The Omar Affair is a turning point

Photo credit: Leopaltik.

American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson — March 8, 2019


The world’s oldest hate finally, officially has found purchase in America with the support of the world’s oldest political party, the Democratic Party of the United States.  Yesterday’s shameful House resolution was not so much a turning point for American Jewry  as a view of the turning point in the rear view mirror.

Faced with clear examples of Ilhan Omar’s Jew-hatred (“anti-Semitism” is a wishy-washy 19th-century British euphemism that implies that the same people equally hate Jews and Palestinians because they are both Semitic; claiming “dual loyalties” is not about legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies), House Democrats chose to condemn not her, but “white supremacists” and “Islamophobia.”


With Jew-haters in charge now, voters potentially handing power to Democrats in 2020 would launch America down a path whose endpoint will be a catastrophe not just for the Jews — the canary in the coal mine — but for the Republic that the founders bequeathed to us and to “our sacred posterity.”

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2 Responses to The Omar Affair is a turning point

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Democrats Working for Trump’s Re-Election

    American Thinker
    by Clarice Feldman
    March 10, 2019


    I find it impossible to disagree with Ryan Saavedra’s Twitter observation:

    “The Democratic Party, which has called everything under the sun a “Nazi” for the last 3 years, all of a sudden can’t muster up the spine to condemn blatant anti-Semitism within their own party.”

    It’s been in the works for years under the cloak of intersectionality — in truth little more than an effort to ingather voting blocs of illegal immigrants, Palestinian supporters, socialists, blacks locked in the ghettoes of their minds, sexual outliers – LGBT (and “whatever other gender” now included), and malcontent women delighted that even post-birth abortion will be legal.


    View the complete article including links and comments at:

  2. Bruce Steadman says:

    Joseph Goebbels (Nazi Germany)

    “As socialists, we are opponents of the Jews, because we see in the Hebrews the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation’s goods.”

    Nazi Germany quotations

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