Impeach Impaired

Stilton’s Place, by Stilton Jarlsberg — March 13, 2019


Something very interesting has happened in the last couple of days. With hints that the long-awaited Mueller Report might finally be issued at any moment, the anti-Trump impeachment rhetoric of rabid Democrat dogs Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff has changed remarkably.

Perhaps after getting insider information that the Mueller Report will be less a hurricane than a butterfly fart, the two (and other democrats) are suddenly striking a much more subdued tone “for the good of the country.” Right. As if either has ever showed interest in what was good for our country.

“Unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path,” said the ever-bipartisan House Speaker through tight-pressed, botoxed lips, “
because it divides the country.” And if there’s one thing the Democrats clearly don’t want, it’s to divide the country…except by race, gender, religion, class, sexual orientation, culture, fiscal worth, or citizenship status.


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