. However, he also knows if he states this FACT publicly he could SERIOUSLY JEOPARDIZE his chances of being elected President in the upcoming election.

    Our pathetic, unprincipled, left-wing MSM has now, in total desperation, backed him into a corner with no ‘wiggle room’ left to evade answering their question regarding Obama’s birth narrative.

    I feel very sad for Mr. Trump and for our Constitutional Republic on this tragic day!

    It was if he was a giant from a higher order of humans subjected to SUSTAINED MENTAL TORTURE by ignorant ‘Lilliputians’ and finally and reluctantly forced to ‘confess’ under EXTREME DURESS.

    I think trump, the pragmatist, did WHAT HE HAD TO DO today to SAVE THE COUNTRY by telling a lie regarding Obama. I hope, when the time is right after the election, that President Trump and Sheriff Arpaio will together be able to share the TRUTH regarding Obama’s multiple frauds, including his FALSE BIRTHPLACE NARRATIVE, with the long-suffering American Public.

  59. Bruce says:

    LOL — IT WAS A BIG MISTAKE ON THE PART OF THE MSM to AMBUSH TRUMP regarding Obama’s birthplace narrative


    It would have been much more advantageous to the MSM to just let the matter fester, to Trump’s detriment, between now and the election.

    Trump’s statement today will now allow the number of his supporters to grow exponentially.

    Consequently, the desperate MSM will quickly begin to ignore or downplay his declaration regarding Obama.

    Turning Point and Checkmate!

    I love it!

  60. Bruce says:

    ‘LES DEPLORABLES!’ in Miami

    ‘LES DEPLORABLES!’ Trump floors cheering Miami crowd as he enters to Broadway anthem and speaks in front of giant ‘Les Mis’ video screen art

    — Donald Trump adopted a new campaign theme on Friday in Miami

    — Came on stage as music from ‘Les Misérables’ played

    — Video screen showed a take-off on the 2012 film adaptation’s poster

    — It read ‘Les Deplorables’ – and replaced French revolutionary flags with the Stars and Stripes – and a ‘TRUMP’ flag

    — Hillary Clinton insulted Trump supporters a week ago by saying ‘half’ of them belong in ‘the basket of deplorables’ and some are ‘irredeemable’

    Daily Mail
    by David Martosko, Us Political Editor For In Miami


    Donald Trump unveiled a new visual campaign theme in Miami on Friday – a mashup of the Broadway musical ‘Les Misérables’ and an epithet Hillary Clinton leveled at his supporters one week ago.

    He took the stage, introduced by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, as the ‘Les Mis’ anthem ‘Do You Hear the People Sing’ blasted through loudspeakers.

    The video screen behind the podium flashed to an artistic rendering of ‘Les Deplorables,’ complete with USA and ‘Trump’ flags replacing the French colors, and a bald eagle soaring over the revolutionary scene.

    ‘Welcome to all of you deplorables!’ Trump boomed as thousands screamed ‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’ and ‘We love you!’

    View the complete article, including images and videos, at:

  61. Rambo Ike says:

    Are you an Ameriphobe?

    An Ameriphobe is “a person who is offended by the traditional, patriotic idea of the United States of America as the exceptional ‘land of the free and home of the brave.’”

    Simply put, it’s metaphor for being anti-American.

    On a list of Ameriphobes I would include most of the crapweasel Obots I’ve dealt with over the last 5 years, especially those that are connected to Dr Con’s leftist propaganda site. They hide under the banner of calling themselves Birther Debunkers. Inside most of them is a little Totalitarian screaming to get out.

    ‘Trump’: Hillary an ‘Ameriphobe’

    Never forget: Without America, there is no Free World

    Rambo Ike {Proud Hillary Deplorable]

  62. Bruce says:

    How Trump won over a bar full of undecideds and Democrats

    New York Post
    by Salena Zito


    YOUNGSTOWN, Pa. — Ken Reed sat down at the main bar of the Tin Lizzy tavern with two things in mind: to dig into the tavern’s oversize cheese steak, and watch the presidential debate.

    “I am hungry and undecided, in that order,” he said, digging into the savory dish in a bar that dates back to 1746.

    Kady Letoksy, a paralegal by day, a waitress and bartender at night at the Tin Lizzy, sat beside him. At 28, she has never voted before, and she is now thinking it might be a good idea to start.

    Letosky entered the evening undecided in a town that is heavily Democratic in registration. Her sister and father are on opposite sides of the political aisle. Donald “Trump had the upper hand this evening,” she said, citing his command of the back-and-forth between him and Hillary Clinton.

    Reed, 35, is a registered Democrat and small businessman. “By the end of the debate, Clinton never said a thing to persuade me that she had anything to offer me or my family or my community,” he said, sitting at the same bar that has boasted local icons as regulars, such as the late Fred Rogers, and Arnold Palmer, who had his own stash of PM Whiskey hidden behind newer bottles of whiskey for his regular visits.

    “Have to say Trump had the edge this evening, he came out swinging but also talked about specifics on jobs and the economy,” Reed said.

    Reed said Clinton came across as either smug or as though she was reading her résumé, adding there was nothing on her résumé that touched on his life. “I am a small businessman, a farmer, come from a long line of farmers and coal miners. The policies she talked about tonight ultimately either hurt me or ignore me,” he said.

    View the complete article, including images, at:

  63. Bruce says:

    Online Polls Show Overwhelming Winner Of First Presidential Debate

    “Trump came across as …”

    Western Journalism
    by Jack Davis


    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was the hands-down winner of Monday’s presidential debate, according to online polls conducted by CNBC and Time magazine.

    Trump came out on top over Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at 67 percent to 33 percent according to CNBC

    According to Time, Trump was the winner at 55 percent over Clinton’s 45 percent.

