Pizzagate – if you haven’t already heard of Pizzagate then I suggest that you stop getting all of your news from television mainstream media news – the ones who practically guaranteed us that Clinton was going to be our next President and that Trump was finished.
To begin learning more about Pizzagate (…I know that it might sound funny at first but there is nothing funny about the allegations e.g., pedophilia, child sex rings, blackmail) I recommend two (2) videos the first of which (published November 24, 2016 by David Seaman) is embedded above.
The second video is embedded towards the end of this report.
Please keep an open mind and be objective. You may also want to lookup some of the referenced Instagram pictures.
The entire Pizzagate investigation (which for the moment is chiefly being conducted by citizen reporters – that includes you at home as you are reading this) appears to have commenced after the Anthony Weiner email leaks. As readers may know he’s the husband of Huma Abedi.
Huma Abedi was as a political staffer who served as vice chairwoman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for President of the United States. Prior to that she served as the deputy chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 thru 2013.
It appears that Weiner’s email were discovered as a result of his wife’s emails (Abedin’s emails) becoming a part of an FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email account and private computer server.
As readers may know Anthony Weiner has been personally involved in several sexting (i.e., texting about sex and sending nude pictures) scandals spanning as far back as 2011 and thru present day including the recent (2016) sexting with a girl who is 15 years of age.
For readers who aren’t already aware Weiner was forced to resign from US Congress in 2011 due to his first public sexting scandal. Wikipedia has a special and very thorough page for Anthony Weiner sexting scandals.
It appears that emails belonging to John Podesta were also discovered on Hillary’s private server. Podesta is the former chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for President of the United States. Prior to that he served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama.
Pizzagate became a real thing when John Podesta emails were leaked by Wikileaks (publishing appears to have started on October 9, 2016) which contained jargon or code words such as, though not limited to, pizza, pasta, cheese and hotdog.
It’s a alleged that those words are code for girl, boy, little girl and little boy (I haven’t yet thoroughly ascertained the correct corresponding code).
There are also other code words such as sauce and dominos (probably meaning the pizza code word) that were used in emails such as one the from Herbert Sandler (former CEO of World Savings Bank) where he wrote, Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?
Here is the link for the Wikileaks – Podesta Emails.
Other related leaked emails which contain the same code words include, though are not limited to, emails from Todd Stern, Fred Burton and others.
The first video (embedded near the head of his report) was posted at the David Seaman video on November 24, 2016.
I’ve been following David Seaman for a while (not just on Youtube) and mostly for his thoughts and extensive experience with Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and cryptography. He’s levelheaded, objective, relatively young and he’s not into nut-job stories.
His youtube profile states – I report the truth. Often socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and curious. Always human. Former contributor: Huffington Post, Business Insider. Maybe you’ve seen me on as a guest in the past: ABC News Digital, Coast to Coast, CNN Headline News, BBC, HuffPost LIVE, The Young Turks, or Fox News.
After watching the David Seaman video if you’d like to watch a more extensive account of Pizzagate (with background music… frightening mystery music begins at about the 5:15 minute mark) I highly recommend the following video by Titus Frost which was published on youtube on November 15, 2016. Disclosure: I don’t know anything about Titus Frost or any of his other work so I cannot personally endorse him. However, his video is well put together, packed with information (and loads of Instagram account pictures of the accused and related evidence and exhibits) and he seems to talk objectively –
I recommend verifying everything that was covered in the above video by Titus Frost so that you may determine the facts for yourself.
We here at WOBIK will likely be reporting extensively on Pizzagate if the evidence warrants so.
Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so.
Here’s another well put together video on PizzaGate –
Here’s a site which I’m going to keep my eye on for updates –
hey Lucas here’s another one
I’ve only had an hour or so to start looking into the fast-breaking ‘PizzaGate’ topic, starting here with your excellent post.
PizzaGate is obviously an extremely complex topic and, if based on true facts (which at my first glance appears tragically to be the case) , VERY IMPORTANT AND DISTURBING!
As with the THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED ‘Was Obama Born in Kenya’ topic, I see major trolling, disinformation and coverup activity associated with the PizzaGate topic.
I’ve posted below a November 27th video titled, ‘PizzaGate Just Got Even WEIRDER’ which should give the viewers an introductory look at the researcher, David Seaman, who is mentioned prominently in your post. At first viewing, he seems very credible to me!
I just finished viewing the posted video titled: PizzaGate – DNC Pedophile Ring exposed by Podesta’s Emails – Obama, Clintons, Andrew Kline, published November 15th by Titus Frost.
I found the video in many ways interesting and helpful but also exhibiting significant over-reaction by Mr. Frost in many of his statements and conclusions. I also observed what I believe to be either some very questionable or likely even false information being presented. However, I get the feeling that Mr. Frost is probably just an inexperienced and non-rigorous researcher with good intentions rather than a purposeful purveyor of disinformation.
Unfortunately, misleading or false information, especially on a COMPLEX AND CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC like ‘PizzaGate’, can be very confusing to the casual, uninformed reader and very harmful to getting the TRUTH disseminated and accepted.
The ‘P-Bots’ (ie. PizzaBots) will gleefully and predictably exploit any misstatement made and use it in an attempt to DISCREDIT the ENTIRE TOPIC. Furthermore, they will also use any misstatement made to employ Alinsky’s Rule #5 to RIDICULE anyone trying to spread the truth.
@ Bruce: I couldn’t have put it better. My thoughts regarding Mr. Frost and his video are entirely the same as you’ve summed it up below.
Bruce wrote:
David Seaman is set to appear on The Daily Show to discuss PizzaGate. It appears that he and other journalists who have been covering PizzaGate have been contacted by The Daily Show to form some sort of a PizzaGate panel on the show.
As readers may know The Daily Show is a news satire television program. Other journalists who are covering PizzaGate such as, though not limited to, Paul Watson, have recently turned invitation from the show.
David Seaman indicates in a recent (11.30.2016) youtube video that he will appear on The Daily Show and he points to irony of a fake news show (i.e., The Daily Show) attempting to label him as fake news when in truth he’s a real journalist and they are plainly the fake news –
FYI Everybody – Regarding the PizzaGate Scandal, see also the following new category recently set up for additional discussions on the InspectorSmith Forum:
PizzaGate Scandal – Pedophilia Child Sex Rings and Blackmail — Obama?, Clintons? and Others?
PizzaGate scandal avoided news website
The World Beast
by David Sparkman
It will not be an exaggeration to say that PizzaGate will make or break the careers of some strongly anchored people in American politics.
It is a pedophilia ring that spanned for more than a decade and involved some of the most widely known personalities in America.
The scandal involves many elites who are involved in child sex trafficking.
Drudge Report
Matt Drudge of the Drudge report was the person who broke the story about PizzaGate.
It is very astonishing to know that since the story made it to the public, nothing about the scandal has appeared on the Drudge website. It is obvious that the Drudge report is avoiding the PizzaGate.
Tabloid section
The tabloid section of the Drudge report was the main feature of the website. In this section Matt Drudge used to write about the affairs plaguing the high society and powerful elites.
Matt would be delighted when he got his hands on something concerning big politicians. It is incomprehensible why Matt has chosen to avoid writing about Pizza Gate when it not only concerns a single president but rather a long list of high ranking officials and elites
Once in a lifetime story
For an investigative journalist like Matt Drudge, PizzaGate is a once in a lifetime story that has the potential to do away with the entire system.
That is why drudge fans are curious why he is not talking about it despite the fact that this might be the very story he was waiting for all his life.
Drudge readers have made known their distaste for PizzaGate mission with the help of social media posts, however, there has been no positive reaction from the website as yet.
View the complete article, including image, links and video, at:
new report here at WOBIK: PizzaGate – Podesta Art – Inside the home of Tony Podesta
PizzaGate update from David Seaman (youtube video uploaded 12.03.2016) –
He indicates that, among other PizzaGate updates, The Daily Show may be backpedaling on their offer to have him on their show.
I think the posted David Seaman video is very INFORMATIVE and CREDIBLE.
I was particularly interested in the information presented regarding the highly credible, nationally known investigator and reporter, the late ANDREW BREITBART, that begins at about the 5:45 minute mark on the video. The March 1, 2012 Tweet by Mr. Breitbart states:
My ONLY point of disagreement with Mr. Seaman’s presentation in the entire 18 minute video occurs at about the 14:10 minute mark. He there states that, if true, PizzaGate is the “largest scandal in political history”.
PizzaGate, if true, is indeed a horrific, world class political scandal. However, I submit, backed up by the extensive information presented on this WOBIC LDS BLOG and the associated INSPECTOR SMITH FORUM, that the NATIONAL SECURITY ramifications of the ‘OBAMA BORN IN KENYA’ scandal far exceed even the monumental importance of PizzaGate.
Bruce wrote:
That being said, I think that PizzaGate, if true, could become even more important than the ‘Obama Born in Kenya’ topic from a PUBLIC-ACCEPTANCE-AS-FACT perspective because NEARLY EVERYONE IN AMERICA DESPISES A PEDOPHILE and will be potentially interested in following the topic if true information is WIDELY DISSEMINATED!
For example: “How are pedophiles treated in prison?”
by Michael Santos
View the complete post at:
Dec. 4, 2016 – Shots fired at Comet Ping Pong in Washington D.C…
.. will report more soon
D.C. Police detain suspect with an assault rifle at Comet Ping Pong restaurant
The Washington Post
By Susan Svrluga and Faiz Siddiqui
December 4 at 6:05 PM
D.C. Police detain suspect with an assault rifle at Comet Ping Pong restaurant
new report here at WOBIK: PizzaGate – Washington D.C. police arrest man with a rifle at Comet Ping Pong – December 4th 2016
Pizzagate Scandal: What Is So Hard To Believe About Pedophiles And Ritualized Abuse
by Alan Ewart
The following article is entirely the opinion of Alan Ewart and does not reflect the views of the INQUISITR
Pizzagate is the story that no one wants to talk about. Pizzagate is dark, the sort of thing that keeps people awake at night. Pizzagate exposes us to the horrors of something we know exists, but that we close our eyes too. The rational part of our mind tells us that Pizzagate cannot be true. The smiling people we see on TV, those who want out votes, could not possibly be involved in the ritualized abuse of children. How could Comet Ping Pong, a humble Washington pizza joint, be the center of a worldwide pedophile network whose tentacles reach all the way to the White House?
