A compilation of photos and reports —
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From the featured article:
A barber in the countryside cuts hair for yuccas, bananas or eggs.
And ham, my Whatsapp food-hunting community tells me, is retailing nowadays for about 1,480,000 bolivars per kilogram.
I also saw a picture of shop that is weighing money (faster than counting it). Im not sure if this is really happening or if this picture is just to get the point across (if I had to guess Id say there’s a good chance that this is really happening there):
Also, Ive seen very poor (economically) Venezuelans in the Dominican Republic. I guess its a better life in the Dominican Republic.
How would any of you continentally bound bullshit artists know? None of you have ever left the western hemisphere. Dream big, llds; but know that you have gone no where. Poor lucas. He is too poor to travel beyond where he is.
@ BobJ: Losing you to South Korea is no real loss to the USA. LOL!
@ Larry Bland:
Just when I think you can’t get any dumber; you post something like the above. You truly are a bottomless pit of stupidity, Lar.
@ BobJ: Ouch, my comment really seems to have stung you little Bobby Boy. LOL! Congratulations though, you actually posted a comment here that did not include any profanities, quite unusual for you. LOL!
Larry Bland wrote:
That actually makes no sense. Are you on meth?
@ BobJ: Have you lost your reading comprehension skills? My comments are always, clear , concise, factual and to the point. The problem here is not with the post but rather with the reader and that is you little guy. LOL! Go back to Kaplan and take a reading comprehension course.
@ Larry Bland:
I have an MA. What do you have?
BobJ wrote:
Hmmmmm, a MA but very limited reading comprehension skills. Says volumes about the college that conferred your degree. I guess that is what you get from a college that takes applications from a match book cover. LOL! How many times have I told you that I will not answer questions posed by the likes of you. Let that sink into that confused brain of yours. Again, you know nothing about me and never will. I on the other hand know quite a bit about you. Things that should be embarrassing to you, things that you should wish you never revealed to me. LOL at you little clown boy!
You keep running over the same old ground, little boy. You know what I let you know. You don’t know where my degrees ( yes, plural), are from( hint: all earned at brick and mortar institutions which are internationally ranked). You don’t know where I live. You don’t know what I do for a living. You know nothing about my family or my past.
Keep up with the bluster you know nothing little twat. I do know something about you though. You think about me all the time. You watch my videos and you try to stalk me online. You are obsessed with me. How many times have you googled variations of th3bt? How many times have you googled variations of my name? Whenever you see anything related to Korea you think of me. Dude, that is fucking pathetic.
Answer questions; don’t answer questions. Doesn’t matter. I know the answer. You are worthless. I live in your headspace and you can’t even charge me rent. Let that sink into your disturbed little mind.
So, tangent away fuckwad. Make up stories for the audience of 4 that visits this waste of a website. Do what you have to do to make yourself feel good. But remember; there are two people who know for certain what a piece of shit you are. One of them is you.
And don’t forget that I know how to keep an idiot in suspense. Unless you think you are man enough to confront me elsewhere, you greasy little fuckboy.
@ BobJ: All that I do know about you are facts that I manipulated and coerced you into revealing. Make no mistake Bobby Boy, I own you! Every right minded adult that reads here is aware of what a vulgar, profane, tiny man child you are. Your lack of character and self confidence is displayed in every comment that you post that uses vulgarity to try and make your point. Face it Bobby Boy you are a loser, not able to support yourself and your poor wife without the help of her family. You have admitted to being bi sexual curious, a closet racist when you defended an obot that made racist remark about Barry’s mom. You little fellow are not at all what you profess to be. The sad part is that you are not intelligent or mature enough to recognize that failing. I could go on about all the other revelations I have manipulated you into revealing but like I said earlier, the adults that read here are certainly aware of what you are. As for your last post of five paragraphs, nothing but nonsensical bluster of a buffoon. You are dismissed! LOL!
Hey little Bobby Boy, try and find the errors inserted into my post. You have always taken great pleasure in that. LOL!
@ Larry Bland:
you are delusional. any sane person reading this will know that. thank you for proving my point.
@ Larry Bland:
challenge me. larry the chickenshit little twat. larry bland, a fake name, is scared of a real me. you are pathetic.
find my errors, PUSSY
BobJ wrote:
Fake name? You are the one that is delusional Bobby Boy. You have more fake (sock puppet) names that I have coerced you into revealing than anyone on the net. How about the fake names that you have used to try and spoof me. Names like Larry Young, Donald Bland, Fan of Falcon and so on. Your attempts were so juvenile that they were all abysmal failures. Challenge you! Please, you are far from a challenge for any adult. I doubt that even you know who the “real” you is. I doubt that there has ever been ANYONE who has ever been scared of the likes of a tiny man child like you, surely not me! You claim to be so well educated yet you can’t put together a comment without resorting to vulgarity. You constantly copy from my posts, example “find my errors”. I have purposely been inserting minor errors into my posts for some time now to bait you. Try to be original little guy. Now before I dismiss you, go ask your in laws for a couple of bucks so that you can stop for a scotch after you jog down to the park wearing your fancy gym shoes with your ball to practice your juggling routine. The midget clown juggling must be quite funny. You are dismissed, carry on. LOL!
@ Larry Bland:
thank you. your previous post clarified all of my points. You are such an idiot
Larry Bland wrote:
Lucky for you that bruce overfeeds all the comments. Your comments make less sense each day. How does it feel to be owned by me?
@ BobJ: Obviously the beating you have been taking from me has had an effect. You really are not in a position to criticize any of my comments with the utter nonsense that you post. Again little guy, get original, how long have I been telling you that I own you? Don’t copy me! Be original! Now, your dismissed, carry on little dude! LOL!
BTW Bobby Boy, happy to see that you are no longer attempting to mount a rebuttal to any of the shameful facts I present about you. How does that feel little man child? LOL!