    “Trump won hands down,” commented Brian Earl on CNBC‘s poll. “Not in the debate itself but after. He did well in the first half of the debate, lost a little in the second half, but after it was over Hillary vacated so fast the camera man was running trying to keep up. Trump stayed with his wife and daughter and answered questions for a good 20 minutes. He also referenced a Clinton (ad) on the birther issue. CNN pulled up the Wolf (Blitzer) clip and proved she was (lying).”

    Others saw the candidates’ performance as a window to their character.

    “Hillary looked smug during the entire debate, and she has a fake smile,” commented Kendoaz. “I give her credit for not falling over and lasting 90 minutes. Hillary looked fake, had prepared lines and did good remembering them, but we don’t want fake we want the truth. I’m tired of politicians BS and Trump just delivers well. With Trump it looks like it comes from the heart, not a paid political junkie. I bet the next debate Trump will be on the attack more, he let her off the hook a few times.”

    View the complete article at:

  64. Bruce says:

    The market is forecasting a Donald Trump victory

    Yahoo / Finance
    Joe Fahmy


    My job is to interpret what I see in the stock market and the market is forecasting a Donald Trump victory. That is one of the reasons why the market has been strong and will continue to be strong. Contrary to what you hear from almost everyone in the media, the market will NOT crash if Trump wins, and the market will NOT decline sharply if he does well in the upcoming debates and surges in the polls. Please stop being brainwashed by the mainstream media.

    1) Trump will win Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania and it’s game over! My reasoning is the INCREDIBLE number of people who are quietly supporting Trump but can’t voice their opinion. It is politically incorrect to publicly admit that you are supporting Trump. If you do so, you are instantly chastised and even viewed as a racist. The interesting thing is that many Trump supporters don’t agree with what he says; they simply think he will be better for business.

    For example, Carl Icahn recently said (and I’m paraphrasing): Do I agree with everything he says? Of course not. Do I think he says stupid things at times? Of course. But I don’t care about all that. I care about the economy and Trump will be better for business than Hillary.

    In other words, many of Trump’s supporters are focused on the more important issues instead of obsessing over every foolish off the cuff remark.

    2) The stock market started a new bull market in July of 2016. The technicals are incredibly strong and the sentiment forecast is partly miserable with a chance of a crash. The thought of a 1994-95 repeat scenario for the markets (see chart) BLOWS people’s minds away.

    Why? Mainly because valuations do not support such a move. But think about this: What if Trump is actually successful in implementing ideas that are favorable for business and growth? GDP is currently running around +1.3% this year. Trump is projecting +4% growth, which I think is too aggressive.

    View the complete article, including images, at:

  65. Bruce says:

    Aborting the Trump Revolution

    Patrick J. Buchanan, Official Website
    by Patrick J. Buchanan


    In taking that $915 million loss in 1995, and carrying it forward to shelter future income, Donald Trump did nothing wrong. By both his family and his business, he did everything right.

    In a famous 1947 dissent, Judge Learned Hand wrote:

    “[T]here is nothing sinister in so arranging one’s affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. … Everybody does so, rich or poor; and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands: taxes are enforced exactions, not voluntary contributions. To demand more in the name of morals is mere cant.”

    This writer’s father spent his career as a tax accountant who studied tax codes and utilized every permissible deduction to keep his clients’ tax bills as low as legally possible.

    That was his business, as it is the business of every accountant, including those who prepare the returns of the politicians and journalists piling on Trump as some sort of scofflaw tax cheat who has evaded his moral obligations to the state.

    One needs a machete to cut through this hypocrisy.

    Hillary Clinton benefited from a $700,000 loss on her 2015 income taxes. In the days of poverty in Arkansas, she took a $2 deduction for a contribution to charity of Bill’s old underpants.

    Five weeks before Election Day, Trump’s taxes have displaced the former Miss Universe as the critical issue, as determined by the anti-Trump media.

    Their motivation is not difficult to discern. Their goals are two. First, make Trump unacceptable as an agent of change. Second, keep the people distracted from their determination to rid America of the incompetent and corrupt ruling class that controls this capital city.

    View the complete article at:

  66. Bruce says:


    Drudge Report


    CNN boss Jeff Zucker has directly ordered network staff not to cover shocking allegations made my Arkansas resident Danney Williams, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

    Williams, who is set to give his first TV interview today on INFOWARS.COM, claims to be Bill Clinton’s biological son.

    “Jeff thinks it is a ridiculous hoax,” a top CNN source reveals.

    “I always felt bad about Bill Clinton not wanting to be in my life,” Williams explains in a video released Monday. “Was it because I was black? Was there something wrong with me? It made me think sometimes even of suicide. It’s not fair and it has been hurtful.”

    “Hillary, please do not deny I exist. I am your stepson.” — (bold emphasis added)

    View the complete post, including image, at:

  67. Rambo Ike says:

    @ Bruce:
    Additional info:

    “The so called DNA test allegedly conducted by the STAR tabloid in 1999 which supposedly proved that Danney Williams is not Bill Clinton’s son is a FRAUD,” Williams said. “The STAR claimed they obtained a DNA sample from the famous blue dress Bill Clinton ejacualated on to compare to the DNA of Danney Williams. Really? The US government turned over evidence in Clinton’s impeachment trial to a cheap #*^tabloid?”

    “Funny the STAR was owned by Bill Clinton’s Georgetown college classmate Robert Altman who has given the Clintons over $1M and who was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury until he was forced to resign in an ethics scandal.”

    After the STAR was sold, DC insider Roger Stone went to the new owners to see the documentation on the test, but they admitted there is no test.

