General Michael Flynn may be the key to uncovering and prosecuting the Deep State attempted coup

Image source:“After 33 years of decorated service, Gen. Michael Flynn has been silenced by Robert Mueller ” — Conservative Review,


American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson — April 5, 2019


The Russia Hoax attempted coup involved senior figures in the “intelligence community,” the very people that Chuck Schumer, in a moment of candor, warned Donald Trump — before he was inaugurated as President — about opposing, suggesting that a sinister cabal of officials actually runs the country.  Speaking to Rachel Maddow, who became perhaps the most dedicated promoter of the hoax (for fun and ratings), he warned the incoming chief executive:

 “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

Even as obsessive Trump-hating promoters of the hoax like Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler continue to troll for evidence in the Mueller Report to use for impeachment, it is important to uncover the secret maneuvers to led to spying on the Trump campaign and the appointment of Mueller.

David P. Goldman, who often writes under the pen name of Spengler, has a very intriguing suggestion, at PJ Media, of the perfect person to run the campaign to hold the conspirators responsible for their treachery: General Michael Flynn: Read the whole thing, but here is some key information:


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