Operation American Spring – live coverage:

This is from Mark Connors:

Live streaming video by Ustream

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18 Responses to Operation American Spring – live coverage:

  1. ellen says:

    NO pictures of the “millions”—no pictures of the thousands or even the hundreds. Was there even a rally? (Maybe a few hundred at the Washington Monument???)

  2. From watching live coverage I have seen groups of hundreds and dozens of bus loads of those arriving.

  3. I don’t understand why the news outlets can’t report objectively on Operation American Spring. Why does everything have to be a joke and so subjective? Just report what happened, or is happening, and the numbers and don’t cherry pick the craziest pictures and present them as representative of the whole.

  4. I watched a video of one man addressing the group of patriots at Operation American Spring. He mentioned that it is going take a little blood. Very dangerous statement, especially for a white American. You might find yourself in jail and in the end apologizing for the statement and trying to explain it away and in the process looking very foolish. Choose your words carefully.

  5. I’m not sure but with Bundy Ranch the timing, although planned before the events at Bundy Ranch, of Operation American Spring may have divided the number of participants. The are other factors as well. More participants may show but one other factor is that people have jobs and families to support. This isn’t like 1775 where there were no cell phone bills, electric bill, water bill, car insurance, internet bill, house phone bill, cable bill, etc. Not to mention, if you are an employee, its might not be a good decision these days to tell your boss that you need time off to attend Operation American Spring and possibly over throwing the US Gov…

  6. I’m on my cell phone tonight and am having trouble pasting links but it look like there might be what some are calling a “Bundy Ranch Part II” but this time in Utah and this time headed by a member of the local government in Utah – San Juan County Commissioner Phil Lyman showdown with BLM.

  7. Also it appears that the United States of America (that is who the Plaintiff is listed in federal criminal cases) is planning on charging Bundy Ranch supporters with federal crimes for riding motor vehicles on federally protected land and destroying the fragile ecosystem and sacred native American archeological sites. I would post a link but I am on my cell phone tonight and am having trouble posting links.

  8. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I swear, I saw tens of people gathered at the capitol, TENS!
    What a bunch of chucklefucks.

  9. greatkim says:

    Lucas ! An article and 7 posts for this gathering of lunatics (a family picnic would draw a larger pack). Haven’t you told us you held a job ?
    Do you remember that word ?
    What word?
    PARTS 7,8,9,10
    Apparently not such an excruciating experience since you are enjoying reporting and commenting this failure.
    Rumors have Kenyan uniforms at Cristo Rey

  10. bob says:

    Gawker and dcist aren’t “news outlets,” they make jokes. The Washington Times is a joke of news outlet; no one takes it seriously.

    People mock because OAS is a joke — unrealistic demands made by a tiny minority who take themselves oh-so-seriously, yet it has neither the means nor the support to achieve its goals. Act ridiculous in public, and expect ridicule.

    That a wanted felon longs to join them is of no surprise.

  11. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Its hilarious.
    Millions strong? I don’t think so!
    Speaking for America? Nope.

    On their mission statement, they stated that they were expecting an armed conflict that some of them might not survive. That’s right. They were HOPING for martyrs.

  12. Larry Bland says:

    @ Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Says the racist sympathizer. Once again offering no proof. Hey racist Andy, how about a link to the official mission statement. Linkable proof or its another one of your lies.

  13. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well, its Sunday afternoon, and the government hasn’t been overthrown, so I’m guessing that OAS was less than the smashing success that they’d hoped for. Maybe it will drive message home that they do not speak for “We the People…” after all.

  14. Larry Bland says:

    @ Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Andy, Andy, you are delusional if you believe that the government has not been overthrown. How far up your a$$ has your racist head been for the past six years? None so blind as those that refuse to see!

  15. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Just got done sweeping through the official OAS forums, looking for the inevitable victory speech. Couldn’t find one! Hmmm, for such a successful “30 million patriot strong” coup, they sure are down in the mouth. 🙂

  16. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I DID however see some funtastic whining!
    http://www.operationamericanspring.org/forum/showthread.php/3435-Trolls?p=11376 “These trolls are doing a huge amount of damage. Thousands of people come here, see the forums, and go away laughing. I’ve stopped referring friends to the site, because I’ve been embarrassed when they come back telling me they can’t believe I’m “involved with that bunch of lunatics.”
    So essentially they’re experiencing what Falcon and the birthers experience on a daily basis!

  17. Larry Bland says:

    @ Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Takes a shot at Falcon but yet is scared to post anything at birther report because of Falcon. Is that typical of a racist that disguises himself as an anti birther obot? Is it Andrew?

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