The Anatomy of a Self-Annihilating Political Party

THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR, by Ron Ross — March 7, 2019


The Democrat Party has lost its mind. What’s happening there, however, is not happening in isolation. In society and in life nothing happens in isolation.

There’s a word that describes the Party’s behavior: nihilism: “a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless, a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially moral truths.”

That definition fits the current Democrat Party. The Party and the left place little or no value on tradition, the Constitution, the sanctity of life, borders, private property rights, voting-law enforcement, election outcomes, standards of behavior, or free speech. These are all fundamentally different kinds of rules or systems of rules. The left does not like rules (at least not for themselves).

If you do not like rules, you do not like order, and the alternative to order is chaos. The Democrat Party is attempting to lead the country into chaos. Once you recognize that the Democrat Party is nihilistic it becomes easier to understand why they think and act as they do.


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5 Responses to The Anatomy of a Self-Annihilating Political Party

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    The Dawn of Political Nihilism

    Volume I of The Nihilist Order
    by David Ohana


    Until now, nihilism and totalitarianism were considered opposites: one an orderless state of affairs, the other a strict regimented order. On closer scrutiny, however, a surprising affinity can be found between these two concepts that dominated the history of the first half of the twentieth century. Starting with Nietzsche’s philosophy, this book traces the development of an intellectual school characterized by the paradoxical dual purpose of a wish to destroy, coupled with a strong desire to create imposing structures. This explosive combination of nihilist leanings together with a craving for totalitarianism was an ideal of philosophers, cultural critics, political theorists, engineers, architects and aesthetes long before it materialized in flesh and blood, not only in technology, but also in fascism, Nazism, bolshevism and radical European political movements.

  2. Bruce Steadman says:

    ‘POLITICAL NIHILISM’, appears to be the current philosophy promoted by a vast majority of Democrats, with enthusiastic assistance provided throughout each and every day for them by our MSM.

    This tragic and dangerous activity reminds me somewhat of the actions of a TODDLER who aggressively destroys an orderly creation, such as a recently constructed tower of blocks, so that it can be replaced with a NEW CREATION they are sure will be much superior to anything previously constructed.


  3. Thanks for posting Bruce. I read the linked Spectator article. Also occasionally watch Jordan Peterson’s videos on youtube. Keeping my eye on Alexandria Cortez (seems hateful and radical). Also (unrelated) keeping an eye one Kamala Harris (maybe not be eligible to run in 2020 for POTUS due to her parents’ place of birth or their citizenship and other issues).

  4. Friend of Ed says:

    @ Lucas Daniel Smith:
    She was born in California. Are you going to forge a BC that clams otherwise?

  5. Bruce Steadman says:

    Get Ready for the Struggle Session

    In America, and even more so on Twitter, there’s a whiff of China’s Cultural Revolution in the air.

    Wall Street Journal
    by Peggy Noonan
    March 7, 2019


    The Chinese Cultural Revolution was a bitter thing, a catastrophe comparable in its societal effects, and similar in its historical feel, to the terrors of Stalin and the French Revolution. No one knows how many died; historians say up to two million. But what I find myself thinking of these days is the ritual humiliations, the “struggle sessions”


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