    And this from Corsi:

    Testing done by the tabloid Star Magazine was based on Clinton DNA information released by independent counsel Kenneth Starr from Monica Lewinsky’s infamous blue dress. The testing was not definitive, because the data Starr released resulted from a “polymerase chain reaction” test, known as “PRC” is not sufficiently accurate to be admitted in court as evidence regarding paternity claims.

    Phil Bunton, the editor-in-chief at Star Magazine in 1999 when the Williams story developed, was reached by WND early Tuesday morning.
    “I don’t remember ever seeing any laboratory test that was done on Clinton’s DNA,” said Bunton, who now is the owner of the Rivertown Magazine in Haverstraw, New York.

    Bunton affirmed to WND that Star Magazine relied on the DNA evidence for Clinton published by Kenneth Starr. He also affirmed the tabloid never obtained a blood sample from Clinton and that the it never reported any story documenting that a lab test had been done.

    “We never published anything,” Bunton said.

    ‘Bill Clinton son’ makes video plea to ‘father, stepmother’


    It can all be cleared up by forcing Clinton to take a paternity test.

  68. Bruce says:

    @ Rambo Ike

    Thanks for the added info on this important topic. The following reference is somewhat repetitive to what you supplied but does contain additional interesting facts on the matter.

    Bill Clinton ‘Son’ Tells Hillary: Step Aside

    Danney wanted to meet his dad, but Hillary ran him off like a dog
    Danney Williams


    My name is Danney Lee Williams. I have many compelling reasons to believe that I am the biological son of former President William Jefferson Clinton — also known as Bill Clinton.

    I am simply seeking the truth, and thus I am respectfully requesting that former President Clinton supply a court verified sample of his DNA to be compared with mine to determine paternity.

    Before passing judgment, I ask the citizens and media of this great nation to honestly review the evidence and my reasoning. I also would like to shed light on how the widely reported DNA test in 1999 – which allegedly disproves that he and I are not father and son — was in fact fundamentally flawed in how it was executed and reported thereafter.

    In 1999, various news organizations including the Washington Post and Time reported that I was not Bill Clinton’s son based on a widely reported DNA test that was based on the DNA report included in independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s impeachment report and a DNA sample that was taken from me. This is false. In fact, the test proved to be inconclusive because the Starr report did not contain the necessary data to reach such a conclusion.

    The Starr report only included the results of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that the FBI used to determine whether Clinton’s DNA matched Ms. Lewinsky’s dress. In fact this is not enough data to determine if Bill Clinton is my father or not. FBI lab’s test refraction fragmented length polymorphism (RFLP) would also be required to make this determination. The PCR test alone would not be enough to legally prove or disprove paternity.

    The truth is that in 1985, during the time I was conceived, my mother was a single parent raising two boys on her own. She would sometimes sell herself to men to make ends meet for her family. During this dark period in her life, Governor Clinton was the only Caucasian man she was having sexual relations with at the time I was conceived. In 1997, my mother passed a lie detector test conducted by investigative reporters to corroborate her claimed that Bill Clinton was her only white suitor at the time she conceived her bi-racial son.

    I have seen also the physical resemblance between myself and President Clinton — the facial features, nose, chin line — that strongly suggest a biological connection, which has been pointed out by thousands of people across the nation.

    For 30 years, my mother has stood firm on the claim that Bill Clinton is my father, and never once has she recanted her story… nor has my Aunt Lucille, who bared witness to my mother’s account.

    According to my mother and aunt, when President Bill Clinton was governor, he took on some responsibility as a parent, by providing some financial assistance.

    They both told me that a man driving a car with state tags, placed an envelope of cash in my mother’s mailbox every month and that the envelope always included seven crisp $100 bills.

    They also told me that an Arkansas State Trooper brought Christmas presents to our home for me every year.

    I read a retired State Trooper Larry Patterson also confirmed this in his book which I bought in a yard sale one summer. To me it seemed that President Clinton wanted to be involved in my life, even if it was only in the smallest capacity.

    I believe that President Clinton is my father for multiple reasons.

    Aside from my mother’s account of her relationship and the unwavering insistence of my Aunt Lucille, many individuals from different walks of life have reinforced these claims, some of whom knew me as a child or worked with my father.

    My existence and relationship to President Clinton is an open secret amongst the political elite circles in our home state of Arkansas.

    I also know my Aunt Lucille took me, as an infant, to the governor’s mansion to inform Mrs. Clinton that Bill Clinton was my father and demand that he support me.

    She snuck in the front gate when it was opened and demanded to see Mrs. Clinton.

    They slammed the door in her face. Arkansas State police officers literally chased my aunt and me from the building. They ran us off like dogs.

    Lucille Bolton, a respected woman in her church, is alive and well and stands by this account. My Aunt Shirley, with whom I spent a lot of time when I was younger, backs the account.

    More complete and verified DNA sample from Bill Clinton would serve to either corroborate everything I believe or put this matter to rest so that I can close this chapter of my life and move on.

    Regardless of my timing, I have no political motivation; I am solely seeking the truth. For years I have made several attempts to have my story heard, but the mainstream media has ignored me.

    Due to my persistence and the work of my family and many friends, my story has been spread and is being positively received. This has given me the courage to continue to speak out and ask these questions.

    I hand delivered letters I wrote to my father, our 37th President, and gave them to the nice lady at the desk at the Clinton Library. I also mailed letters and pictures of his grand children to him in Washington, but he never answered.

    I believe that if there is a chance for me to have a personal relationship with my father I should pursue it. In addition, now that I am a father myself, I want my children to know the truth.

    At 30 years old with five children of my own, it is time for me to know the truth. I feel that if I do not pursue the truth now, I will regret my decision for the rest of my life.

