I Hate You!

We are being hoodwinked by our own government and their complicit media, who are dividing us into groups for the sole purpose of hating or envying one another

Canada Free Press, by Fredy Lowe — March 22, 2019


Could we, the American people, be this foolish?

As soon as we allowed our politicians to refer to our nationality by whatever hyphenated European, Asian or African nation our ancestry originated from—American—we unwittingly allowed them the first small step toward losing our national unity. First, through our cultural differences, then race, religion, and now, more so than ever, our political persuasion, to eventually become a conquered state where we find ourselves today. Whatever happened to America’s greatest strength as the world’s melting pot with millions of diverse people working together, sharing their many diverse talents?

Ongoing objective to divide us is at near-fever-pitch, where basic truths have become hate-speech

The simplest answer to my rhetorical question above is, not only yes, we can be this foolish. However, as we watch with little to no corrective action plan like barnstorming the comfy little offices of our representatives, we are being hoodwinked by our own government and their complicit media, who are dividing us into groups for the sole purpose of hating or envying one another—most times with our full knowledge and consent of what they are doing, how they are doing it, and most importantly why they are doing it. Which is, as known by all, foolishly allowing them to divide and conquer We The People.


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