RE: — How would you vote if you were a senator in the impeachment trial?

RE: — How would you vote if you were a senator in the impeachment trial?
Acquit on grounds that the charges are insane. The only thing Trump did wrong was to fail to answer the WWCD question: “What would Caesar do?” Caesar would have used the riots as a pretext to invoke the insurrection act, declare martial law, disband Congress, and prevent the succession of Biden-Harris into power. As it is, Trump in a sense is now complicit with everything Biden-Harris are doing to destroy this country, and I am very disappointed. I felt sure he wanted to be a modern Caesar and would do as Caesar would have done. The biggest problem with Trump is that he is neither a Fascist nor a Nationalist at all, but just a lukewarm rich Conservative Democrat-Liberal (Rockefeller) Republican who, as President, did more for Israel than for the USA. He could have redeemed himself on January 6, but he didn’t. But that failure is not grounds for impeachment. Every single Democrat was encouraging ANTIFA-BLM riots all summer long and what’s more, they’d do it again.

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One Response to RE: — How would you vote if you were a senator in the impeachment trial?

  1. Well said and I agree! Although if Trump runs again in 2024 I will most likely support him. Hopefully the second time around he’ll make use of the insight and experience he’s gained since 2016.

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