I was on the stool tonight and I thought of Dr Conspiracy and his reprehensible and foul-smelling website.

Here’s a picture of me, Lucas Daniel Smith, taken tonight with my HTC, after I washed my hands (a practice which I’ve heard is not practiced at the Obama Conspiracy Theories website).

Lucas ya 1

Please don’t hate me just because I’m a handsome international man of mystery.

Recovering racist, Dr Conspiracy (Kevin Davidson), and those are his words and not mine,

I was raised in rural Alabama and I am a recovering racist. I know exactly what racism is, first hand. I still remember the first black man’s hand I shook as an equal in 1967. I didn’t wash that hand for a day. This might seem bizarre to you, but it was the day I determined not be a racist any more.

“And no, I don’t have any black friends. There are no black people in my neighborhood, nor in my church, nor any other group I am a part of. This is not by design; it’s just a fact, part accident and part regional. I’ve had black friends in the past; I say that anyone you are willing to help move a piano up a flight of stairs,is a friend.

has published a new report today entitled, “Post hoc v. prompter hoc“.  Within Dr Conspiracy’s report he claims that the earliest interface between Obama and the 1890 DOB, in public records, was in November 2009.

That is not true.  I’ve been informed by my friend Bruce Steadman that public database search records which interface Barack Obama with the 1890 DOB (and also SSN 042-XX-XXXX) go back at least as far as the year 1994.

Please review page three (3) of this PDF, from TheObamaHustle blog.   The link leads to a Susan Daniels pdf file which she sent to The Obama Hustle blog in June, 2011.

Record Date – 10/01/1994
Name – Barack Hussein Obama
DOB – 1890
Address – 5450 E. View PK 1, Chicago, IL 60618
Phone – (773) 684-4809

Many thanks to the following individuals and entities:

Bruce Steadman

Susan Daniels

The Obama Hustle Website

Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!

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12 Responses to I was on the stool tonight and I thought of Dr Conspiracy and his reprehensible and foul-smelling website.

  1. Dionisio Lopez says:

    Is there a high resolution TIFF available for the Kenyan birth certificate?

    If not, can you post one?

  2. Dionisio Lopez wrote:

    Is there a high resolution TIFF available for the Kenyan birth certificate?
    If not, can you post one?

    I don’t have a TIFF of the birth certificate but you are welcome to convert this high resolution PDF to TIFF:



  3. Dionisio Lopez says:


    I’m a skeptic, so don’t be offended by my comments…

    I have never interjected myself into a “conspiracy theory” before, and I wish I never did get involved, but…

    I became interested last year, around November, when I heard Arpaio in an interview claim the long form posted on the White House website is fake.

    When I heard this, I thought it would be pretty ridiculous for the White House to do something like that, let alone produce a bad forgery, so…I downloaded it.

    The first this I did was open the PDF in a hex editor so I can see the meta-data. My head exploded, because I could see with my own eyes that the PDF was doctored, it was not the result of a scan, as Obama supports claimed.

    Now, I heard about the birth certificate you claim you obtained from Kenya, but I never even looked at it because I read on Fogbow that your a convicted felon and a document forger – so I didn’t investigate any further. However, I’m left with no hospital birth certificate, since the image the WH posted – while containing information Hawaii says they have on record – was put into a form and presented as a document that was clearly fabricated. Why would the White House do this? They HAD to know this would cause suspicion. I later learned this was not the first time the WH released an improperly constructed PDF (Obama 2009 tax return).

    What I still don’t get is why, if the birth certificate you have is legit, you haven’t gained any traction? I would think there would have been an Army of investigators in Mombassa producing reams of documentation. For example, why didn’t you obtain more birth certificates – before and after the one supposedly for Obama? Can birth certificate number 32017 and 32019 be obtained? What other type or corroboration documentation can be obtained?

    Sorry if you posted this information already – I couldn’t find it.


  4. @ Dionisio Lopez:

    A lot has happened in the last fours years and I don’t have time, literally, to answer all of your questions tonight. However, a good starting point, if you are truly interested, would be for you to listen to a radio interview I did back in July, 2010:


    You can listen to it on that website or you can download it (which might be better) from that website and listen to it on your media player.

    The radio show is approximately two hours in length and I come on at about 34 minutes into the show and talk for the next hour and thirty minutes or so.

    I’ve also been through the federal Courts and have shown up to testify, under oath.

    I also wrote a seven page (5 pages and 2 attachments) letter to each member of the US Congress. Each letter was individually notarized and each sent via USPS Certified Mail in hand addressed envelopes. You can review every single page of each letter, each notary stamp, each hand addressed USPS Certified Mail receipt and each hand addressed envelope in the following folder which contains a near 4000 page PDF at my scribd account (the PDF had to be broken into eight segments, 500 pages each, for it be uploaded because the file was to large):


    I trust that all of the above will suffice as a good starting point. After reviewing all of the above, and if you are interested in learning more at that time, please get back to me via a comment(s) on this blog or on our InspectorSmith Forum:



  5. Dionisio Lopez says:

    Thanks for your response.

    I imagine you get asked the same questions, repeatedly, and thanks for the links.