    Those who ask why I am raising this now don’t know I have talked to every reporter who ever contacted my mother or me.

    I have been asking these questions on Facebook and the internet for almost two years even when I had to go to the Library to use the computer there. This is not about politics or money. For me it is about finding the truth and understanding, finally, who I am and where I came from.

    If and when a DNA test proves that President Clinton is my father…I just want to meet him and shake his hand.

    I want my kids to meet their grandfather, a simple man from Arkansas who became the leader of the Free world. In essence, I am seeking what all sons desire from their fathers—acceptance. That is all I seek.

    It is my hope that my step mom, Mrs. Clinton, will not allow politics to interfere with my need to know the truth. That is why ask that Mrs. Clinton encourage her husband to do as I ask, to demonstrate her stated belief that all black lives matter, even those which might reveal an inconvenient truth.

    Notes: THE 1999 DNA TEST

    An accurate DNA test to determine paternity requires two different DNA tests to determine paternity polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the refraction fragmented length polymorphism (RFLP). The Starr Report included only the PCR data, thus any paternity test using the incomplete report would have to be inconclusive.

    Dr. Henry Lee, one of the world’s foremost forensic scientists told the New York Daily News “You would need to put President Clinton’s [DNA] side by side, using RFLP,” to determine paternity.

    Slate reported, “The FBI performed two genetic fingerprinting tests on the president’s DNA. The Starr report, for unexplained reasons, gives data only for the less specific of the two tests. In fact, this test is imprecise enough that it would probably not be persuasive to a judge… (to determine paternity)., an Internet “fact checking” source examined the question of whether or not Bill Clinton was Danny Williams’ fatheronly to conclude not that the charge was “false,” but that the charge was “unproven.” cited the evidence published in 1999 by Slate, concluding that without obtaining a sample of Clinton’s blood, the DNA released by Starr was insufficient to prove one way or another whether he was or was not Williams’ father.

    No legitimate DNA test settling the paternity issue was ever published. Even more remarkable, the odds are that no legitimate DNA test settling the paternity issue was ever conducted, despite the impression repeated in press reports in Time and the Washington Post from 1999 until today that definitive DNA evidence exists establishing that Clinton is not Danney Williams’ father.

    The point is that proof simply does not exist.

    View the complete article, including images, at:

  69. Bruce says:

    Are these the Clintons’ secret grandkids? Their father – the man who claims he’s Bill’s love child – says his prostitute mother slept with the former Arkansas governor 13 times and received seven $100 bills every month delivered by a state trooper

    — Danney Williams, a 30-year-old man claiming to be Bill Clinton’s abandoned son, has five children

    — He has promised his children that they will meed Bill Clinton one day

    — Williams uploaded a new video to YouTube on Tuesday in which he says he regularly tells his children that Clinton is his father, which ‘amazes’ them

    — As he speaks, a series of photos featuring Williams and his smiling children flash across the screen

    — Williams has long claimed that his prostitute mother met Clinton when she was working on the streets of Little Rock, Arkansas

    Daily Mail
    by Martin Gould For


    The man claiming to be Bill Clinton’s abandoned son says that he has promised his five children that they will meet the former President – their ‘grandfather’ – one day.

    Danney Williams, 30, uploaded a new video to YouTube on Tuesday in which he says he regularly tells his children that Clinton is his father.

    ‘Recently I have been telling my kids that their grandfather was the president of the United States and they’re amazed by it, they’re like “No. Is it for real?” I tell them yes, he is my father and I will make sure you get to meet him one day,’ he says in the video.

    He also says that growing up, his family would receive ‘seven $100 bills’ each month by mail, but it all stopped when Clinton became president.

    As he speaks, a series of photos featuring Williams and his smiling children flash across the screen.

    Williams has long claimed that his prostitute mother met Clinton when she was working on the streets of Little Rock, Arkansas. He claims she told him they had sex 13 times.

    He said that it’s ‘unfair’ that Clinton has not welcomed him into his life, but that their relationship was ‘common knowledge’ as he grew up in Arkansas.

    ‘I have no doubt that I am Bill Clinton’s son,’ he said. ‘It was common knowledge, everyone in Arkansas knew.

    ‘Everywhere I went, they pointed out: ‘It’s Bill Clinton’s son right there. You look like him, don’t you? The ears, the mouth, the chin, the teeth, the eyes, the nose’. I see him in me.

    ‘You can see a black Bill Clinton. When I’m brushing my hair I can see Bill Clinton with waves in his hair.

    ‘I always feel bad about him not wanting to be in my life. Was it because I was black? Was there something wrong with me? Why do you not want to be a part of me? It made me even think of sometimes suicide.’

    Williams was brought up by his aunt Lucille Bolton, because his mother was constantly in and out of prison when he was growing up. Bolton also appears in the video.

    She said that Danney’s mother, Bobbi Anne Williams, told her she was pregnant with Clinton’s child months before he was born.

    Bolton said she once took Danney to the Governor’s Mansion in Little Rock in a bid to confront the Clintons but they were chased off the grounds. ‘There was a car coming out of the front gate, right. When the gate swings open, I ran up in there and ran behind the gate.

    ‘When I got to the door, I asked for (Hillary) and the door was slammed in my face.’

    She said ‘two big old guys’ came from round the side of the mansion. ‘I went running and jumped a fence, got the hell out of there,’ she said.

    View the complete article, including video and images, at:

  70. Bruce says:

    BANISHED – The Untold Story of Danney Williams

  71. Bruce says:

    Hillary Banished Me From My Father: Bill Clinton’s ‘Son’ Speaks

    Published on Oct 12, 2016 by ‘The Alex Jones Channel’

    Danny Williams who claims to be Bill Clinton’s son stated on the Alex Jones Show that Hillary Clinton banished him from seeing his father.

    Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family:

  72. Bruce says:

    Trump Places Quotation Marks Around ‘President’ While Referring To Obama

    by Justin Baragona


    At his second rally of the day, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump took a short break from attacking his opponent to take a dig at the current POTUS.

    Discussing Hillary Clinton’s immigration policy and bringing up he policy positions on Syrian refugees, Trump seemingly questioned the legitimacy of President Obama.

    One can reasonably see this as a callback to Trump’s involvement in the birther movement where he raised doubts that Obama was born in the United States. Despite being a leading voice for birtherism while flirting with the idea of running for the White House in 2011, Trump tried to distance himself from the movement last month, claiming Clinton was responsible for it.

    View the complete article, including video, at:

  73. Bruce says:

    Bill Clinton’s Black Son – Danney Williams | BANISHED

    The story of Danney Williams, Bill Clinton’s Black son, tells his story for the first time in this riveting documentary testimonial – BANISHED.

    Over 263,000 views of Danney’s video to date (10/16/2016) on YouTube

  74. Bruce says:

    War With Russia Is The Democrat’s October Surprise

  75. Bruce says:

    ACTUARIAL REVIEW: Analysis of Recent Polls Shows Trump Win and Possible Landslide

    Gateway Pundit
    Guest Post by Jim Hoft


    Ann Coulter warned in her book Slander in 2003 that the far left main stream media always uses polls to push their agenda. Polls can be skewed by selecting an unreasonable sample size, by asking lead up questions or by selecting more of a sample population of one side of an issue to achieve a desired result.

    Main stream media skews polls to discourage potential voters from voting and has done it for years.

    A good example of the media trying to shape a vote was in 1980. In a Gallup poll released on October 26th in 1980, two weeks before the election, Jimmy Carter was leading Ronald Reagan 47 – 39. Two weeks later Reagan won in such a landslide that Carter conceded before California was closed.

    Another example of mainstream liberal media bias was in 1988. A Gallup Poll from July 26 showed Michael S. Dukakis leading George H. W. Bush by 17 points. Of course Bush went on to thump Dukakis in the general election.

    This past week a number of polls show Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by various margins. One poll last week reported by NBC/WSJ showed Hillary ahead by 11. However, Truthfeed pointed out that NBC/WSJ didn’t mention that the poll was created by a Hillary Super PAC.

    It’s also well known that the Monmouth University poll is run by a Hillary Huckster who recently was caught manipulating a poll and then lied about it. takes an average of these distorted polls to come up with their analysis of the current race. Their efforts are a great example of the phrase – ‘garbage in – garbage out’.

    Expert Analysis

    With all the liberal distortions and dishonesty we decided to have a small team of actuarial and statistics professionals take a look at a couple of the recent polls to get their take on the reliability of these polls. They selected the recent FOX poll from October 14 showing Hillary up by 7 and the WSJ/NBC poll from October 16 showing Hillary with an 11 point lead.

    The first observation is that both polls are heavily skewed towards Democrats. At a high level, the FOX poll consists of 43 Dems to 36 Reps to 21 Other while the NBC poll shows 44 Dems to 37 Reps to 19 Other.

    By selecting more Dems the polls are designed to provide a Dem result.

    Our experts next analyzed the data and calculated results using the same data from the two surveys on a split of 40 Dems, 40 Reps and 20 Other. The results show that using either sets of data Trump comes out ahead with a larger margin of victory using the FOX data.

    Clearly the polls using data that is heavily weighted towards Democrat voters is incorrectly skewed.

    This year Republicans crushed their previous record in the primaries for number of votes by 150%. Their old record was 20 million and this year 31 million voted in the primaries.

    The Democrats on the other hand had 7 million votes less than their record year in 2008 with 30 million this year compared to 37 million in 2008.

    Also, the primaries were heavily contested on both sides resulting in factions from each party vowing not to vote for the party candidate. The impact of these two groups is difficult to judge. The percentage of these voters that change parties is probably limited. If anything, the Sanders people will probably be more likely to vote for Trump since he is an outsider and many of them will never vote for Crooked Hillary.

    Finally, it is difficult to determine what the independent voters will do but many independent voters partook in the primaries to vote for Trump. Therefore it is more likely that Independent voters vote for Trump as well.

    If more Democratic voters vote for Trump than Republicans vote for Hillary and more Independents vote for Trump than Hillary, both scenarios which are highly likely, then the results of the general election will likely be a Trump landslide.

    Let’s face it NOBODY likes Hillary and NOBODY trusts Hillary.

    Nobody trusted Hillary before WikiLeaks. Trump is filling arenas around the country but Hillary can barely fill half a high school gymnasium. Her VP candidate Tim Kaine can’t even get 50 people at an event.

    View the complete article, including images, at:

    ACTUARIAL REVIEW: Analysis of Recent Polls Shows Trump Win and Possible Landslide

  76. Bruce says:

    Trump will win the election and is more popular than Obama in 2008, AI system finds

    Arjun Kharpal


    An artificial intelligence (AI) system that correctly predicted the last three U.S. presidential elections puts Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the race to the White House.

    MogIA was developed by Sanjiv Rai, the founder of Indian start-up It takes in 20 million data points from public platforms including Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in the U.S. and then analyzes the information to create predictions.

    The AI system was created in 2004, so it has been getting smarter all the time. It had already correctly predicted the results of the Democrat and Republican Primaries.

    Data such as engagement with tweets or Facebook Live videos have been taken into account. The result is that Trump has overtaken the engagement numbers of Barack Obama’s peak in 2008 – the year he came into power – by 25 percent.