Yet child abuse happens. It happens every day and everywhere. A Pizzagate style scandal may well be taking place in your neighborhood. My local newspaper, the Bournemouth Echo, recently reported that child abuse reports in my county have doubled in the last two years. My local police force, Dorset police, recently reported that a local pedophile had been convicted of sexually abusing children as young as just 17 months.
We find it impossible to believe that Comet Ping Pong, the Washington pizza joint at the center of Pizzagate, could be a pedophile hub. Surely pedophiles are so dark and disgusting that they hide away in the deepest recesses of society. The person waiting at the bus stop with you couldn’t be a pedophile, could he? Yet NBC recently reported that law enforcement agencies across the world worked together to smash a worldwide pedophile network.
Just last month Fox News reported that police in Norway had broken up a pedophile ring which includes “the abuse of infants and at least one case of a suspect acknowledging abusing his own children.”
Deputy Police Chief Gunnar Floystad told reporters that “many of the suspects are highly educated, and include lawyers and politicians.”
Why Is Pizzagate Reported As Fake News?
The mainstream media, for the most part, ignored Pizzagate until early this week. The Washington Post, the BBC, and the New York Times all ran stories claiming that Pizzagate was “fake news.” On Sunday Edgar Maddison Welch walked into Comet Ping Pong with a rifle and fired a shot into the floor. Of course, no one would condone Welch’s actions, but they did serve to bring Pizzagate to the attention of the world’s media.
View the complete article, including images and tweets, at:
Pizzagate: What Is Bill Clinton’s Alleged Involvement In The Satanic Pedophile Scandal?
by Alan Ewart
The “Pizzagate” pedophile scandal has captured the imagination of people across the world. In summary, Pizzagate arose when WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange released emails hacked from Clinton’s campaign chief, John Podesta. Those emails contained some references to food that were totally out of context with the message. The Podesta emails revealed links between him and Comet Ping Pong pizza joint owner James Alefantis and Marina Abramovic. As reported last week by the Inquisitr, performing artist Abramovic invited Podesta and his brother Tony to a “spirit cooking” dinner at her home.
It was soon being alleged that Podesta, Alefantis, and Abramovic were at the center of a high-level satanic pedophile ring that stretched all the way to the White House.
The idea that Comet Ping Pong is at the center of a satanic pedophile ring that has links to Podesta and the Clintons sounds too fantastic to be true. The mainstream media seems to agree that Pizzagate is fake news. When Edgar Maddison Welch, a 28-year-old man from North Carolina, walked into Comet Ping Pong yesterday armed with an assault rifle, the media lined up to declare Pizzagate a “fake news story.” Buzzfeed says that Welch came to Washington to investigate “a ludicrous conspiracy theory.”
The Independent highlights the fact that the son of Donald Trump’s nominee for national security advisor is spreading “a fake news story that claims a Washington D.C. pizza shop is a front for a child sex ring led by Hillary Clinton.”
Michael Flynn, the son of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, tweeted, “until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it’ll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many ‘coincidences’ tied to it.”
Flynn’s comment perhaps exposes how the Pizzagate scandal is seen by many. Flynn notes that it is primarily the left-leaning media that have written Pizzagate off as fantasy. BBC News, the Washington Post, and the New York Times have all written Pizzagate off as a “wild conspiracy theory.” The Times calls Pizzagate “a fake news onslaught.”
The fact that the Pizzagate citizens investigation originated at WikiLeaks seems to be overlooked in favor of the idea that it began with alt-right conspirators who were seeking to smear Hillary Clinton in the run-up to last month’s presidential election
Those who are investigating Pizzagate believe that CIA “Operation Mockingbird” could even be behind the mainstream media’s willingness to dismiss Pizzagate out of hand. According to Huppi, Operation Mockingbird either is or was a CIA operation that recruited journalists and news organizations to present news in a way the CIA deemed friendly. By the CIA’s admission, at least 25 organizations and 400 journalists became CIA assets. Many believe that governments around the world still keep a guiding hand on how news is presented.
It has even been claimed that Anderson Cooper, the CNN journalist who chaired one of the presidential debates, is a CIA asset. Cooper apparently spent two summers as an intern at the CIA.
So What Does Pizzagate Have To Do With President Bill Clinton?
President Clinton’s involvement in Pizzagate has been peripheral until now, but the scandal is opening closets that both Bill and Hillary Clinton would have wished stayed closed. However, last month, the Guardian reported that during the second presidential debate, Donald Trump brought along four women who have accused Bill Clinton of sex crimes, including rape.
The U.K. broadsheet surmised that this was an attempt by Trump to deflect from allegations of misogyny and sexual misconduct by Trump himself. As time has passed, the specter of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has re-emerged. It is perhaps Clinton’s relationship with Epstein that has the greatest bearing on Pizzagate.
Just last month, the Daily Mail reported that Bill Clinton had a “cozy relationship” with Epstein at the time the convicted pedophile was abusing young girls on his private Caribbean island and at his Florida home. Clinton was a “frequent flyer” on Epstein’s private aircraft, dubbed the “lolita express.” Flight records show that Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane at least 26 times. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton visited with Epstein on Little St. James, where Epstein allegedly kept underage sex-slaves.
View the complete article, including tweets, images, links and video, at:
What Is Pizzagate Telling Us About WikiLeaks, The CIA, The Illuminati, And The New World Order? [Opinion]
Alan Ewart
The following article is entirely the opinion of Alan Ewart and does not reflect the views of the Inquisitr.
For weeks, social media sites have been buzzing with tales about “Pizzagate.” For those not in the know Pizzagate exploded into a full blown “conspiracy theory” after WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, released the Podesta emails to the world. Those emails were packed full of very strange language related to food, thought to be code for pedophile sex. The Pizzagate emails showed links between Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta, and James Alefantis, the owner of a Washington D.C. pizza joint called Comet Ping Pong. Investigation by “citizen investigators” on Reddit and Voat revealed a host of “evidence” that suggested Pizzagate was evidence of a satanic pedophile ring, operating at the highest levels in Washington.
Pizzagate investigators are convinced that they have uncovered something that is so depraved that it defies belief. Put simply, the claims are that Alefantis at Comet Ping Pong, John Podesta and Hillary Clinton are involved in a satanic pedophile ring that abuses and murders children. It is even suggested that the Clinton foundation trafficks street children from places like Haiti for the purpose of ritualized sexual abuse.
Let’s be clear. Pizzagate simply defies belief right? Who can believe that a humble Washington pizza joint, described as “a dive,” is at the center of a worldwide organization peddling small children for the sexual gratification of some of the richest and most powerful in the world? The mainstream media, including the BBC and the New York Times, dismiss Pizzagate as a crazy “conspiracy theory” that is hurting perfectly ordinary people like James Alefantis and his staff at Comet Ping Pong.
Just yesterday, the BBC called Pizzagate “fake news” that shows how conspiracy theories spread. The say that no Pizzagate victim has come forward, there’s no investigation, and no physical evidence. The New York Times calls Pizzagate a “fake news onslaught” and states that Alefantis and his staff are receiving death threats from Pizzagate conspiracy theorists. Pizzagate is simply too fantastic to be true, that’s the message from the mainstream media.
Of course, as is often the case with things like Pizzagate, odd links keep coming up. Many will recall that former BBC Director-General, Mark Thomson resigned from the BBC in 2012 in the wake of the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal. Thomson had defended Savile and, in 2012, the Telegraph reported that Thomson had lied to the Savile inquiry. It was also claimed that “the BBC’s instinct is still to cover up potentially embarrassing information rather than facing up to the truth.”
As the Daily Mirror reveals, Thompson is now at the New York Times where he is being sued over allegations of age, race, and gender discrimination. Of course, none of this suggests that Thompson is a pedophile or that he is involved in Pizzagate in any way. However, as reported by the BBC itself, Dame Janet Smith’s report into the Savile pedophile and sexual abuse scandal makes it absolutely clear that the BBC had numerous opportunities to put an end to Savile’s activities.
So How Are The CIA Connected To Pizzagate?
At present, there are no clear links between Pizzagate and the CIA other than claims that the state security agency has infiltrated and perhaps taken control of WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange seemed to disappear after the release of the Pizzagate emails. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for more than four years. As was reported in the Inquisitr last week, it was being widely claimed that Assange had either been murdered by the CIA or that they had “renditioned” Assange into U.S. custody.
The root of suspicion that the CIA are involved in Pizzagate dates back to the end of World War Two. Huppi gives a timeline of controversial CIA operations. In 1945, the CIA launched a covert experiment, Operation Paperclip, in which Nazi war criminals were brought to the U.S. to continue “mind control” experiments that had begun in Nazi concentration camps.
In the 1950s, this experiment took a major step forward under the banner of CIA “Operation MK-Ultra.” In her book, Thanks For The Memories, Brice Taylor claimed that she was put under mind control by the CIA and trafficked to politician Henry Kissinger and film star Bob Hope as a sex slave.
Her book alleges that the CIA are complicit in the conduct of mind control experiments on unwitting U.S. citizens. She alleges that the CIA conditioned citizens, members of its own agency, and members of the armed services to become sex slaves or assassins.
Ostensibly set up to develop interrogation techniques, it is alleged that the CIA’s mind control experiments led to experimenting on citizens to ensure that the rich and powerful maintained control of the masses.
So What Of Pizzagate, The Illuminati, And The New World Order?
Links between Pizzagate, the Illuminati, and the New World Order are easier to explain but of course, they too are denigrated as “fantastic conspiracy theories.” For most purposes, it can be assumed that where Pizzagate is concerned, the Illuminati and New World Order are the same thing.
Put simply, the New World Order are a set of people within the rich and powerful elite who form a “shadow government,” looking after its own interests. Again this sounds too fantastic to be true, but the Washington Post was talking about shadow government as long ago as 2002. Just last month, the New York Post claimed that the State Department were involved in shady deals to cover up Clinton’s email scandal.
In his book, The Pedophocracy, David McGowan provides a litany of evidence of pedophile scandals among the rich and powerful that have been covered up. McGowan claims that by 1988, some 2 million cases of child abuse were being reported in the U.S. each year. McGowan also claims that around 200,000 children simply disappear each year, something that could possibly explain why Pizzagate victims have not come forward.
