I support and advocate everyone’s right to free speech and free expression and I fervently hope that Dan Lacey makes a gimongous load of cash from the eBay auction of his painting of Orly & Obama.
However, I want to note here for the record , that my magnum opus, the “Orly Taitz and her Exhibits” painting is inherently and exceedingly superior to both Dan Lacey’s new Orly painting and his first other several Orly paintings.
Don’t believe me? Please judge, objectively, for yourselves.
UPDATE – 12.28.2012:
About an hour ago I ascertained that the painting featured at the head of this report is, in fact, Dan Lacey’s
third (3rd) (just discovered he’s done several of Orly) painting of Orly Taitz. Early this month Lacey listed his second (2nd) (just discovered he’s done several of Orly) Orly Taitz painting for auction of eBay. A picture of the said painting is embedded adjacent to this update.
Item # 251199162141 – “PAINTING 12 12 12 Orly Taitz Oral Twinkie Ice-T Obama Coco Unicorn Art Dan Lacey”
The auction was pulled/canceled by eBay. In support of the cancellation eBay stated that the painting would need to be listed under the “adult only” category.
As a novice but sincere art aficionado, I decided to devote a few minutes of the little time remaining in the year 2012 to investigate and ponder the painting:
Happy New Year 2013 Obama Robot Orly Taitz Baby Birther, by Dan Lacey
I think the subject matter depicted in the painting is grossly inaccurate and find Lacey’s presentation of it gloomy and depressing. However, I might have entered a small bid on it if he had instead created a painting showing a smiling, triumphant Dr. Taitz giving the baby Obama a well-deserved whack on his sorry little bum as a cheery prelude to the new year 2013. Also, I would likely have doubled my bid for the painting if it had shown Obama’s true birth hospital in Mombasa in the background!
As it is, I FAR PREFER my own cheerful, whimsical, more historically accurate, LDS original painting – ‘Orly Taitz and Her Exhibits’.
However, art provides viewers a very personal experience and I’m sure that Mr. Lacey will please some gloomy, politically naive patron with his current eBay offering.
My brief comment regarding the subject matter for Lacey’s painting –
Lacey’s describes his painting as follows in his eBay offering:
“Obama as the robot Maria from Metropolis has just given birth to a new Dr. Orly Taitz, who attempts to pour a celebratory drink from his chest keg but the tap has run dry.”
I find it interesting that Lacey picked a RUTHLESS, REVOLUTIONARY, FEMALE, IMPOSTER ROBOT from the 1927, pre-Hitler German movie, ‘Metropolis’ to serve as his stand-in for Obama.
When Freder recovers ten days later, he finds out from Josaphat that the Robot, whom they believe is Maria, is raising havoc. The pair venture down to Maria’s altar, where the robot is urging the workers to rise up and revolt. Freder calls the robot out, knowing that Maria would never preach war, but is recognized as Joh Frederson’s son and is attacked by the mob. In the chaos, Georgy is stabbed trying to protect Freder. Joh has ordered that the workers are allowed to rampage, in order to justify the use of heavy force against them at a later stage. The robot leads the workers from the city, who unknowingly leave their children behind, and they surge into the machine halls, abandoning their posts and destroying the Heart Machine, the central power Station of the city, which causes all the city’s systems to fail. With no power for the pumps, the subterranean workers’ city begins to flood. Maria finds the children trying to escape the flood and attempts to save as many as she can from the water, sounding the city’s alarm to gather them in one spot. She is soon joined by Freder and Josaphat, who help her rescue the children and escape to the upper levels of the city via an escape ladder. They manage to evacuate the children just as the workers’ city begins to collapse.
Art is fascinating! Perhaps Lacey’s ‘inner id’ is desperately and clandestinely trying to reveal his hidden thoughts regarding Obama in this painting! LOL
About an hour ago I ascertained that the painting featured in this report is, in fact, Dan Lacey’s third (3rd) painting of Orly Taitz.
Early this month Lacey listed his second (2nd) Orly Taitz painting for auction of eBay:
item # 251199162141 – “PAINTING 12 12 12 Orly Taitz Oral Twinkie Ice-T Obama Coco Unicorn Art Dan Lacey”
The auction was pulled/canceled by eBay. In support of the cancellation eBay stated that the painting needed to be listed under the “adult only” category.
I have updated this report (at the foot of the report) to include a picture of Lacey’s second (2nd) Orly painting.
Insane Obama Inauguration Painting Shows Nudity, Pancakes, Unicorn, Stigmata, Grumpy Cat
Warner Todd Huston
Ebay seller freeperdan has done it again. For Obama’s 2013 inauguration, the artist has uncorked yet another masterpiece featuring a nude Obama with a unicorn and pancakes.
Freeperdan has a long history of creating such paintings, always with similar themes. Nude folks, pancakes, and unicorns are ubiquitous in the artist’s works.
View the complete article, including photo of the painting at:
LOL – Orly Taitz Birther Video
Uploaded on Jan 25, 2012 by Akil Bjorn
“Orly Taitz is famous for being the “Queen of the Birthers” after raising doubts about Barack Obama’s true place of birth. Here is a shocking newly uncovered video. Decide for yourself what the truth is.”
Note: Dr. Taitz posted on 1/30/2013 a link to the above video on her website, Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, under the title:
The best answer Obama regime could come up with in relation to all the evidence of forgery in his IDs and his theft of a CT SSN provided by me.
Bruce wrote:
Lol, now that is a funny video!