Shooter in attempted Trump assassination identified as a Chinese man in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium


Gunman behind attempted assassination on Trump shot and killed by Secret Service: sources


The gunman believed to have been behind the attempted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump Saturday was shot and killed by Secret Service, sources told The Post.

The shooter, identified as a Chinese man, was in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, Pa. as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said.

(bold emphasis mine)


See the unedited archived article at:

The New York Post has since edited (at 8:51 PM, July 13, 2024) their article to read as follows:

The gunman suspected in the attempted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump Saturday was shot and killed by Secret Service, sources told The Post.

The shooter, identified only as a white male, was in an elevated sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, Pa. as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said.

(bold emphasis mine)

See the edited article at:

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4 Responses to Shooter in attempted Trump assassination identified as a Chinese man in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium

  1. Lucas Daniel Smith says:

    Elon Musk (5:45 PM · Jul 13, 2024): I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery

  2. Charles Edward Lincoln, III says:

    So exactly HU was this Chinese sniper? Inquiring minds want to know….
    The reporting of this event was kind of interesting. I was watching, almost by accident, and saw that the video revealed that SOMEONE must have been hit because everyone was standing so close and Trump’s ear didn’t STOP the bullet. The UK press reported the death of the sniper and the audience member 15-20 minutes before those casualties were reported in the U.S. media. Why?

  3. A 20 years of age white male named Thomas Matthew Crooks is reportedly the shooter. He’s White but his face looks a little bit Asian or maybe he’s only white but somewhat disabled (physically / mentally) which might account for his facial / head features. Or maybe he’s part Asian. I know a guy who is 100% hillbilly-White but his grandmother is full blooded Korean so you can see it, to some degree, in his face even though he’s obviously white.

    There’s also video of him Thomas Crooks (before ant shots were fired) being seen by many who attended the Trump rally in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania yesterday as he was crawling on a roof with a rifle. These witnesses told (and some where shouting loudly about it saying he’s got a gun and of the roof, all this while Trump was still talking and at least a few minutes before any shots were fired) police / authorities before the shooting.

    Perhaps they observed Thomas Matthew Crooks as being Chinese based on his facial features? Or, again, maybe he is part Asian or he’s all White but is somewhat disabled (physically / mentally)?

    In any event, here’s a picture of Thomas Crooks from a high school year book in 2022:

  4. Charles Edward Lincoln, III says:

    The whole scene is riddled with questionable holes. This kid, another “lone gunman who acted alone” is just another “patsy” like Lee Harvey Oswald/Sirhan Sirhan/Arthur Bremer. A mutual friend of ours (IRAE) and I have been talking about it all afternoon, and I’ve been talking about it with many other people from Maine to Hawaii. It looks and feels staged. The timing is too good (for Trump, right before the RNC). Why was Trump concerned about his shoes? Why were his shoes off? If his ear was hit by a bullet from an AR-15, why does he still have an ear at all? ALL spitzer shaped bullets will tumble/yaw when they hit a medium denser than air. The difference is that 5.56mm will fragment after it starts tumbling because the light construction of the bullet jacket cannot withstand the torque forces applied to it. IRAE asks why his hands were not bloody from touching his ear? The behavior of the Secret Service officers is puzzling in the extreme. I’d be willing to bet this is a hoax. I’m not sure what kind of a hoax—it’s great publicity for Trump.
    The Presidency is a multifarious and complex institution, not a single man, and I prefer the Trump Institution to the Biden Institution 1000-to-1, even if the stagecraft of this assassination attempt was…. somewhat transparently defective.
    If innocent people died, well, I’m sorry. But compare yesterday to 9-11 in New York, 7-7 in London, Oklahoma City Federal Building 1995, Pearl Harbor……
    All the world’s a stage and sometimes people exit left “the hard way.”

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