    Rai said that his AI system shows that candidate in each election who had leading engagement data ended up winning the elections.

    “If Trump loses, it will defy the data trend for the first time in the last 12 years since Internet engagement began in full earnest,” Rai wrote in a report sent to CNBC.

    Currently most national polls put Clinton and the Democrats ahead by a strong margin. Rai said his data shows that Clinton should not get complacent.

    But the entrepreneur admitted that there were limitations to the data in that sentiment around social media posts is difficult for the system to analyze. Just because somebody engages with a Trump tweet, it doesn’t mean that they support him. Also there are currently more people on social media than there were in the three previous presidential elections.

    “If you look at the primaries, in the primaries, there were immense amount of negative conversations that happen with regards to Trump. However, when these conversations started picking up pace, in the final days, it meant a huge game opening for Trump and he won the Primaries with a good margin,” Rai told CNBC in a phone interview.

    Using social media to predict outcomes of elections has become increasingly popular because of the amount of data available publically. In September, Nick Beauchamp, an assistant professor of political science at Northeastern University, published a paper about his experiment applying AI to more than 100 million tweets in the 2012 election. He found that this closely mirrored the results seen in state-level polling.

    View the complete article, including image, at:

  77. Bruce says:

    Homeless Black Woman Defends Donald Trump’s Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame


    Homeless Woman Guards Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star

    by Zach Montanaro


    A homeless woman appears to be guarding Donald Trump’s now-repaired star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    After being destroyed earlier in the week, Trump’s star has been repaired and is now seemingly being watched by a homeless woman holding signs encouraging people to vote for Trump.

    “Twenty million illegals and Americans sleep on the streets in tents,” one sign reads. She’s got a few other signs as well, but some are too graphic to show. You can see another article that has the pictures here (warning: graphic language).

    The woman, who hasn’t yet been identified as of noon on Thursday, seems to have attracted a spectacle of people so far, with some onlookers posing for pictures with her.

    This follows the news earlier in the week of a man pretending to be a construction worker and destroying Trump’s star with a sledgehammer and pickaxe. The man reportedly wanted to remove the star and sell it to raise money for the women who are accusing Trump of sexual assault. But he found it was too durable, so he opted to destroy it instead.

    Trump’s star has been vandalized numerous times during the campaign. One protestor placed a miniature barbed-wire wall around the star, and others have spray-painted it with everything from swastikas to mute symbols.

    There has even been a petition in the past to have the star removed entirely, which the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which oversees the entire Walk of Fame, has repeatedly denied.

    “The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a registered historic landmark,” President Leron Gubler has said in the past. “Once a star has been added to the Walk, it is considered a part of the historic fabric of the Hollywood Fame. Because of this, we have never removed a star from the Walk.”

    Reconstruction of Trump’s star began as early as the day it was vandalized, and has been repaired each time someone has tried to destroy or damage it.

    View the complete article, including images and links, at:

  78. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump responds to FBI reopening Clinton email probe

  79. Bruce says:

    The secret forces that could lead to a Trump victory

    New York Post
    by Michael Walsh


    Driving across the country last week, it seemed hard to believe an American presidential election is happening a week from Tuesday. Few campaign signs sprout from urban lawns; partisan billboards along the highways are scarce. Away from the coasts, the talk on the radio is largely of football and Jesus, not politics. It takes a moment, hearing a spot in North Carolina for a US Senate candidate, to realize the voice belongs to President Obama, interrupting some country music.

    Oh, there’s plenty of chatter about it in the raging echo chambers of talk radio and TV cable news, and in the cocksure journalists’ fun house known as Twitter, where in-the-tank reporters and dispossessed campaign consultants, smarting over their collective defeat in the primaries, smugly assure each other that Donald Trump will lose in a landslide.

    But what if the widely swinging polls, turnout models and forecasting mechanisms are all wrong? What if the unique historical circumstances of this election — pitting the female half of a likely criminal family dynasty against a thin-skinned bull-in-a-china-shop businessman — have invalidated conventional wisdom? What if the ranks of shy voters storm the polls and, in the words of Michael Moore, deliver the biggest rebuke in history to the establishments of both parties?

    What if, far from having a lock on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. come January, Hillary Clinton’s margin-of-error lead — currently between 4 and 5 points in the RealClearPolitics average of multiple national polls — turns out to be a Potemkin village, dependent on high turnout among blacks and other minorities and on getting late deciders to turn her way?

    … here’s the good news for Trump: Despite the structural advantages in the Electoral College the Democrats currently enjoy — they start with New York (29), Illinois (20) and California (55) already in their pockets — the truth is that Trump need only retain the states Mitt Romney won in 2012 (including, critically, North Carolina) and then flip these three battleground states: Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. That would give him a 273-265 victory.

    View the complete article, including images, at:

  80. Bruce says:

    Early Voting Numbers are Coming in… Trump’s Going to Like This

    Mental Recession
    by Rusty Weiss


    Appearing on Fox News this week, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller announced some observations he’s had with voter turnout in his state.

    “We have a record number of people registered to vote in Texas,” he announced. “We’re having record turnouts, the first day, the second day of voting.”

    Here’s where the news gets really interesting for supporters of Donald Trump. The record turnout isn’t there to help elect Crooked Hillary. They’re showing up to help elect the only man who can stop a third Obama term under her.

    “It’s not Bernie Sanders supporters coming out to support Hillary,” Miller explained. “It’s not Barack Obama supporters coming out to support Hillary. It’s a new surge of Trump voters, many who have never registered to vote.”

