Before most people knew who Barack Obama was it appears that Dr. Conspiracy – Kevin Wayne Davidson and Alvin T. Onaka (the Registrar of Vital Statistics for the State of Hawaii) both worked for NAPHSIS – National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems.
What are the chances of that being just a coincidence?
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This is not very impressive. NAPHSIS is large organization and Doc C has been involved HealthCare Information System field for much of his career. It would not be surprising that Onaka and Doc C might be part of the same organization. Some are saying that Alvin Onaka was President of NAPHSIS. This is true but he was President in 2002, 5 years before anyone really heard about Obama. By the time Obama came into the picture in 2007, Onaka has been long gone as President. If it can be shown that Doc C has RECENT connections to Alvin Onaka, I might be impressed.
@ john:
Are you saying that since YOU didn’t know who Obama was before 2007 that no one did?
I guess I don’t exist or any of my connections because you haven’t heard of me.
Keep showing your own stupidity as it knows no bounds.
john wrote:
So what?
Alvin Onaka was on the board of directors of NAPHSIS for approximately ten (10) years and was still working for them up until, at very least, 2010 o 2011.
Poor poor Lucas , you be a laugh a sec.
How is that Kenyan extradition thing coming Lyin’ Lucas? Have you squeezed out the last drop out of Steadman with the latest scam yet?
@ IForged NancyOwensBirthCertificate:
Cute a**hole. My birth certificate is NOT forged.
My name is Nancy Ruth Owens and I forged Obama’s birth certificates for the Medellin Cartel in 1985.
What an amazing thing. Two people whose jobs involve birth records and other public health data should belong to a national organization devoted to improving the technology, etc., of birth records and other public health data.
Why, it’s almost as suspicious as medical doctors belonging to societies that would inform them of new developments in the field of medicine, or physicists subscribing to a magazine that would inform them of new breakthroughs, or …..
Here’s a flash: Lucas Smith has a track record — as a con man!
Kevin Davidson’s conduct speaks for itself. He prolifically posts tirades against the Cold Case Posse and those who would like the Cold Case Posse’s allegations investigated, and Kevin Davidson claims he “knows” that the birth certificate PDF is not a forgery.
I have been involved in computer graphics since 1985, and I don’t know whether the LFBC PDF is a forgery or not. The MC CCP has presented credible evidence of crimes and the allegations should be investigated. A simple federal investigation would find out quickly if the allegations are accurate or not.
Kevin Davidson actively opposes a simple federal investigation that would prove Kevin Davidson is correct and smart. This conduct demonstrates that Kevin Davidson is not very smart, and is probably not correct. Kevin Davidson is less genuine than obama’s LFBC PDF is.
Kevin Davidson should be known as Dr. Laughingstock.
@ Bernard Sussman:
@ Bernard Sussman:
Yes, Bernard Sussman, Lucas is indeed a professional con man and professional crook—and he was thus able to use his unique talents to extract Obama’s planted CIA birth certificate from Kenya when Jerome Corsi and everybody else couldn’t! You rock, Lucas! You could work as my FBI informant anytime!
The PDF on the White House’s site isn’t a forgery because the State of Hawaii has said the information it contains matches what is in its records.
That birthers think the Cold Case Posse’s investigation is credible doesn’t mean anyone else has to think it is. Especially when the “posse” was caught in various lies.
And there’s no evidence that Smith ever went to Kenya.
@ bob: Bob, post the evidence that Mr. Smith didn’t go to Kenya.
Larry Bland wrote:
Nice burden shift. Smith claims he went to Kenya, yet provides no evidence that he did.
@ bob: So you have no evidence that Mr. Smith did not go to Kenya. Didn’t think so!
Larry Bland wrote:
You have no evidence that Smith did go to Kenya.
@ bob: How childish! I know you are but what am I! You and Andrew Vrba should go bowling.
Larry Bland wrote:
It is childish to point out that Smith has still failed to substantiate his claim that he went to Kenya?
@ bob: Your dismissed Bob, the next time I want to hear from you I will wake you from your nap. It is very difficult for an adult to communicate with a person who has the intellect of a child.
Larry Bland wrote:
I agree, child.
Thanks for conceding that you have no evidence that Smith ever traveled to Kenya.
@ bob: What part of your dismissed did you not understand? There you go with the I know you are but what am I again. Is that really the best you have? How juvenile!
Larry Bland wrote:
The part where you think your delusions of adequacy have any meaning.
Juvenile is Smith claiming that he went to Kenya when he can’t show that he did.
@ bob: Bob, do you ever preview your posts here before you post them as a comment? If not perhaps you should start, no better yet have a mature adult preview them. Come upstairs from your moms basement and ask her to preview them before you post.
Yet more lame ad hominem.
Remember when birthers dreamed about removing President Obama? They have been reduced to how-to tips on the blog of a convicted felon, who has failed to show that he ever visited Kenya.
@ bob: That is a pretty fancy word you used there little guy. Perhaps you should consider why you are here posting drivel rather than being relevant over at Kevin or Billy’s place. Ever consider why there are very few birthers posting at those two cesspools? Ask yorself why the birther blogs are loaded with people like you. Ask yourself why are you posting here? Talk about delusions of adequacy having meaning. Now, move along youngster. You are dismissed.
Larry Bland wrote:
Putting the debunk next to the bunk here.
Birthers are scared; duh.
@ bob: We birthers scared to post at the cesspools, I don’t think so. See Bob unlike you and your kind, birthers are adult enough to realize that posting at either cesspool would be an excercise in futility. We stand no chance of impacting the opinions of the anti birther crowd. You obots have not matured enough to know that your attempts to alter our opinions about Barry are also futile. You come here with your nonsense, spouting your drivel to no avail except to illustrate just how juvenile you are. Any adult that reads our exchange knows that I baited and goaded you into exhibiting your immaturity. I owned you just as I have owned at least four other obots that foolishly tried to duel with me here at Mr. Smith’s site. Those four don’t bother to post here any more and if they do they use a sock puppet or a spoof moniker. Your off the hook Bob, I have had my fun with you, outed your childish nature and now dismiss you until the next time I choose to have my way with you.
Larry Bland wrote:
Then leave your bubble and post outside your bubble.
Being a birther is one big exercise in futility.
Who said that I’m trying to change your mind?
The key question:
“What are the chances of that being just a coincidence?”
Essentially 100%. I worked in the same company that Greg Gumbel did. He wouldn’t know me from Adam.
HistorianDude wrote:
@ HistorianDude:
You working at the same company as Greg Gumbel is irrelevant.
Ashton Kutcher and I once studied the same high school. But he didn’t go on to certify Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate while I blog about it. You know what that means?
Answer: Irrelevant.
Ahhh: so only coincidences involving Obama are mraningful.
This is troubling. Reeks of possible collusion of an operation working in advance to prepare the way for the marxist messiah.
Rambo Ike wrote:
“Possible” is doing all the work there.
@ bob:
You are correct. It’s in the realm of possible. Dr Con’s background in vital records would be a complement to Onaka’s position with the HDoH. Even though I don’t believe it, there is always that remote possibility.
I have a different train of thought regarding Dr Con that was recently strengthened when I was made aware of something. ~grin~
Rambo Ike wrote:
Possible is not the same as probable. Your belief about what might be true is not the same as what is true.
The birther game of “I’ve got a secret” continues to be unimpressive.