Fighting Fire with Firepower

Stilton’s Place, by Stilton Jarlsberg — October 11, 2019


Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal has accurately labeled the current impeachment battle “World War Trump,” and there’s no way we can improve on that description…or deny it. Wars are messy things, and a lot of people and institutions get hurt. Collateral damage can be high. And all of the above is exactly what the Leftist politicians and media want.

President Trump has made it clear that he’s not going to just roll over and assist the Democrats with their latest coup attempt. This fight is going to the courts and, quite possibly, the streets.

We’re sick of it. This isn’t what we want to write about or to live with. But neither can we ignore an ABSOLUTELY UNPRECEDENTED SITUATION IN WHICH AN ATTEMPTED PRESIDENTIAL OVERTHROW IS BEING STAGED RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. –
(caps and bold emphasis added)


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