The assertion is that the New World Order largely consists of powerful individuals who engage in ritualized, satanic, and sexual abuse of children. Engaging important politicians and business leaders in pedophile activity provides the New World Order with the opportunity to exert control over them for fear of exposure.
It is easy to dismiss Pizzagate as a bizarre fantasy, one that uses other conspiracy theories to validate itself. It is simply beyond most people’s sense of decency to believe that our political leaders could be involved in Pizzagate or pedophile activity. Of course, this train of thought is exactly what pedophile rings depend upon so that they can “hide in plain sight.” But pedophile rings exist. Somehow, pedophiles flock together to share in their perversions.
View the complete article, including video, images and tweets, at:
Understanding Evil: From Globalism To Pizzagate
by Tyler Durden
Submitted by Brandon Smith via
I have spent the better part of the last 10 years working diligently to investigate and relate information on economics and geopolitical discourse for the liberty movement. However, long before I delved into these subjects my primary interests of study were the human mind and the human “soul” (yes, I’m using a spiritual term).
My fascination with economics and sociopolitical events has always been rooted in the human element. That is to say, while economics is often treated as a mathematical and statistical field, it is also driven by psychology. To know the behavior of man is to know the future of all his endeavors, good or evil.
Evil is what we are specifically here to discuss. I have touched on the issue in various articles in the past including Are Globalists Evil Or Just Misunderstood, but with extreme tensions taking shape this year in light of the U.S. election as well as the exploding online community investigation of “Pizzagate,” I am compelled to examine it once again.
To see where this leads we must look at the behaviors of the elites themselves, which brings us to “Pizzagate.”
The exposure by Wikileaks during the election cycle of what appear to be coded emails sent between John Podesta and friends has created a burning undercurrent in the alternative media. The emails consistently use odd and out of context “pizza” references, and independent investigations have discovered a wide array connections between political elites like Hillary Clinton and John Podesta to James Alefantis, the owner of a pizza parlor in Washington D.C. called Comet Ping Pong. Alefantis, for reasons that make little sense to me, is listed as number 49 on GQ’s Most Powerful People In Washington list.
The assertion according to circumstantial evidence including the disturbing child and cannibalism artwork collections of the Podestas has been that Comet Ping Pong is somehow at the center of a child pedophilia network serving the politically connected. Both Comet Ping Pong and a pizza establishment two doors down called Besta Pizza use symbols in their logos and menus that are listed on the FBI’s unclassified documentation on pedophilia symbolism, which does not help matters.
Some of the best documentation of the Pizzagate scandal that I have seen so far has been done by David Seaman, a former mainstream journalist gone rogue. Here is his YouTube page.
I do recommend everyone at least look at the evidence he and others present. I went into the issue rather skeptical, but was surprised by the sheer amount of weirdness and evidence regarding Comet Pizza. There is a problem with Pizzagate that is difficult to overcome, however; namely the fact that to my knowledge no victims have come forward. This is not to say there has been no crime, but anyone hoping to convince the general public of wrong-doing in this kind of scenario is going to have a very hard time without a victim to reference.
The problem is doubly difficult now that an armed man was arrested on the premises of Comet Ping Pong while “researching” the claims of child trafficking. Undoubtedly, the mainstream media will declare the very investigation “dangerous conspiracy theory.” Whether this will persuade the public to ignore it, or compel them to look into it, remains to be seen.
I fully realize the amount of confusion surrounding Pizzagate and the assertions by some that it is a “pysop” designed to undermine the alternative media. This is a foolish notion, in my view. The mainstream media is dying, this is unavoidable. The alternative media is a network of sources based on the power of choice and cemented in the concept of investigative research. The reader participates in the alternative media by learning all available information and positions and deciding for himself what is the most valid conclusion, if there is any conclusion to be had. The mainstream media simply tells its readers what to think and feel based on cherry picked data.
The elites will never be able to deconstruct that kind of movement with something like a faked “pizzagate”; rather, they would be more inclined to try to co-opt and direct the alternative media as they do most institutions. And, if elitists are using Pizzagate as fodder to trick the alternative media into looking ridiculous, then why allow elitist run social media outlets like Facebook and Reddit to shut down discussion on the issue?
The reason I am more convinced than skeptical at this stage is because this has happened before; and in past scandals of pedophilia in Washington and other political hotbeds, some victims DID come forward.
I would first reference the events of the Franklin Scandal between 1988 and 1991. The Discovery Channel even produced a documentary on it complete with interviews of alleged child victims peddled to Washington elites for the purpose of favors and blackmail. Meant to air in 1994, the documentary was quashed before it was ever shown to the public. The only reason it can now be found is because an original copy was released without permission by parties unknown.
I would also reference the highly evidenced Westminster Pedophile Ring in the U.K., in which the U.K. government lost or destroyed at least 114 related files related to the investigation.
Finally, it is disconcerting to me that the criminal enterprises of former Bear Sterns financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his “Lolita Express” are mainstream knowledge, yet the public remains largely oblivious. Bill Clinton is shown on flight logs to have flown on Epstein’s private jet at least a 26 times; the same jet that he used to procure child victims as young as 12 to entertain celebrities and billionaires on his 72 acre island called “Little Saint James”. The fact that Donald Trump was also close friends with Epstein should raise some eyebrows – funny how the mainstream media attacked Trump on every cosmetic issue under the sun but for some reason backed away from pursuing the Epstein angle.
Where is the vast federal investigation into the people who frequented Epstein’s wretched parties? There is none, and Epstein, though convicted of molesting a 14 year old girl and selling her into prostitution, was only slapped on the wrist with a 13 month sentence.
Accusations of pedophilia seem to follow the globalists and elitist politicians wherever they go. This does not surprise me. They often exhibit characteristics of narcissism and psychopathy, but their ideology of moral relativity is what would lead to such horrible crimes.
Evil often stems from people who are empty. When one abandons conscience, one also in many respects abandons empathy and love. Without these elements of our psyche there is no happiness. Without them, there is nothing left but desire and gluttony.
Narcissists in particular are prone to use other people as forms of entertainment and fulfillment without concern for their humanity. They can be vicious in nature, and when taken to the level of psychopathy, they are prone to target and abuse the most helpless of victims in order to generate a feeling of personal power.
Add in sexual addiction and aggression and narcissists become predatory in the extreme. Nothing ever truly satisfies them. When they grow tired of the normal, they quickly turn to the abnormal and eventually the criminal. I would say that pedophilia is a natural progression of the elitist mindset; for children are the easiest and most innocent victim source, not to mention the most aberrant and forbidden, and thus the most desirable for a psychopathic deviant embracing evil impulses.
Beyond this is the even more disturbing prospect of cultism. It is not that the globalists are simply evil as individuals; if that were the case then they would present far less of a threat. The greater terror is that they are also organized. When one confronts the problem of evil head on, one quickly realizes that evil is within us all. There will always be an internal battle in every individual. Organized evil, though, is in fact the ultimate danger, and it is organized evil that must be eradicated.
For organized evil to be defeated, there must be organized good. I believe the liberty movement in particular is that good; existing in early stages, not yet complete, but good none the less. Our championing of the non-aggression principle and individual liberty is conducive to respect for privacy, property and life. Conscience is a core tenet of the liberty ideal, and the exact counter to organized elitism based on moral relativity.
Recognize and take solace that though we live in dark times, and evil men roam free, we are also here. We are the proper response to evil, and we have been placed here at this time for a reason. Call it fate, call it destiny, call it coincidence, call it god, call it whatever you want, but the answer to evil is us.
View the complete article, including links, at:
Donald Trump Destroys CNN FAKE NEWS!!!
Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings (12/6) (v/pizzagate)
Posted by: ‘Crensch’
Disclaimer: Information has been crowd sourced by the community (not myself) and I have just put it together for you to investigate and decide on your own. People are innocent till proven guilty. It is our hope that good honest professional law enforcement agents look into this to settle the alarming findings true or not and provide explanations once and for all.
Nothing alone may be convincing. And each little thing taken alone seems coincidental. It’s the entire package which makes it very eerie and quite terrifying. There seems to be overwhelming evidence that pedophilia rings are within the government as a means of blackmailing people as an initiation tool to preserve power, control, and wealth under the guise of satanic rituals/black magic into their secret cabal. Pizzagate is NOT simply about a pizzashop. It’s about a mass network of child trafficking through possible means of the Clinton Foundation involving many people regardless of political party association.
Although there have been many accounts of this throughout the years, what ignited the investigation were the suspicious emails from John Podesta via Wikileaks. John Podesta is a former chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign and a former Cheif of Staff to Bill Clinton. Wikileaks has a 100% accuracy record for revealing government corruption over 10 years. Please read in entirety before you make up your mind and be aware that propaganda programs have existed, like project mockingbird, and likely still do exist in order to control the people and prevent them from knowing what is truly going on.
— First, I would like to mention that there seems to be quite a few cases where criminal networks exist and provide access to children for the purposes of sexual exploitation and child pornography to elite clientele in the political and business worlds. Many people mysteriously die, such as those involved in the Franklin Credit union case . It’s an exhaustive list so I’ll let you go down the rabbit hole here. So it’s good to be aware when considering the absurdity of these out-there claims.
— There was actually a full 1994 Discovery Channel DocumentaryYouTube that covered pedophilia rampant in our government, but it was banned and never aired.
— The largest pedophile ring had been exposed (covered by nbc news) coincidentally after Anthony weiner’s laptop was taken.
— And another pedophile ring exposed in Norway.
— The Belgium pedophile/sex scandal.
— And the older Savile pedophilia scandal in the UK..
— Let us not forget about the American Financier/Co-founder of the Clinton Foundation and sex offender/pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein , his good relationship with Bill Clinton , along with various other high ups in the government and his Lolita express which he used to fly people to his private island home for pedophilia related vacation trips.
— A woman named Laura Silsby was caught trafficking children in Haiti, and Hillary was sent emails regarding her updates. Laura Silsby was let off the hook by a Clinton appointed convicted sex trafficker. She is now an associate to the amber alert system involved in finding missing children. A woman who was investigating these ties to the Clinton Foundation was just found dead recently. MT.
— Frank Giustra owner of Radcliff Foundation is a big donor to and board of directors for the Clinton Foundation. Elpida, which is a branch of the Radcliff foundation happens to have what looks like a blatant pedophile symbolJPG in their logo.JPG
— John Podesta is good friends with known and admitted pedophiliacs such as Dennis Hastert, Podesta recieved an email saying it’s time for Hastert to vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island after the news broke..
