The ‘Justice Democrats’ Are the Brains Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Who Was Recruited from a Pool of 10,000 Contestants

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

G. EDWARD GRIFFIN’S — ‘Need to Know’ — March 14, 2019


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was recruited by the Justice Democrats, a group of radical leftist and socialists, that auditioned over 10,000 people to run as their candidate in Congress. The Justice Democrats intend to takeover the Democrat Party by ‘primarying’ out establishment Democrats and replacing them with hundreds of radical socialist puppets. The Justice Democrats, backers of the Green New Deal and open borders, intend to take over the Democrat Party, Congress and then the entire United States. Seven candidates endorsed by the Justice Democrats were elected to Congress in the 2018 interim elections. Two former Bernie Sanders strategists and Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks appear to be pulling the strings, but it is unclear who is funding the enterprise. Zack Exley, a key player in the Justice Democrats, was a fellow at George Soros’ Open Borders Foundation.


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2 Responses to The ‘Justice Democrats’ Are the Brains Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Who Was Recruited from a Pool of 10,000 Contestants

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    List Of 206 Organizations Funded By George Soros That Are Operating In The US

  2. Justice Democrats.. interesting. Thanks for posting Bruce!

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