    Check out his comments below …

    The media has been touting new polls which show Trump leading by just 3 points in Texas. Miller says the reality on the ground is much different, however (H/T: Gateway Pundit):

    “I know for a fact that the polls are off because they oversample Democrats by eight sometimes up to sixteen percent oversampling Democrats. They’re oversampling women by five to eight percent. So the Republican vote is underreported. Plus there is no way to sample this extra twenty to twenty-five percent of new voters that are Trump voters. They’re not Republican, they’re not Democrats, they’re pragmatists. They’re tired of the status quo and they want change.”


    View the complete article, including image and video, at:

  81. Bruce says:

    Pollster: “The Dam is About to Break” on Hillary

    Voters abandoning establishment candidate in droves
    by Paul Joseph Watson


    According to former Jimmy Carter pollster Pat Caddell, Hillary Clinton is hemorrhaging support as a result of the FBI announcement and we could see a repeat of the 1980 election when anti-establishment candidate Ronald Reagan won in a landslide.

    Caddell drew comparisons to the 1980 presidential race, which was close right up until the final days before the electorate abandoned Carter and rallied around the anti-establishment candidate, leading to Reagan taking victory in a landslide.

    Caddell noted that Carter’s entire campaign had been built around portraying Reagan as unqualified and “dangerous,” in a similar vein to how Clinton has demonized Trump.

    Caddell explained that the polling between Reagan and Carter was close up until the final weekend when “the dam broke” and Reagan shot ahead by ten points.

    Stating that he had been looking at the data regarding unfavorability ratings for both Clinton and Trump, Caddell noted that since Friday, large numbers of voters had been structurally “moving against the status quo – the incumbent who is essentially Hillary Clinton.”

    As an ABC News poll found, Hillary’s unfavorability rating just hit its highest ever mark.

    View the complete article, including video, at:

  82. Bruce says:

    Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Employment at State Department Flouted the Law

    Breitbart / Big-Government
    by Tom Fitton


    Judicial Watch reported last month that State Department documents indicate that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally signed the authorization for Huma Abedin, her then-deputy chief of staff, to become a special government employee (SGE).

    Any doubt that that this position should have never been approved was erased today with JW’s release of new documents from the Department of State that include an email from the agency’s top financial disclosure official revealing that Abedin failed to produce important financial transaction records of her husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, as required by law before obtaining her position as a SGE in 2012. Despite the lack of legally required transparency and accountability by Abedin and the Obama/Clinton State Department, Abedin was also given a Top Secret security clearance renewal in anticipation of her SGE position.

    Judicial Watch uncovered these records as a result of our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that seeks records about the controversial employment status of Abedin (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

    Just getting these records took persistence in the face of fraud and obstruction by the Obama/Clinton gang. In February 2014, the State Department assured Judicial Watch that it had searched several individual offices of the department, including the office of the Executive Secretariat, which would have included the Office of the Secretary of State. Relying upon the State Department’s representation that the agency conducted a reasonable search – which Judicial Watch later learned to be untrue, Judicial Watch agreed to dismiss its lawsuit on March 14, 2014. We were lied to, as we had no clue about Hillary Clinton’s separate email system at the time.

    Thankfully, Judge Emmet Sullivan reopened the lawsuit on June 19, 2015, in response to the revelations about Clinton’s email games.

    Our diligence and persistence uncovered the corruption behind the Abedin “special” job appointment. These new records show that Abedin had to be repeatedly reminded of the need for her financial records to be included in the OGE Form 278 Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report as part of her termination agreement with the State Department. But, according to a June 5, 2012, email from State Department Financial Disclosures Chief Sarah Taylor, Abedin failed to produce key sections of the records, even after her appointment as a SGE had been approved on June 3, 2012.

    On June 5, 2012, Taylor sent the following email to Heather Samuelson and Marcela Green, both of the State Department’s Financial Disclosures Division, concerning Abedin’s failure to complete the OGE 278 form with the subject line “RE: disclosure questions:”

    Her termination report is Incomplete, Schedule B, Part I and II were left blank. Schedule C, Part II was left blank. I hope she provided all of her spouse’s assets. Marcella I believe told him, either Huma or her husband called her yesterday indicating there were more assets. The documents I have do not have the income information, only the value information. What was her date of termination? She needs to be aware her termination report will be going up on a DOS website for the public to view and it must be accurate.

    Unbelievable, isn’t it? Again, these questions are still unanswered two days after Abedin gets the sweetheart patronage job.

    View the complete article, including images and links, at:

  83. Bruce says:

    Bill Clinton’s ‘son’ Live at National Press Club, Asks Monica Lewinsky for DNA Sample

    Danney Williams seeks DNA test to prove paternity


    Live at the National Press Club in Washington DC, the man alleging to be Bill Clinton’s long lost son, Danney Williams, announces his mission to seek a DNA sample from known Clinton mistress Monica Lewinsky.

    View the complete article, including image, videos, and a copy of Danney William’s letter to Ms. Lewinsky, at:

  84. Bruce says:

    ‘Biggest scandal in U.S. history about to break’

    Investigative reporter who broke Hillary email bombshell reveals what’s coming next

    by Greg Corombos, News Director for Radio America


    While the FBI and the Justice Department dig into some 650,000 emails on the computer of Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner, the man who reported back in August that Abedin was sending classified emails to her non-secure account is explaining how the trail leads to where we are now – and he predicts the “biggest scandal in U.S. history” is about to break loose.

    Jerome Corsi, a senior staff writer at and author of “Partners in Crime,” first reported in late August that Abedin forwarded work-related emails to her private account after he scoured a report on emails from the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

    The account to which the emails were being forwarded was partially redacted, except in one email. The address was Humamabedin

    But Abedin was not the only one sending emails to her private account.