— John Podesta likes artwork portraying cannibalism, this one is in his officeImgur Album. John Podesta’s brother, Tony Podesta’s affinity for provacative art which includes Arch of Hysteria which represents pain and resembles Jeffery Dhamer’s victim’s pose. Tony Podesta is a lobbyist in Washington, and is an employee of the Saudis who also have issues with Child Trafficking. The Podestas seem to be a fan of Katy Grannan’s and biljana djurdjevic’s artwork which often portrays naked teenagers and child abuse
— References to Moloch ( the god of Children Sacrifices) and sacrifices of chickens were found in the Wikileak emails of the DNC staff to Hillary. Not surprising as Bill Clinton wrote how he was fascinated with voodoo magic in his book and that Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on her hero, Saul Alinsky’s, book in which he has an acknowledgement for satan.
— Marina Abramovic is a must mention along with her spiritcookingYouTube which is satanic in nature involving blood, semen, & breast milk and John Podesta’s invite via email. Marina stated on an AMA that in private dinners, it’s NOT art.
— Marina Abromovic is often seen with many Hollywood actors, including Pamela Anderson, Will Farrell, Nicole Richi, Kirsten Dunst, and many many others as they enjoy their spirit cooking dinner cannibalizing a naked human shapedcake .
— Interesting that pedophilia seems to be commonly known by celebrities who speak out, such as Corey FeldmanYouTube and Elija Wood.
— References to pedophilia via known pedo codePNG like cheese pizza in the Podesta emails, such as the handkerchief pizza/map being left behind. Handkerchiefs are used as code for sexual preferences, , and victims of pedophilia express that it’s collected as a souvenir after being placed under the victimJPG. Other code words found in the emails like: playing dominos on cheese or pasta? and an email titled “Pizza.jpg” where the message is “doesn’t get any better than this” with an attachment of a little girl eating pizza with two femalesJPG who happen to be women captured investigating human trafficking in NK; Euna Lee and Laura Ling.YouTube
— A worthy leaked government email to check out where pizza is obviously a code word: “Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it.”
..Continued in comments..
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OBAMA Connections (IF ANY) to ‘Pizzagate’ and ‘Comet Ping Pong’
View the complete, updated thread on the InspectorSmith Forum at:
There’s a Pedophile Ring on YouTube
Published on Dec 23, 2016 by ‘reallygraceful’
There’s a pedophile ring on YouTube. They are hiding in plain sight, commenting on children’s videos, acting as black mirrors for “harmless” content from webcam uploads. Please tape up your children’s cameras on their tablets. Watch what your children are doing on the internet.
For a discussion of the topic on VOAT, see:
No one CREDIBLE will go on the record to say Pizzagate is NOT real! — David Seaman
TOP SECRET Merry Christmas Message Re: 2017
Published on Dec 25, 2016 by ‘David Seaman’
The gate is still real. It’s in the Wikileaks. No one credible in national law enforcement, or within the national security community, will go on the record to say it’s not real. Merry Christmas and see you in 2017, YouTube friends! We will overcome censorship attempts.
Patti Paule-Carres, a PODESTA COUSIN Runs a Private INTERNATIONAL Adoption Service
Gusifer: Patti Paule-Carres, a Podesta Cousin Runs is a Private INTERNATIONAL Adoption Service (pizzagate)
Posted by: ‘quantokitty’
So 2impendingdoom posted asking for help looking into a business started by Patti Paule-Carres, a Podesta cousin.
======================= More Gusifer BS. According to Patti-Paule-Carres, her business is nonclassifiable?
So it’s “Nonclassifiable Establishments”?!!! But this does show that Joseph (Daniel’s father) was in on this and actively involved. If you click on his name, it confirms what is said above about Daniel being “J. Daniel and Daniel J.”
But his part in the business, it’s as shadowy as Paule-Carres. What does “Production Occupations” mean? Especially when the type of business is listed as “Medical”?
========= Another property showed up for a J. Daniel Petruso. It’s at 517 Fairmont in Winchester, VA
When I did a search for that address, a Mary Christine Petruso came up. There’s a Daniel J. Petruso listed as a possible relative and several other individuals that might family members. I notice that Mr. Petruso usually is listed as J. Daniel Petruso with the “J” first, but this time the J. is after Daniel so it might be that he’s sometimes listed both ways. I’m putting down the link to this woman and the possible family family members because it may aid in figuring out if they are involved in this adoption service or not. There could be other businesses that tie in also, but, right now, there’s absolutely no evidence to link them at this time.
The business is called Gusifer, and given its similarity to Guccifer, 2impendingdoom wondered if it was a lead. Is it ever! I posted, but I feel like the information is getting buried, and it’s too important to get buried! Therefore, I’m putting it into its own post.
2impendngdoom was right! Here’s what I found. The business isn’t one business – it’s eight. And it’s listed as business services. Here’s the information:
It says and I quote: “There are 8 companies that have an address matching 124 Amherst St Winchester, VA 22601. The companies are Paule Carres Phd Pc Glenn N, Medical Electronic Data Insurance Claims Inc, Shenandoah Family Institute Inc, Sfi Adoption Services LC, Gusifer LLC, Pcs Enterprises LLC, Medic Inc, and Prisma Counseling Services Plc.” My eye stopped on: ADOPTION SERVICES?!!!! Really? When you search for Sfi Adoption Services, you get lots of hits. Here are two examples. SFI is listed as a PRIVATE VIRGINIA ADOPTION SERVICE and an INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE ADOPTION AGENCY. Nope, you can’t make this shit up!
The scary thing is that they handle medical records AND adoptions. Does this mean they have the ability to change medical records? If they do this is worrisome for obvious reasons. I feel this is a huge lead so dig, dig, dig!
Edit: There’s even another adoption service at 124 Amherst: Fridays Child Adoption Service.
cbradio has helped us out by compiling a list to look for in checking whether an adoption service/agency is legitimate. This should help enormously in our investigation:
Is his COA accreditayion up to date, consistent history? Also, 1. National Center zfor Families and Children, Maryland, allows volunteers?? 2. Fairdax Families for Kids, mentor programs. 3. DC family and Youth Initiative- host, mentor, adoptions.
The Haiti adopt place across from Comet? Connect to any agencies or people this subverse listed on top?
What attorney is either agency using?
What hospitals are they affiliated as many adopt agency reviews, list that hospitals are utilized for unwanted pregnancies.
There are more govt, state/fed oversight agencies, then I listed. Be back on that.
Fed/state grants?
Any live in VA, DC area to spy or also look at back of weekly papers for ones advertising for pregnant moms/ paid to conceive?
All the missing VA children. How far from those agencies?
Are kids kept at that building or where? Where are they getting the overseas ones?
========= New address: Friday’s Child Adoption Services, Inc. 90 Whitewood Road Suite 4 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 (703) 200-9099
I went to the Virginia Dept. of Social Services and found this address listed. The agency may have moved from Amherst or be another branch? Here’s the archived link:
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Evidence In WikiLeaks #55433 (pizzagate)
Posted by ‘hunt1954’
While Wikileads #55433 is one of the most cited of the Podesta emails (the “pizza related map” one) there is an aspect that is only rarely mentioned. If you look at the original message from the realtor Kathryn Tate it states: “I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.” This was sent to Susan and Herbert Sandler. Note that nothing was stated in this email about pizza or a map. Mr. Tate sees this as nothing more than someone left a handkerchief and she wants to know where to send it.
So now Susan Sandler emails John Podesta with “The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus (sic)? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.” So where does Ms. Sandler get the idea that this handkerchief is “pizza related” or that it has a “map” from what Mr. Tate told her? It’s not to be found. So it is clear that Ms. Sandler inferred from the description that the handkerchief was potentially important. It seems that she must know something about Podesta. A literal interpretation is clearly not correct and that the words pizza and map are a cryptic reference.
Using the PIzzaGate codes this is message makes sense in that Ms. Sandler was concerned that this handkerchief might have evidence of illicit activity. Podesta’s response suggests that either this is not the case here or that he just isn’t worried. At any rate this construction makes this far more evidential than simply to look at it as “pizza related map” .. WTF? Rather it indicates that Ms. Sandler is familiar with Podesta’s activity or at a minimum strongly suspects it. She seeks to protect him.
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Continuing Investigation into Patti Paule-Carres Businesses: Leads to Gusifer and China! (pizzagate)
Posted by: ‘quantokitty’
Summary: A continuation of this: which establishes a connection between Podesta cousin Patti Paule-Carres and private national and international adoptions that were centered around eight businesses located at 124 Amherst in Winchester, VA. Two of those businesses, PCS Enterprises, L.L.C, and Gusifer, L.L.C. were registered to Paule-Carres. PCS Enterprises has ties to software, aviation, and China. This could aid in falsifying computerized government birth, health, education and vaccination records. It could also be used to create a legitimate footprint for a child and mask legitimacy, even though they might be considered missing in another system. With the connection to aviation, private flights could be set up to transport and deliver children.
There is even a tie to Gusifer, a Nicaraguan journalist, and Nicaragua plays a huge part in human trafficking. Here’s a UNICEF report. ……………………………….
============= More from this very mysterious world of Patti Paule-Carres and her many businesses. I homed in on PCS Enterprises, L.L.C. It was listed at 124 Amherst, the location of the one stop adoption services. Pattie and her husband giving what I’m assuming are mandatory counseling services. Here’s cursory foundation. Businesses listed at 124 Amherst: ……………………………………
Here’s Patti Paule-Carres’ registration of PCS Enterprises: ……………………………………..
And where the business was taken over: …………………………………….
So Paule-Carres registered it on 04/28/05 and it was then taken over with the help of agent Paul Sherman who re-registered in on 09/21/15. Paule-Carres gave the address of 124 Amherst and Sherman gave: 2639 Kenmore Road, Richmond, VA, ………………………………………………. (the property appears to have NOTHING to do with Sherman or Paul Smith I might add), but on the link giving the business history, we can see that PCS was doing business at 124 Amherst so it is Patti Paul-Carre’s original business. Note also that the description lists it under “business services”. Now if you click on the business name, two employees come up: Paul Smith, Owner (SINCE 2011 – IMPORTANT) and Zach Godfrey, President. …………………………..
