Michelle Malkin Delivers Scorching Immigration Speech at CPAC

Breitbart, by Michelle Moons — March 1, 2019


NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland — Conservative powerhouse Michelle Malkin took aim directly from the CPAC main stage Friday, at the lack of immigration focus while delivering fuel for the fight against longstanding abuses of the American immigration system.

“The most important issue we face is immigration and we need to be talking about it for more than one panel for 20 minutes,” Malkin charged from the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) stage. “My first CPAC in 2002 was to talk about my very first book Invasion which exposed how border failures and systemic non-enforcement of our visa program rules created the national security crisis that led to 9/11.”

Immigration was a defining issue in the 2016 election that saw the American people make Donald Trump President of the United States. Malkin hailed President Donald Trump “as he battles the Beltway swamp, the deep state, the administrative state, and the fake news fourth estate. But there is no sugarcoating America’s long-term forecast.”


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One Response to Michelle Malkin Delivers Scorching Immigration Speech at CPAC

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Michelle Malkin under fire after barn-burner of a CPAC speech

    American Thinker
    by Thomas Lifson
    March 2, 2019


    Michelle Malkin doesn’t give a damn what the progressive media and P.C. hordes say about her. She speaks her mind — which is precisely why I enjoy her work so much.

    Yesterday, she generated quite a bit of controversy (see this compilation of commentary) in her 20-minute speech to CPAC). The entire speech is embedded below.

    No small part of the criticism was implied outrage over her rejection of the “ghost of John McCain” in her jeremiad over the “grifters” who are “in bed with immigration saboteurs.”

    She followed with a call-out of whom she had in mind as saboteurs, and grifters:

    “And yes I’m looking at you retired Paul Ryan,” she said. “And yes, I’m looking at you Mitch McConnell. And yes, I’m looking at you, Bush family. And yes, I’m looking at you, the ghost of John McCain.”


    View the complete article at:


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