Lucas Daniel Smith aka InspectorSmith and his Suzuki motorbike. February 4, 2012.
This report is a little off topic and I just wanted to update the readers of this blog on the life of Lucas D. Smith.
It was my intent to really pump out as many blog reports as possible in January 2012 and in an to attempt expedite the subtraction of Kenyan born Barack Obama from the Office of President of United States of America.
I was confronted with several obstacles. Nearly two weeks ago I crashed my Suzuki motorbike at a fairly swift speed. I torn lots of skin (and meat in one big hunk) from hands and my arms. My left legs got busted up (not broken) and my right hip looks like someone painted it black. To complicate things further wounds must be left open in the tropics, i.e., you cant bandage them or they will not heal for months. I have sweated-out several nights pain that turns your brain to mush and all the while keeping a straight face as to not lose all respect in a part of the world where even words are spelled differently according to testosterone and estrogen. I haven’t been able to type much on the computer or find the brain power under than egregious pain registering in brain.
After the crash my motorbike was twisted and contorted looking. I got up quickly and and started bending my bike back into running shape. To do this I used my legs and my arms turn in opposite directions. I got the bike to start again manually and drove myself to the nearest medical clinic. It wasn’t until I reached the clinic and was ‘treated’ that I began to feel the excruciating pain and started seeing black and nearly passing out and feeling so hot in temp that I wanted to rip my clothing from my bloody and battered body.
My motorbike is no longer safe for even the most daring rider to operate. If there was any decent “ducktape” in this country (which there isn’t and that frustrates me often because I have some lower back hair near the waste that I prefer to rip away with “ducktape”) I would tape my bike together to prevent in from falling apart when the wind blows.
Ever since on or about January 5th, 2012 there’s been an earthquake (usually smaller ones) in this country nearly everyday. I remember one night not long ago that I was tossed from side to side in bed at what I believe was 2:20 in the morning (after midnight) and I was almost scared to telling friends because I wasn’t sure if anyone one had felt it. But soon thereafter it was the talk of the town. Ever since then there’s been another quake nearly everyday and typically more than once a day.
I’ve been climbing, with meaty hands, up on the roof every other day to fix the damaged electricity hookup (damaged from the the quakes) which I sometimes rig with discarded metal wire.
Additionally ever since December 4th, 2011 when the police assassinated a friend of mine here a stones throw from where I shower, cook, eat and sleep there’s been an pursuing feud which has consumed much of the last 60 days here. If the reader is inclined to believe that I have inserted the word “assassinated” for a legitimate kill I will provide additional evidence, including official documentation. The chief of police even offered the family 50,000 and to pay for all funeral expenses if they family would agree not to talk to the press.
Then there’s the problem with the witches (witchcraft) here who bring the dead back from the grave and send the living to the grave. Sounds strange to the American ear (or to the eye since your most likely reading this and not listening to it) I know. If you want try and call my bluff I and able and wiling to meet your challenge.
As a good friend of my mine once said, or at least something similar to this, “When you’re up to your neck in alligators, it’s easy to forget that the initial objective was to drain the swamp“.
I will report again soon with a Part Two!
Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Kenya at the Coast Province General Hospital in the year 1961. New sophisticated testing and documentation coming soon, this month of February 2012, exclusively on this blog (WOBIK).
Good night!
We are praying for your swift and complete recovery.
Sometime, I would love to interview you for my radio program.
Take Care