If we click on Zach Godfrey’s name, his bio comes up. ……………………….. We can see that he indeed did work for Paule-Carre from 2000-2004. He was President of both PCS and his own company called myARCWorld. If we click on myARCWorld, we find that term that PCS was described as. It’s “Inclassifiable Establishments”. So that’s where it came from!
I decided to go hunting and try to track down what myARCWorld did and came upon this article: ……………………………
The business sounds pretty innocuous and tame. Other than the PC software and computers, it sounded like a Kinko’ on steroids, but what about PCS Enterprises? What business was that? Remember that Mr. Godfrey was the President for it before Paul Smith took it over. To find out about Smith and PCS, I went here: (You have to log in to see everything) …………………………………………
Remember he worked for Hoch and Associates, and that he’s been involved with PCS Enterprises since 2011!!! Told you it would be important. So this info lines up with it being the right guy. Here’s what it says: [quote]PCS Enterprises, LLC November 2011 – Present (5 years 2 months)Everett, Washington USA PCS Enterprises provides consulting services and training in project management.
Developed detailed project plan for multimillion dollar facilities and equipment upgrade and production rate expansion for Boeing Tianjin Composites Company in Tianjin, China. Trained leaders and future project managers to complete the project.” [unquote]
WHOA!!! WTH did China come in? And note the address given … this time it’s Everett, Washington! Where is this business again? But the next problem is “Gusifer.” Why you ask? Well, I’m glad you did. Patti also registered a business in that name (as we pizzagaters know), and it just so happens … there’s this guy that posts on TripAdvisor and all these game sites that uses that name. Here he is on TripAdvisor giving reviews for restaurants in NICARAGUA: ……………………………………………….
He also claims he’s a journalist(?) (will try to find that page again), AND he likes to play games — some involving flight simulation. So you tell me, what the chances that a guy named Gusifer just happens to post a question about FLIGHT SIMULATION on a site where a PAUL SMITH, and aviation specialist, is a moderator and answers him? Yes, they’ve talked many times!
A Gusifer and the man who has taken over Patti’s business are both real and both know each other and converse. So you guys tell me what’s going on? All a gigantic coincidence? Or was this business a front for something bigger? Planes, China, software, and computers … and to think Patti Paule-Carre, a family counseling specialist was involved in all that.
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PizzaGate Will Dominate 2017, Because It Is Real
Published on Dec 29, 2016 by ‘David Seaman’
PizzaGate is very real. Go to, select the John Podesta email archive (Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff), and search for “pizza.”
Some have been unkind to the researchers and journalists on this. The level of unkindness seems to extend beyond the expected capability of a random pizza shop. Who is it trying to destroy researchers’ lives in a hurry? We won’t be silent. We won’t be intimidated. Can’t accuse us all of YOUR pathetic crimes. Can’t silence us all. Can’t ban us all from YouTube, or Twitter, or the sidewalk, or anywhere.
PizzaGate is real. The bizarre broadcast media denials (“Fake News!”) and absurd level of harassment/gaslighting researchers are dealing with personally convinces me it is, perhaps, even bigger than the Wikileaks emails themselves suggest.
John Podesta is not yet in a courtroom answering for the contents of his emails, and that is wrong.
Podesta Cousin Patti Paule-Carres has had direct ties to Amsterdam since 2007! (pizzagate)
Posted by ‘quantokitty’
This is a continuation of this. It’s a post that connects Paule-Carres and her husband to domestic and international private adoption agencies.
Holy shit! I had a few minutes to do further investigation into Podesta cousin Patti Paule-Carres, and I tripped over a connection to Amsterdam! Yes, in addition to the family counseling, adoption services, registering businesses and renting out apartments, she’s had time to open an art gallery in AMSTERDAM! Why Amsterdam? One guess why.
Like I said, I discovered it tripping over my own shoes. I posted before about Patti’s apartments in France. I thought, what the heck? Let me stick that website into the Wayback Machine and see what’s archived. I saw an entry for 2008 and popped it open. I saw this page talking about an art gallery? Yes, Patti Paule-Carres’ art gallery!
Note the copyright date. It’s at the bottom of the page: © Paule Carré 2007 – Designed By Cleartag. So this enterprise has been around since at least 2007! Yup, that magic year! Believe it was begun June 19, 2007. This has shades of Pegasus Museum all over it! JA was copying this.
Here’s an archived pic of the gallery Paule Carré Art & Interior B.V. coming up on a search:
And in case anyone has any doubts that this is Patti Paule-Carres’ work, if you click on the link to the museum, this comes up replete with her photo:
Seriously, this “operation” has private adoption agencies, psychologist/psychiatrists, medical records companies, ties to Nicaragua that could be used for money laundering, software companies, connections to China, and access to vulnerable children. It’s the same set-up as the Finders operation. Look at the similarities:
Paris and China: “Under Varga’s instructions, Pettie recruited a network of agents in Europe, including Dr. Keith Arnold (recruited in Paris in 1958) who he accompanied to Moscow in 1959 or 1960. Arnold, currently based in Hong Kong with the Roche Foundation, has made over 40 trips to mainland China …” Virginia: “In the early 60s Pettie allowed Ralph Borsodi and Mildred Loomis to use his Virginia property” Set up a futuristic network: “In 1967 or 1968 Pettie established a ‘futurist, network, assisting Edward S. Cornish in founding the World Future Society …” Psychologists/behavior modification: “Pettie infiltrated the ‘human potential’ movement, setting up Ken Kesey (Living Love) as a prominent guru and working through Dr. Stephen Beltz (related to Judith Beltz, a behavior modification specialist more recently deployed to the Institute of Cultural Affairs and the Meta Network cult.”
In case someone doesn’t know the shocking numbers of sex trafficking in Amsterdam, here’s a site I picked at random: ………………………………………………
Look, right now there is no evidence of any wrongdoing. Yes, there are parallels and suspicions, but we need evidence and to get evidence, we need to dig! This is only the tip of the iceberg.
View the complete post, including links and comments, at:
Posted by ‘quantokitty’
Oh, dear freakin’ Lord!!! What a way to spend a Saturday, but I found it!!! Definitive proof that Bucks Camping and Fishing has a BASEMENT!!!
drum roll
Here’s the article:
And I quote:
“Like Pastan, James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong in D.C., doesn’t build his pizza sauce with DOP San Marzanos. For seven years, he has been buying late-harvest tomatoes from Toigo Orchards in Shippensburg, Pa., and canning them at nearby Stello Foods for use at Comet. Last year, Alefantis estimates, he bought 12 tons of Toigo tomatoes, which Stello turned into sauce and canned before trucking the jars to the basement at Buck’s Fishing & Camping, Alefantis’ other restaurant nearby.”
Can I get a hallelujah and amen?
Adding this:
And look at the property listing for Bucks:
TWO STORIES!!!! That’s how it’s listed. The same as Comet!
Might we now safely infer that Comet has a basement, too?!!! – (bold emphasis added in two paragraphs)
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sotheby’s is connected to transformer, alefantis, brock. luxury vip card is access card to museums and private events globally. (v/pizzagate)
Posted by: ‘bolus’
this is in response to the post about podesta, herb, and susan using Sotheby’s to line up a house on martha’s vineyard for a party.
the agent involved in that transaction found the handkerchief, and this event generated the Susan Sandler email about the ‘pizza related map’.
I am drawing a conclusion that Sotheby’s is tied in directly with Alefantis/Brock/Comet/Little Red Fox/Buck’s through Transformer.
first things first – archive all of the transformer documentation while it’s still available:
it’s an open public directory of all pdfs and .docs associated with the transformer gallery for the last several years. i’ve archived it twice, but i don’t know if there’s an easy way to just dump .pdfs somewhere. go go go, then come back here.
Sotheby’s Cards
Sotheby’s has a luxury/VIP credit card which acts as a ticket to museums and private events – it’s an elite access pass for the elite of the elite:
Conde nast article about the service: …………………………………..
Alefantis and Brock used Sotheby’s to buy their house:………………………….
Alefantis is friends with this agent ……………………………….
she posts lots of ‘events’ and ‘showings’, as a realtor is likely to do.
, commented on article that a property was near comet:
……………………. note that she tags several businesses in and around the connecticut block of interest.
the linked page is no longer available, but the property /3636-everett-street-nw-washington
sotheby’s is present at many transformer auctions – all those .pdfs you downloaded, search them, and you’ll find sotheby’s throughout.
here’s the guest list for the 7th annual transformer auction, for instance.
fbianon said that ‘cards’ were an important lead, and i think this is why.
sotheby’s may be the central service for collecting/disbursing money in a private market scheme. using auctions to hide value transfers, like the dead-drive-on-ebay concept, but on a much larger scale.
ALSO THIS CONNECTS THE CORCORAN, whose trustees are represented by JECCA and ANDREW JON KLINE.
Sotheby’s is apparently Corcoran Groups parent company: …………………………………..
2008 is when Corcoran (holder of 2 billion dollars of art assets, i’ve posted about them before) started its decline, ending with a “donation” to GWU of nearly all property and assets.
appears to be a conflict of interest fire sale: Corcoran selling priceless collections through Sotheby’s
Article states that “Realogy” (apparent parent company) sees declining profits in Sotheby’s, Corcoran, and CitiHabitats – they only made 1.7 BILLION for the quarter.
following these threads. (edit to clarify that Realogy appears to be the parent company for Sotheby’s Corcoran, and a shit-ton of other interests)
View the complete post, including links, at:
Interesting and Likely Important CONNECTIONS:
‘Comet Ping Pong’ in Washington DC, James Alefantis, David Brock, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Podesta-Cousin Patti Paule-Carres, Virginia-Based ‘Gusifer’ Business Complex Including a Private International Adoption Service (Paule-Carres), ‘Paule Carré Art Gallery’ (Paule-Carres) in Amsterdam, ‘Transformer Art Gallery’ (Alefantis) in Washington DC, Sotheby’s Elite VIP Card
For more information on any of the above listed references, you can conveniently search for them on:
InspectorSmith Forum at:
VOAT at:
Startpage or Google
Updated: 1/1/2017
Interview with Child Trafficking Survivor
Published on Dec 30, 2016 by ‘reallygraceful’
Becki, a victim of child trafficking, speaks out on pizzagate, the ineffectiveness of CPS, why victims of child trafficking often don’t come forward, and how child traffickers utilize social media. Becki has been blogging about child trafficking for many years and was interviewed by a fellow blogger about her experience. Through this blog post, she connected with Catherine, who left a comment on the post. With Catherine’s help, Becki fled from the UK and sought asylum in the US. Becki still hasn’t been granted asylum.