    My opinion of the long form was not received very well at Dr. Conspiracy’s blog (I didn’t expect it to be).

    Folks over there *know* the long form is fake, they keep insisting that it’s irrelevant, and all that matters is that the *information* matches (according to Hawaii).

    I found the level of intellectual dishonesty there to be truly repugnant.

    Anyway, I’ll get busy getting up to speed on the back story, thanks again for your response.

  6. DANGERBOY says:

    Dionisio Lopez wrote:

    The first this I did was open the PDF in a hex editor so I can see the meta-data. My head exploded, because I could see with my own eyes that the PDF was doctored, it was not the result of a scan, as Obama supports claimed.

    WOW! Can you tell me the offset you found this PROOF at? We NEED to get this to Orly! The courts can’t IGNORE this!

  7. joeymac says:

    Dionisio Lopez wrote:

    Folks over there *know* the long form is fake, they keep insisting that it’s irrelevant, and all that matters is that the *information* matches (according to Hawaii).

    No, the folks (and, I might add–ALL honest, sensible folks) don’t know that it is a fake; they know that it is a REPRODUCTION. If I xerox a dollar bill (80% aspect), encase it in plastic and sell it as a keychain ornament, it is not a “forgery” but a replica. Only a complete fool would attempt to buy a pack of gum with a curio.

    I found the level of intellectual dishonesty there to be truly repugnant.

    Indeed, sir, your level of intellectual dishonesty is mind-boggling. The state of Hawaii has, on multiple occasions, verified that the information displayed on the PDF is consistent with their records and thus does not attempt to mislead anyone, i.e., not a “forgery.”


  8. Bruce says:

    ‘joeymac’, in a pathetic CYA attempt for the ‘anti-birthers’ wrote:

    No, the folks (and, I might add–ALL honest, sensible folks) don’t know that it is a fake; they know that it is a REPRODUCTION. If I xerox a dollar bill (80% aspect), encase it in plastic and sell it as a keychain ornament, it is not a “forgery” but a replica. Only a complete fool would attempt to buy a pack of gum with a curio.

    Hmmmm! Apparently, the eminent Dr. Conspiracy was still trying to convince the American People to buy the ‘LOL Obama LFBC Curio’ as the ‘REAL OBAMA BC’ up until a few months ago.

    Woodman wakes

    Obama Conspiracy Theories
    Dr. Conspiracy


    …and just WOW

    Dr. Conspiracy refers his readers to the book, Is Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate a Fraud?: A Computer Guy Examines The Evidence For Forgery, by John Woodman.

    The following is a summary quote from page 104 of the book (paperback edition, 248 pages, published 8/13/2011):

    “In summary, we should note that every single oddity that we have any record of in the PDF file can be fully accounted for by the simple theory that someone scanned an image, rotated and sharpened it, and optimized the PDF for the internet”

    Dr. Conspiracy also refers his readers to a RECENT 9/26/2012 post by Mr. Woodman titled, Genuine, World-Class Computer Expert Evaluates Obama’s Birth Certificate PDF


    The following is a summary quote from the post:

    ”In other words: The Arpaio Posse’s most recent claims, just like their earlier claims, are worthless. And after a year and 5 months of literally dozens upon dozens of such claims by birthers, there’s still no real indication in Obama’s PDF of any kind of manual manipulation or “forgery…” at all.”

    We don’t know, or at least Sheriff Joe Arpaio has not yet released, the identity of the FORGER for Obama’s Hawaiian LFBC, presented on national TV by Barack Hussein Obama II directly, and WITHOUT QUALIFICATION, to the American People on April 27, 2011.

    OBAMA’S FORGED BC DOCUMENT, PRESENTED IN APRIL 2011, WAS PRESUMED TO BE AUTHENTIC BY THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AT THAT TIME, AS WAS HIS INTENTION! However, I am confident that justice will ultimately prevail and that the Kenyan Usurper will someday be exposed, for all the world to see, as a TOTAL FRAUD!

  9. joeymac says:

    @ Bruce:

    That is a lot of verbiage–or, I should say–meaningless dribble.

    The facts are thus:
    (1) No amount of inspection of a reproduction can determine if the original is genuine.
    (2) The medium for the President’s BC is just that–a means that displays vital birth data. It is the information, and the certification thereof, that determine if a birth document is real.
    (3) Responsible Hawaiian officials have on several occasions have attested that the PDF displayed on the WH website is a faithful reproduction–as far as the information is concerned.

    End of story. Quibbling over layers, fonts, and smiley faces is just blather.

  10. This is the third article, of your website I really checked out.
    Nonetheless I really like this particular 1, “I was on the stool tonight and I
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    | Lucas Daniel Smith’s Blog” the most. Thank you ,Freddie

  11. Pingback: Attorney Loren Christopher Collins and his conspiracy to bring down the WOBIK blog and Lucas Daniel Smith. Accomplances: Dr. Conspiracy, A Legal Lohengrin and The Fogbow website. | Lucas Daniel Smith's Blog

  12. Pingback: Attorney Loren Christopher Collins to represent [currently under consideration] Lucas Daniel Smith in extradition to Kenya case. | Lucas Daniel Smith's Blog

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