    “Hillary was sending emails from to Huma Abedin at They were both involved, and they completely compromised the State Department security, because anybody that had the password or username could read, in unredacted form, all these emails in real time,” Corsi said. – (bold emphasis added)

    View the complete article, including image, video and links, at:

    ‘Biggest scandal in U.S. history about to break’

  85. Bruce says:

    HUMA ABEDIN — Hillary’s #1 Aide — Her History and Alarming Connections

  86. Bruce says:

    ‘Clinton’s black son’ records direct appeal to Obama

    ‘You have supported Black Lives Matter … so I know you believe that my life matters’



    NEW YORK — Danney Williams, the black man from Little Rock, Arkansas, who has claimed since the 1990s to be the illegitimate son of former President Bill Clinton, has recorded a video asking President Obama to appeal to Hillary Clinton to assist him in obtaining DNA from Bill Clinton to resolve his paternity claim.

    No definitive DNA test

    WND reported that no DNA test was conducted in 1999, despite media reports to the contrary when Williams’ claim first surfaced.

    Clinton defenders since 1999 have contended the tabloid Star Magazine conducted a “DNA showdown” proving Bill Clinton was not Williams’ father, citing Star Magazine editor Phil Bunton saying at the time, “There was no match, nothing even close.”

    But in an interview this month, Bunton told WND that no blood sample was obtained from Clinton and Star Magazine never published a story documenting a laboratory test.

    View the complete article, including images, videos and links, at:

    ‘Clinton’s black son’ records direct appeal to Obama

  87. Bruce says:

    ‘Bill Clinton’s Black Son’ – Danney Williams, appeals directly to President Obama

  88. Bruce says:

    Arkansas State Trooper CONFIRMS delivering Xmas presents to ‘Bill Clinton’s Black Son’, Danney Williams

  89. Bruce says:

    Want To Know Why Team Trump Has Been So Positive Of Late? Here’s Why…

    by DCWhispers


    Internal polling data is showing a remarkably strong trend in Donald Trump’s favor over the last week. So much so, Team Trump has been quietly coming to terms with the remarkable prospect of this country’s first 3rd Party candidate winning the presidency.

    (That’s right, Donald Trump is as much a 3rd Party/Independent candidate as he is a Republican.)

    Call it, “cautiously optimistic” which is far better than the mood inside Team Trump just a month earlier when the same internal polling data was showing Hillary Clinton building what many thought might be an insurmountable advantage.

    Word is, the Clinton campaign has all but given up on Ohio, and near to doing the same in Florida, with North Carolina looking suspect for Team Clinton as well.


    First, the black vote is down considerably over 2012 numbers – numbers many of the Mainstream Media polls have been using as a template for their polling samples. Hillary Clinton was never going to get out the black vote like Barack Obama, and yet the polling firms continued to sample as if she were which resulted in Hillary polling better than she actually is.

    Second, the white voter turnout is said to be up – BIG-TIME, and Trump leads among white voters over Hillary – BIG TIME.

    Third, Trump continues to show well among independent voters.

    Fourth, Trump is doing better among female voters than some of the Mainstream Media polls have indicated.

    Lastly, Trump is doing better among Hispanic voters than some of the Mainstream Media polls have indicated.

    Moving on from North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio (three HUGE Trump wins if this internal polling data holds) there is the battle for Pennsylvania, a state that has long been considered Republican “fools gold” as it draws in a Republican presidential candidate’s time and resources, only to end up voting Democrat.

    This time might be different, and here’s why. Outside of Philadelphia, Trump is polling extremely well. So well in fact, he might just overcome the Philly deficit and win the state – and Team Hillary knows it and is in a panic to add resources there to prevent that from happening. This resource shift has then made the Clinton campaign more vulnerable in places they never, until quite recently, thought they would be:

    Virginia and Michigan.

    The Trump campaign is said to be feeling increasingly confident they will get a win in at least one of those two states, though in the last 48-hours, some are thinking a 2/2 outcome is not only possible – but probable. There has been an upsurge in the old Reagan Democrats voting bloc who are showing seriously motivated enthusiasm for Donald Trump. It has been more than three decades since this segment of the Democrat Party has been so willing to vote for the Republican ticket, and though not as numerous as they were in the 1980’s, could still prove pivotal in securing Trump victories in historically blue states.

    NOTE: Trump’s last-minute move into Wisconsin is strategic. We won’t say more than that for now. Let’s just see if the strategy works.

    Working in Hillary’s favor is her formidable ground-game, and the Mainstream Media. The ground game will push to get votes out in critical districts in order to secure victory in the state should it be a close election, or, in some cases, make certain the means by which election fraud can be successfully carried out.

    The second thing in Hillary’s favor will be the Mainstream Media. Look for the networks to engage in the same exit polling Republican voter suppression coverage they’ve utilized for the last few election cycles. They will announce Clinton’s state victories ASAP, while delaying the announcement of those states going to Trump. Yes, they do this and are happy to admit to it off the record. They want the appearance of a Clinton blowout as soon as possible to then push down Trump turnout in yet-to-vote states on Election Day – especially in places like Nevada and Colorado that might be Hillary Clinton’s firewall should the night be less than dominant for her early on.

    The good news is that Team Trump is at this very moment, based on their own internals, looking upon a potential 300+ electoral map for Donald Trump.

    The bad news is that Team Hillary knows that with a handful of states still very close, it may have the (nefarious) means at its disposal to make it probable the outcome favors them, and they will then be looking at the 300+ electoral final count.

    If Donald Trump is to win at all, he must win BIG.

    Team Trump now thinks they have a legitimate shot at doing just that.

    View the complete article, including image and links, at:

  90. Bruce says:

    Donald Trump Elected President – Full Victory Speech 11/9/16

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