Trump Was Right: Rape Trees Found Along US Southern Border

Women’s undergarments hang in a tree near the US border.

Gateway Pundit
by Jim Hoft


On Thursday President Donald Trump reiterated his campaign opening comments on Mexican rapists by speaking about high levels of rape of migrant women.

The liberal media was outraged at the president’s comments.

As Kristinn Taylor reported yesterday the president was right!

According to the far left Huffington Post 80% of the women from Central America are raped crossing into the United States.

Trump was right.

Rapists are crossing over into the US southern border.

And officials are finding rape trees.


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One Response to Trump Was Right: Rape Trees Found Along US Southern Border

  1. Bruce says:

    4/6/2018 comment to the posted Gateway Pundit article by ‘azchick’

    I’ve seen the trophy trees in Southern AZ where I go target practicing. They are sickening. You can tell some of the underwear is from young girls. Photos have been out there for years and now thanks to PDJT they might get some attention. Many of the children are sold into sex slave gangs and told their parents will be killed if they tell police. It’s awful what’s happening to this country. Thanks to our CITIZEN SELECTED & ELECTED PRESIDENT we might be able to stop this drug running and sex slave trade if he secures the border.

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