Happy Thanksgiving! (aka Grey Thursday)
Please see adjacent photograph for a peek at my younger sister and I celebrating Thanksgiving 2012!
Stay tuned for new absorbing reports regarding Barack Hussein Obama II’s birth in Kenya, birth certificates from Kenya, Colonial Reports from the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Barack Obama’s father and other family from Kenya, Michelle Obama, Orly Taitz, Charles Edward Lincoln III, esoteric law and policy, other interesting and compelling documents from 1961 and circa and a few thoughts on that Mormon guy named Ron or whatever it was.
For tonight I will leave the readers with a gut-busting Thanksgiving joke:
What did the turkey say to the computer?
Answer: Google, google, google!
That’s a GREAT Thanksgiving photo of you and your pretty younger sister! Thanks for sharing it with us!
I look forward to reading those enticing, pertinent reports you mentioned.
— and, in conclusion, I present the following question, in a no-doubt futile Black Friday attempt at ROFLMAO humor ‘one-upmanship’ –
What did ‘space turkey’ radio back from his rocket ship as he managed to successfully escape earth’s gravity on the day BEFORE Thanksgiving?
Answer: Hubble, Hubble, Hubble!
Bruce wrote:
Thank you, Bruce!