Latest FBI Texts: ‘Hillbillys,’ ‘OUR Task,’ Obama ‘Wants to Know Everything’

Mark Wilson/Getty

Breitbart / Big-Government
by John Nolte


The latest round of released texts between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal that then-President Obama wanted “to know everything” about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret email server, reports Fox News.

Page and Strzok, who were engaged in an extra-marital affair, exchanged the text on September 2, 2016. The text reads, “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.” This is written within the context of disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey wanting to prepare talking points to give to Obama.

According to Fox, Senate investigators say “this text raises questions about Obama’s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.”

The whole idea of an FBI director preparing talking points for the president on such a sensitive issue is bound to raise questions. So too Obama’s apparent involvement in an ongoing investigation directly involving one of his former cabinet members, and possible successor.

Moreover, this news directly contradicts what Obama told the public.  “I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. … I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation,” Obama said then, reports the Daily Mail’s David Martosko.


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One Response to Latest FBI Texts: ‘Hillbillys,’ ‘OUR Task,’ Obama ‘Wants to Know Everything’

  1. Bruce says:

    RNC’s Kayleigh McEnany on Latest FBI Lover Texts: ‘First Indication That Perhaps President Obama Himself Was Involved In This’

    Breitbart / Big-Government
    by Matthew Boyle

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