TRUMP – Time for Some Offense!

Rogue Cartoonist, Ben Garrison — April 6, 2019


Halftime is over and now it’s time to play Offense!

President Trump has gone through almost three years of constant harassment by the Democrats and the Fake New media.

Robert Mueller has released his report. The findings are No Collusion and no obstruction of justice.  The Fake News and the Democrats could not believe their ears, this report is what they pinned all their hopes of Impeachment and seeing Trump marched out of office.  This was not the ending they had hoped and prayed, doing everything in their power to claim collusion is real but to no avail.


It’s time to unmask the Democrats and the Deep State Swamp dwellers and reveal how they have been running over our Constitution and our rights. Spineless Swampy Republicans are neck deep in the muck and the whole congress needs to be flushed out.


View the complete post at:


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3 Responses to TRUMP – Time for Some Offense!

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Note the cartoon image of OBAMA who is deservedly included with the other TREASONOUS INDIVIDUALS directly involved in the unprecedented U.S.A. coup attempt.

  2. Bruce Steadman says:

    President Trump on Saturday ripped the Deep State perpetrators of the fraudulent Russia witch hunt in a series of tweets, calling their acts “treasonous.”

    TRUMP RIPS DEEP STATE: It’s Time “Perpetrators” of Fraudulent Russia Witch Hunt Defend Their “Treasonous” Acts

  3. Bruce Steadman says:

    Shadow Government: Barack Obama Arrives in Berlin to Meet With Angela Merkel in Private

    Shadow Government: Barack Obama Arrives in Berlin to Meet With Angela Merkel in Private

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