HUGE! Podesta cousin Paule-Carre Admits She’s “Based in AMSTERDAM” and that she has a Management Consulting Firm! (pizzagate)
Posted by ‘quantokitty’
Brief history of this investigation. Here are the previous three posts about Patti Paule-Carre: Adoption services: Business with ties to China: Ties to Amsterdam:
A huge hit came up today! Thought I’d go Twitter diving and I came up with a Twitter account for Ms. Paule-Carre that’s gonna really make you go WOW! According to this, she’s sounds more an operative than anything else … or that’s what it seems like to me. Read what this Twitter account says:
So she was born in LEBANON (gee, wonder where the Podestas got those ties to the Middle East?), a French national, and in 2011, is based in Amsterdam!!! So all those listings at 124 Amherst in Winchester VA, what were those? She’s stating here that she’s BASED in Amsterdam! And that she has “a management consulting firm”!!! Which firm is this? PCS Enterprises? Or Gusifer? She’s never described PCS that way. Remember that PCS was described as “business services” and Gusifer is mostly left blank.
I really think we need to be all over this. Why did she base herself in Amsterdam? Why did she open a Twitter account that she never used? (Please note that it only has one follower. If you click on it, it brings you a second private protected account for: Paule Carre! Why does she barely advertise that art gallery of hers? And what did this being based in Amsterdam have to do with the adoption services. SFI was doing business in five countries! Was The Netherlands one of them? Link: And it’s strange that she professes to own a “management consulting” firm and yet directs people to the link where she only advertises two apartments for rent in France and occasionally the gallery in Amsterdam? (Link to gallery. Her picture is on there … it’s hers ))
Meanwhile, we have someone named “Gusifer” (see previous link on China for this individual) asking questions about flights from Newark to Zurich with full loads and full loads of fuel … the subject even switches to Hawaii! Why would he want to know the weight capacity and how many stops to make?
View the complete post, including comments and links, at:
Podesta: “fresh handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico” (pizzagate)
Posted by ‘zzvoat’
I just left this info for David Seaman under his newest video, which included lifting up a line from an email that we read when it first came out but, for some reason never flagged. Terrific that someone did AND there’s even more.
Here’s the money line:
“fresh, handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico the previous day, “
No one needs to fly handmade tortillas in at all, let alone a day ahead of time for any party. There are a million places in DC that make authentic handmade Mexican tortillas, which would actually be fresher if purchased the day of the party.
Googled “Washington, DC handmade mexican tortillas”
872, 000 returns
Gee, with Obama’s $65,000 in pizza and hotdogs being flown in from Chicago and all these handmade tortillas being flown in from Mexico there is certainly a lot of “flying around” of food, isn’t there?
EDIT: (also left for David but I don’t know whether he’ll get it) Logic tells me that the next step is to get info. on all inbound flights from Mexico to DC (and Baltimore?) on the previous day, which I believe would be Saturday December 27, 2014, because the subject line of the email reads: “Re: Invitation: Taco and Tequila cookout on Sunday, December 28”
View the complete post, including comments and links, at:
See: Two below-linked Urban Dictionary definitions for ‘Tortilla’
See also: Below-linked Urban Dictionary definition for the related term, ‘Taco’
Pizzagate Researcher, David Seaman — PAYPAL ACCOUNT LOCKED; OTHER YOUTUBER SUSPENDED – The Silencing Begins
Video link:
Published on Jan 1, 2017 by ‘David Seaman’
They don’t want us talking about you know what. Why is my PayPal account now locked from withdrawals? Why is YouTube only now demonetizing my videos when I’ve been a user in good standing here since 2008? Why is YouTube only now upload banning/suspending other YouTubers with a research focus?
UPDATE: As discussed in the below-linked video, David’s account has been unfrozen, but they have yet to state why they froze his account in the first place.
Pre Pizzagate reviews from YELP! of Comet Piiiiiiizzzahhh and Piiiiiing Ponnnnnng..
Submitted by ‘remedy4reality’
YELP! reviews of COMET since PG broke have been 4 or 5 stars and have a contrived vibe and are obviously editied ( many mentioning us ‘freaks’ working on PG ). So I thought I would share some excerpts from diners who were not so glowing with their reviews and visited prior to the filtering that Yelp is now practicing. [url][/url]
” My fiance and I went here the other night for dinner. I was a little thrown off by the amount of children in the restaurant…I guess my impression was it was more a bar than a restaurant and didn’t realize how close to DC suburbia it was. The ping pong area was pretty much all kids so we didn’t get a chance to check it out. ”
“Every time I’ve gone, the ping pong area has been infested with children (even fairly late into the evening and then they take the tables down for live music) so I’ve never gotten to play in all 3 times I’ve been there. I really wish they’d do something to discourage parents from bringing their kids since it really is more of a bar atmosphere otherwise, and the shows are usually punk rock.”
“Additionally, the restaurant seems to have grown grubbier over time. On our last visit (meaning both the most recent – and the last time we plan to eat here), the restrooms were gross – skeevy gas station bathroom level. And it wasn’t just the can; the wall next to our table was splattered with dried food and drink.”
“I am glad we sat outside because after we ate, we decided to go in to check out the atmosphere and ping pong tables (hopefully try to play a game), but there were children running around EVERYWHERE!! It seemed as though there were 50 children.”
” We came to eat here following multiple recommendations and were so disappointed – the pizza is simply not good. The worst we had in DC. ”
“The service was horrid. No silverware, no napkins without asking, no refills, and every employee it looked wore whatever they wanted and were all chatting with each other instead if working. I also overheard the person next to me complain about the service.”
‘ Josh was a very rude bar tender. He held hostage hospitable services from the customer – a policy that disgusts me and if indicative of the rest of Comet bar staff I cannot recommend this establishment. Also when I told Josh I’d write this review he said “Fucking do it. Nobody fucking reads Yelp reviews anyways.” ‘
EPILOGUE: Excerpt from Washington Blade article right after fake gunman incident at Comet: [url][/url] ‘Josh Vogelsong, a Comet Ping Pong bartender who performs in drag and books shows at the restaurant as part of its entertainment venue, told that he and at least two other drag performers who performed there have received harassing messages, including death threats, on Instagram and other social media from Pizzagate believers. Most of the threats and harassing messages he and the other two drag performers received have been anti-LGBT in nature, he said. One Instagram user called him a “dumb bitch or whatever the fuck you are” and a “fucking tranny.”
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Speculation: Comet has Hidden Doorway that leads to McCullough – “Killroom” is located
Submitted by ‘BeezleyBillyBub’
(1) View the page of images presented at:
(2) View the comments to the post images at:
Friends of #CometPingPong: #PizzaGate — ‘VIDME’ VIDEO by ‘RealityCalls’
View the video at –
Published 1/3/2017 by ‘RealityCalls’
View the video at:
Published 1/3/2017 by ‘David Seaman’
LOL, YouTube. You banned Reality Calls, one of the top researchers digging into Clinton Foundation tax problems and PizzaGate. You issued me a content violation strike on a video that violated no terms, which means I can no longer livestream to my audience on YouTube. You randomly stripped monetization from some of my research videos, which took a long time to investigate, vet, and produce. You’re censoring and deleting comments without users’ permission. I’ve been told countless times you’re also dropping my subscribers, and they have to subscribe when they log back into YouTube.
Who needs treatment like this?
Enough is enough.
I’ll be encouraging my awesome 135,000 YouTube subscribers to begin watching my work on instead.
Friends post absurd reactions as Matt Duss, Podesta lobbyist insisting ‘all available kids’ be taken to VIP ‘flown-in tortillas’ party, embraces human hot dog in profile pic: ‘Been lobbying Congress?’
Submitted by ‘oilymirror’
A fat string of curious circumstances grows even fatter as it appears that Matt Duss, previously a ‘policy analyst’ at the formerly Podesta-CEO’ed Center for American Progress and president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, interrupted whatever else he might have been occupied with up to that point in order to specifically have a photograph taken of himself hugging a half-human, half-hot-dog painted sculpture, which he then chose to upload as his Facebook profile picture.
Clearly exploiting some inside joke, the enigmatic picture scored an array of enthusiastic comments from his acquaintances, the nature of which might seem inexplicably out of line to the uninitiated.
For instance, Rebecca Abou-Chedid weirdly comments she is ‘truly honored’.
Christa Blackmon suggests this has something to do with ‘existential terror’.
Ron Kampeas hasn’t had ‘such a disorienting reaction at an image’ since hours before when he read ‘Family Circus’.
Most interestingly, Shaun Casey asks, ‘You’ve been lobbying Congress?’
What, with hot dogs?
Matt Duss appears to have co-hosted the DC party involving ‘fresh tortillas’ flown in from Mexico (the day before), in keeping with the same tradition as Obama’s using certain ‘channels’ to have $65,000’s worth of ‘hot dogs’ and ‘pizzas’ flown in from Chicago to a ‘small gathering’ at the White House, where — incidentally — prepared food isn’t allowed to be brought in. The email to ‘Hawaiian hot-dog stand’ owner John Podesta that awkwardly insists ‘you should bring all the children that are available’ to this party says it’s from Michael Werz, Helga Flores, and Duss.
With the well-established significance of ‘hot dogs’ in Pizzagate research (although its specific use may possibly vary, the general seediness ascribed to it is without question) and taking into account all the DC scandals over the decades proving systemic child and adolescent prostitution for political compromisation, blackmail and other purposes, I’d say the ‘lobbying Congress’ comment at least weaves into a pretty exotic pattern of circumstances.
(Looking into if it had been discovered before, I didn’t find anything.)
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Link to a PIZZAGATE associated video titled “Madeleine McCann & George Soros”, published 12/6/2016 by ‘reallygraceful’, together with related information:
Biden, Obama, and other direct links to pedophiles. Fresh for digging
Submitted by ‘HWIH’
Good morning and a happy new year, investigators.
Fresh pervert meat to have a look into.
Let’s start with everyone’s favourite creepy uncle Joe Biden — a self professed “devout Roman Catholic”. Wouldn’t it be a strange coincidence if his diocese just happened to be infamous for rampant child sex abuse?
