Trump Was Right! Convicted Child Rapist Caught Crossing U.S. Border

The Daily Trump
by Staff


From World News Daily:

In a widely ridiculed speech in 2015 at Trump Tower, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, promised to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and told the nation: “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists …”

To fix that problem, the future president promised he’d build a wall on the southern border.

The mainstream media lambasted Trump for being “insensitive,” said he is “racist” and accused him of “insulting” Mexico with his comments.

When CNN asked Trump if he regretted saying “rapist” come across the border from Mexico, Trump doubled down: “Some are rapists and some are killers.”

But was Trump actually right about rapists illegally crossing the border and coming into the U.S. from Mexico?

Gustavo Hurtado-Juarez (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol) On Easter Sunday, Border Patrol agents captured a convicted child rapist trying to illegally re-enter the U.S., according to a new report from Breitbart News.

Gustavo Hurtado-Juares


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