Some mormon guy named Ron now says “it kills me” not to be President.

Just a few months ago Romney’s son said, “He [Mitt Romney] wanted to be president less than anyone I’ve met in my life. He had no desire… to run,” Tagg Romney said. “If he could have found someone else to take his place… he would have been ecstatic to step aside.

Mitt Romney (whoever that is) is now saying that “it kills me” not to be President.

Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann, now blames the media for her husband not winning the election.  “I believe it was the media’s fault as well, in that he was not being given a fair shake–that people weren’t allowed to really see him for who he was. I’m happy to blame the media.

This is all a little confusing to me.   But before I get started here can somebody tell me who this mormon guy named Mitt Romney is?   I’ve never even heard of the guy.

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2 Responses to Some mormon guy named Ron now says “it kills me” not to be President.

  1. Bruce says:

    Romney Can Save Detroit and America

    Wayne Allyn Root


    What if I told you Mitt Romney can solve two of America’s biggest problems? Yes, the man whose mediocre presidential campaign almost sunk the entire GOP can now save it.

    Even better, the same Mitt Romney, now an unelected private citizen, can also save the U.S. economy and become an American hero. Let me tell you how.

    The news about the U.S. economy gets more depressing each day. Have you seen the latest?

    Disposable income for working Americans suffered the worst drop in January since record-keeping began in 1959.

    Why is this happening? You can see America’s future by studying Detroit. Obama’s policies are damaging the entire U.S. economy, the same way that socialist policies (Democrats call them “progressive”) have destroyed Detroit. Detroit is a microcosm for everything ailing our economy.

    For almost five consecutive decades Detroit has been run by liberal Democrats following the exact policies Obama is now forcing on the U.S. economy — bigger government, more government spending, out-of-control entitlements, too many government employees, obscene pensions, high taxes, too much debt, and an economy run based on “fairness” and social justice.

    Just look at the results — you’ll get sick to your stomach. The Obama economic model has been on display forever in Detroit (1961 was the last time Detroit had a Republican in charge). The result is a bankrupt Third World hellhole in the middle of America.

    Here’s how bad Detroit is:

    — The city has debt and liabilities of an unimaginable $14 billion.

    — Of the 363,281 housing units in Detroit, almost one-third are vacant.

    — Detroit is ranked “America’s Most Dangerous City” for the fourth year in a row – with violent crime five times higher than the national average.

    — 34.5 percent of households get food stamps.

    — The mayor recently admitted recently true unemployment tops 50 percent.

    — 54 percent of all children in Detroit live in poverty.

    — Almost 50 percent of the adults in Detroit are “functionally illiterate.”

    Under Obama, these kind of results are now happening across America. The only difference is Democrats had a 50-year head start with Detroit.

    But life is funny. All this terrible news actually brings up a great opportunity. First, we learned just days ago that Detroit is effectively bankrupt and the governor is about to appoint a receiver to try to save Detroit.

    Second, did you see the Mitt Romney interview on Fox News Channel? Mitt is retired, sitting on the sidelines, chomping at the bit to use his lifetime of business experience to save the U.S. economy. Anyone can see that he desperately wants to get back “in the game.”

    Here’s where opportunity meets a lifetime of preparation. Here’s a chance for Republicans and Democrats to stop debating, arguing, and yelling at each other. Here’s an opportunity to prove by real-life example that when it comes to the economy, jobs, and money it’s conservatives and capitalists who have the ideas and know-how to save America.

    Fate is calling. Mitt Romney was born for this role. Michigan Gov. Snyder should appoint Mitt to oversee the turnaround of Detroit. Mitt is a Michigan native. He could very well be the greatest business turnaround expert of our time, sitting bored on the sidelines, just looking for a way to contribute.

    I’m betting within a year this world-class brilliant businessman can give the city’s residents hope, and within three years put Detroit on the road to recovery. How? By undoing the damage done by five decades of Democrat policies.

    View the complete article at:

  2. @ Bruce:

    I have no idea whether or not Mitt Romney would be able to help the city of Detroit. I do admit that it is possible and there aren’t many other people, who I know of, with plans to help Detroit.

    If Romney will help make things notably better in Detroit I will give him a ‘pass’ for all of his past wrongs. (Not that my pass means anything to anyone or that I really and truly know all of his his past wrongs).

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