Guess what? It is! This creepy diocese had to pay out so many compensations to victims of pedo rape by their priests that it had to declare bankruptcy! Joe Biden’s own diocese.
130 victims came forward. Doesn’t seem to bother creepy Joe Biden though.
Just to keep the creepiness going, the diocese he was raised in — also multiple pedo rape cases against their priests. As we know it is common for abuse victims to become abusers themselves. Could this be what happened with Joe Biden? Wouldn’t be surprising.
But hey… why stop there?
Obama’s appointment for SAFE SCHOOLS was a homosexual who strongly advocated homosexual propaganda in schools, advised a 15 year old who was sexually abused by some old creep at a bus stop “just use a condom”, rather than reporting his statutory rape. He also said his major inspiration was prominent Pedophile Harry Hay
While we’re at it … one more Democrat pedophile. Democratic Senate Aid, Mike McHaney, who worked on John Kerry’s campaign, was also arrested for attempted child sexual exploitation in 2007
Finally, yet another Democrat senator who has a propensity for underage children. While perhaps not as heinous as the pre teens favoured, it seems, by Podesta/Alefantis and co., definitely pretty creepy.
And, finally. When Barack Obama was in Hawaii, he inexplicably loved spending time at the USMC Marine Base in Honolulu, visiting it 12 times in one vacation alone, and again two years before.
Guess who happened to be in charge of the base at that time? Any guesses? Nope? Just another convicted Pedophile, Col. Robert Rice — the guy pictured laughing with Obama in the second article. Just a coincidence, no doubt. Keep on digging, friends, we’re getting closer and closer.
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The #PIZZAGATE investigation just got a HUGE upgrade
A PizzaGate Wiki has now been established as a convenient compendium of detailed facts and data on the topic.
Link –
Alefantis Threatens Pizzagate Researcher?
Youtube Video
Published on Jan 6, 2017 by ‘reallygraceful’
Did James Alefantis really threaten a pizzagate researcher, threatening to harm his family if he didn’t take his Pegasus Museum Killroom video off YouTube? Or is this a hoax? – (bold emphasis added)
Video link:
My comment – I think that the above, widely discussed issue is a FALSE FLAG HOAX
Where does this PizzaSlut-Picture come from? And why isn’t this being spread?!
Submitted by ‘R4WX’
So, I just checked the main #PIZZAGATE Infographic ( ) and stumbled upon this picture here I’ve never seen this picture before, even though I think this has HUGE potential in spreading the word. It’s the same girl which has been taped to the table, which Alefantis just put off as her playing with her sister(?) Did her sister make her wear this shirt as well? Any opinions? Or could someone tell me where this picture comes from? As I haven’t seen it on his Instagram. Keep fighting brothers and sisters. We’re close.
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NEW KEY FIGURE, CLEAR LINK TO PIZZABRAINS, Public social media displays of satanism, codewords, pedo culture
Submitted by ‘TheBlakeAssociation’
I do believe there are many new smoking guns in the evidence I am presenting here with all the links this time to the new Philly evidence concerning PIZZABRAINS presented on this voat thread
Id like to ask, what are the odds of Alefantis’s goddaughter or a girl who looks just like her be put on PIZZABRAINS tumblr then the people associated with the supposed unrelated business be into the same sort of behavior as the comet crew eg satanism spirit cooking for anyone saying the goddaughter is not the pizzaslut (shivers)
This POI clearly is linked to Philly case with this IG post for evidence (omg)
advertising for a cult?
Clear evidence of satanism
satanism reference –
I would normally dismiss a silly cartoon like this apart from a few reasons,
My belief that pickles is a new codeword – this would tie together the evidence presented in the mr pickles tv show (clear satanism) and the evidence presented below in this POI’s IG connected to the new Philly evidence
This thread is actually related to POI connected to the new Philadelphia investigation that started today – did not want to “witchhunt”
!) a newly collected person of interest named GARY DUCKET – posted a reference to the show on his public FB clearly referencing satanic pentagrams and such – very scary, also on his public IG “pickles” (referenced clearly in the cartoon video in a crude way) could be referencing a codeword? there is an image of a baby with the words “cute-cumber”???
I believe this person has many smoking guns on their fully public social media and has been more careless even as much as jimmycommet, another reference to #Fillmorecontainers while on vacation? weird who/what are they filling them with? (here is link for evidence – on his facebook first video for the person who asked . This voat thread including the real photo of what looks to be a satanic event that they attended, plenty more scary stuff and scary people are present.
here are many links, rabbit-holes and people
Tweets by garyducketpictures of interest from IG ==== HOLY SHIT look at this !!EXTREME CONCERN!!
clear satanism references in his public instagram
This is one hell of a rabbit hole
new evidence of codeword = – check his twitter for the tweet of this image
pickle portal with a baby –
“girth and length” – this is it folks
i think this is a repost but my heart is racing too fast — chicken pickle hawk?????? more pedo ref.
found this dudes YT bout to take the plunge
more subs – – moonies cult link? – is this an actual photo of an actual event they attended
cannibalism reference : woah
EDIT: The developments of this lead so far have potentially brought multiple organisations to the forefront being PIZZASLIME (instagram) and PIZZABRAINS (Instagram) they all have these similarities of worshiping pizza with multiple ref. to pedo etc
several themes are starting to branch between what should be isolated evidence for example, the references to the TMNT on both alefantis’s IG and PIZZASLIME, normally id call a coincidence but mixing in Kids, satanism, a worship of pizza, macaulay culkin (wtf – think pizza underground?), pizza + sex along with James Franco with pizza also being common place
Another point of note is the scale of this potential operation/cult which was pointed out somewhere either here or elsewhere we are talking THOUSANDS of members – look at the follow counts of these IGs
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Close to Grandma Rita’s + the Home of James Alefantis is the ‘FARM’.
Submitted by ‘The20th’
Close by to Grandma Rita’s Children + the Home of James Alefantis, is the ‘FARM’.
It’s known as the Claude Moore Colonial FARM and it’s where you can go to see animals, like giant pigs, killed,-77.1546189,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7ca8f32457495:0x9695c419a1a4c0ed!8m2!3d38.9534926!4d-77.1524302 and buy soap.
The Farm abutts both CIA HQ’s and Turkey Run Park.
Address:- 6310 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101, USA,-77.1855319,14.51z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7ca8f32457495:0x9695c419a1a4c0ed!8m2!3d38.9534926!4d-77.1524302
The FARM is the only ‘privately’ operated park in the National Park System and portrays a small working class tenant farm in the year 1771.
Response from the owner 2 years ago… “Correct, the Farm is the only privately operated park in the National Park System, and is run by The Friends of Claude Moore Colonial Farm at Turkey Run, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit with a very small staff and hundreds of volunteers. See Turkey Run Park on Potomac River next to the CIA HQ’s”.
Why on earth would property such as an old farm and a park surrounding the CIA HQ’s be allowed to be privately owned, and managed by a team of hundreds of ‘volunteers’?,-77.1693098,14.77z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sinc+iglesia+ni+cristo+near+Turkey+Run+Park,+McLean,+VA,+United+States!3m4!1s0x89b7caf5a0821477:0xa906a7758ce6ae6f!8m2!3d38.9644031!4d-77.1520451
The FARM is managed by volunteers and it’s the reviewers oddly make up virtually the entire reviewers’ list. There’s a movie maker whose review reads, Great Place! Very Well Run and Very Interesting!
Another reviewer posted this: “Free ng bevk de vccs bcgjr” Anyone know what it could mean?
Photo’s posted by volunteers show giant PIGS on the farm.,-77.1470988,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7ca8f32457495:0x9695c419a1a4c0ed!8m2!3d38.9534926!4d-77.1524302 One rare non-volunteer reviewer notes that ‘they slaughter animals on site. Awful place’.,-77.1546189,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7ca8f32457495:0x9695c419a1a4c0ed!8m2!3d38.9534926!4d-77.1524302
And chickens too.,-77.1470988,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7ca8f32457495:0x9695c419a1a4c0ed!8m2!3d38.9534926!4d-77.1524302
Another reviewer says no one is accepted in after 4pm.,-77.1470988,17z/data=!4m7!3m6!1s0x89b7ca8f32457495:0x9695c419a1a4c0ed!8m2!3d38.9534926!4d-77.1524302!9m1!1b1
The FARM sells SOAPS. Wonder if they stock the Adipocere Soap brand.,-77.1546189,17z/data=!4m7!3m6!1s0x89b7ca8f32457495:0x9695c419a1a4c0ed!8m2!3d38.9534926!4d-77.1524302!9m1!1b1,-77.1586997,14z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7ca626942aa83:0x15c4f2ce27e97f89!8m2!3d38.9521177!4d-77.1449101
I have a strong sense that there is way more history behind the ‘FARM’ at CIA HQ’s that we need to know about.
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Mind Control, SRA & Elite Child Trafficking Origins According to a Psychologist
Video link –
Published on Jan 15, 2017 by ‘reallygraceful’
Dr. D.C. Hammond discovered that amongst his patients, of those who had experienced abuse, a good portion of them had experienced mind control programming. Without leading his colleagues to the same conclusion, his clinical peers across the nation confirmed the same: a portion of their patients with multiple personality disorder had indeed been victims of mind control programming. Dr. Hammond and his peers, through observation and questioning of their patients and their patients’ various personalities, discovered their mind control was occult in origin. The victims named various cults, the military, and the CIA as the perpetrators. The key ingredient in the mind control process was extreme abuse at a very young age: emotional, sexual, and physical abuse so the young victims would become dissociative, meaning their mind was divided into alternates which we know as multiple personality disorder.
Read Greenbaum Speech transcript:
Listen to Greenbaum Speech:
The Outer Dark Greenbaum video:
Wow … just … I feel I should expand on Little Baby’s Ice Cream in its own post
Submitted by ‘littlemrsMAGA’
Quick recap from “Pizza Slut” picture thread:
Someone posted the source of that photo-a tumblr account.
I clicked on a link at the top of the tumblr page, and found things of interest. I’m going to just copy what I wrote so more people can see (might be a good lead):
“Guys, look at the top of the tumblr, click the “” link. Will go to the website of a pizza place in Philadelphia called Pizza Brain.
LOOK AT THE “ABOUT” SECTION. First pic shows the same kind of bizarre, ugly album art that all these people seem to like so much. But keep scrolling-IT SAYS IT’S “Right next door to LITTLE BABY’S ICE CREAM WORLD HEADQUARTERS”. Seriously??
Editing this is for visibility:
Bryan Dwyer is the former owner, check out this Reddit thread he did about Pizza Brain!
Several comments from patrons who were asking why they didn’t accept credit cards, and one called that fact “sketchy”. There are quite a few interesting comments. If it seems important, someone should archive maybe, no idea how to do it.”
BUT. I wasn’t going to make it into its own post until I happened upon this YouTube video. The most terrifying and disturbing ice cream advertisement I’ve ever seen in my life. There is something REALLY WRONG with these people!
Video link:
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Video link:
Published on Jan 18, 2017 by ‘David Seaman’
This morning, WikiLeaks tweeted about PizzaGate for the first time by name. They linked to a PizzaGate segment by CBS Reality Check (they seem to think PizzaGate is REAL), and in the same tweet WikiLeaks linked again to the unclassified FBI report on how to spot child predators… not the most subtle message, WikiLeaks, but thank you. Thank you so much for shining a light on this. Now we need global justice for the victims.
CBS News Ben Swann does a “Reality Check” on Pizzagate
Video link:
Published on Jan 17, 2017 by ‘David Dobbs’
After looking at much of the current evidence, Ben Swann asks a very good question…. “Why is no one investigating this?”
Pizzagate Is Back: CBS Reality Check with Ben Swann Airs Honest Segment On Comet Ping Pong
Zero Hedge
by ZeroPointNow
With the Inauguration just days away, “PizzaGate” has been thrust back into the spotlight for the first time since the election thanks to reporter Ben Swann of CBS46 in Atlanta – only this time, it’s not a puff piece labeling it a conspiracy theory, or another New York Times article going out of it’s way to defend Comet Ping Pong. Swann lays out the players, including Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis (who was in a relationship with CTR-mastermind David Brock), as well as pedophile terminology, logos, and some of the pedo-friendly musical acts featured at the restaurant. Swann even mentions John Podesta’s close relationship with convicted pedophile Dennis Hastert, as well as the creepy Podesta art.
Is this the opening salvo in the next phase of #PizzaGate from emboldened journalists who no longer fear John Podesta’s wrath? The answer is anyone’s guess, however, even if Ben Swann isn’t taken out with a Polonium pellet – he will forever be encumbered by his gigantic balls.
View the complete post, including links, tweet and video, at:
MSM: Weapon of Mass Deception
Video link:
Published on Oct 12, 2016 by Brittany and Nicole (Pettibone)
David Seaman on Twitter: I spoke to someone from Homeland Security last night. Pizzagate is not debunked, and is being actively investigated. Cheers!
Submitted by ‘MurrueLaFlaga’
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Parents of girl taped down in Comet Pizza photo
Submitted by ‘Blloyd’
Here are 2 videos, by a fabulous Pizzagate researcher called Montecristo, which identify the parents of the little girl whose arms were taped down to a table in one of Alefantis’ Instagram pictures. The father makes children’s coffins. It’s all so sick:
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Orphanage staff confirms an undisclosed connection between Bill Clinton and the orphanage that child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from
Submitted by ‘redberries’
We were all shocked when we found out that alleged child-trafficker James Alefantis was connected with Friends of the Orphans, the orphanage which convicted child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from. The Silsby case is riddled with mysteries and inconsistencies. Many questions remain unanswered, and it wasn’t until the Wikileaks emails were released that we discovered how the Clintons had intervened in the Silsby case. The question was, why? We may have found the answer to that.
Bill Clinton’s connection with Friends of the Orphans, the orphanage that child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from
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Mike Cernovich Files Lawsuit to Unseal Records in Jeffrey Epstein Pedophile Case
Submitted by ‘Orange_Circle’
Mike Cernovich Files Lawsuit to Unseal Records in Jeffrey Epstein Pedophile Case
As many of you know, Epstein is a frequent flyer to DC and I’ve surmised that he’s been photographed in Comet Ping Pong.
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The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Attempted To Ignore/Cover It Up – new from Zero Hedge
Submitted by ‘bopper’
For all those who are investigating this, possibly helpful info. The comments mention George Webb and more.
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“DynCorp, Haiti and Me” — Video by George Webb
Video link:
The Franklin Scandal: The Elite Child Abuse Ring in Nebraska
The People’s History
by Timothy Silver
Authors note: A majority of information in this post comes from four sources: A Discovery Channel documentary titled “Conspiracy of Silence”, a book by celebrated investigative journalist Nick Bryant titled “The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, and Betrayal”, a book by former Green Beret, former State Senator and attorney John DeCamp titled “The Franklin Coverup”, and the court transcripts between victim Paul Bonacci and perpetrator Larry King. With the exception of Bryant’s books, you can view these sources in their entirety from links in the footnotes. Nick Bryant’s book is worth purchasing because half of the proceeds go to charities that fight child abuse and shelter victims. Only by reading through all of these sources can the full breadth of the Franklin Scandal be understood, and if you find this post compelling, I highly recommend you add each of these sources to your reading list. News articles help augment the cited evidence.
View the complete post at:
James Alefantis running a sexually-oriented, child-unfriendly website, KIDZWORLD.COM – ???
Alefantis running Child Trafficking Website KIDZWORLD.COM INC.
Submitted by ‘ThinkBeforeYouBlink’
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Stephen Colbert’s ties to the Podestas
Submitted by ‘EQJ’
We have all seen Stephen Colbert, late night talk show host, doing all he can to debunk and make fun of Pizzagate. This video makes my blood boil. Ever wonder why he’s trying so hard to discredit this? In 2013 his sister Elizabeth Colbert Busch was running for Democratic nominee for Congress in South Carolina , Her fundraiser was hosted and funded by none other but John and Tony Podesta! Another link Podesta Wikileaks link showing Elizabeth Colbert Busch confirmed as Stephen Colbert’s sister Stephen goes on to mentions wikileaks in the youtube link above. He talks/makes fun of specifically one email: He doesn’t mention he is specifically listed in Podesta’s emails 68 times.
Of course he is trying to debunk pizzagate! He’s in bed with the Podestas! Stephen Colbert: When Comedy Meets Deflection! What more does he have to hide?
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Alex Jones is going hog wild on exposing pedophilia today!!! Wednesday, 2/1/2017
Submitted by ‘Scirel’
Here ( ) is a great place to watch InfoWars commercial free.
Alex, from the end of the first hour, has REPEATEDLY brought out the existence of pedo rings, all day long. He connects it with the breaking Weiner revelations.
There seems to be a convergence of BIG voices on this topic today. The big beginning we have been waiting for is on the brink, methinks…
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Joe Rogan & Alex Jones on Pizzagate: Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta
Video link:
Published on Feb 1, 2017 by ‘Joe Rogan’
The Purge Has Begun. Old names resurfacing left and right- I could be wrong but it seems to me that they are in the process of bringing these creeps down. (pizzagate)
Submitted by ‘isthisreality’
I know you stay pretty much on top of related PG news. However, let’s take a minute and really think about recent news/events and do some critical thinking/connecting the dots on some recent headlines:
*January 20, 2017- Trump Sworn in as POTUS
*January 20, 2017- Dennis Hastert Resurfaces…
*January 27, 2017- New Lawsuit Filed Against Jeffrey Epstein…
*January 30, 2017- Google Fires Podesta Group…
*January 31, 2017- Good Ol’ Weiner Back in the News Facing CP Charges…
*February 1, 2017- MASSIVE Child Trafficking Bust in California…
I could be wrong, but judging by all these recent events- I really think the dominos are beginning to fall.
I mean, these are all creeps that we know are involved in politics and are PROVEN kiddie-diddlers (sans the Podestas, however evidence STRONGLY suggests they are involved, not to mention they are like BFFs with Hastert, which we do have absolute proof of). And now, all of a sudden, since Trump became president- all of these guys are popping back into the news?
And it just so happens that less than two weeks into his presidency, a HUGE child trafficking ring is busted up in California?
I don’t think we should be breaking out the champagne quite yet, but it looks like we might be able to soon.
Edit: Also seems as if Mike Cernovich is requesting Ghislaine Maxwell’s court records to be unsealed – the court date for that I think is Feb 17th –
Also- “Found on this 4chan thread, where there is a lot of discussion and some other material: Parties named in the suit are: Jeffrey Epstein Lesley Groff Sarah Kellen Natalya Malyshev Ghislaine Maxwell Case filing link:”
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Possible DOJ/ FBI Insider on /pol – “Information was finally submitted from the FBI to the DOJ today at 3pm..” (pizzagate)
Submitted by ‘sK_DirtMcGirt’
Want it to be true.. plz Geebus!
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Wow – new Homeland Security / ICE Human Trafficking video opens with #Pizzagate reference.. “The signs are there, sometimes you just have to take a second look” (
Submitted by ZeroPointNow
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Astroturf and Manipulation of Media Messages | Sharyl Attkisson |
Video link:
Published on Feb 6, 2015 by ‘TEDx Talks’
In this eye-opening talk, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.
Sharyl Attkisson is an investigative journalist based in Washington D.C. She is currently writing a book entitled Stonewalled (Harper Collins), which addresses the unseen influences of corporations and special interests on the information and images the public receives every day in the news and elsewhere. For twenty years (through March 2014), Attkisson was a correspondent for CBS News. In 2013, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for her reporting on “The Business of Congress,” which included an undercover investigation into fundraising by Republican freshmen. She also received Emmy nominations in 2013 for Benghazi: Dying for Security and Green Energy Going Red. Additionally, Attkisson received a 2013 Daytime Emmy Award as part of the CBS Sunday Morning team’s entry for Outstanding Morning Program for her report: “Washington Lobbying: K-Street Behind Closed Doors.” In September 2012, Attkisson also received an Emmy for Oustanding Investigative Journalism for the “Gunwalker: Fast and Furious” story. She received the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting for the same story. Attkisson received an Investigative Emmy Award in 2009 for her exclusive investigations into TARP and the bank bailout. She received an Investigative Emmy Award in 2002 for her series of exclusive reports about mismanagement at the Red Cross.
DC Police Chief Stands By James Alefantis and his Comet Ping Pong … (pizzagate)
Submitted by ‘PizzaGate711’
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