Tucker Carlson Tonight – Tucker Responds to Backlash (03/11/2019)

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2 Responses to Tucker Carlson Tonight – Tucker Responds to Backlash (03/11/2019)

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    Tucker Carlson Blasts Liberal ‘Mob’ After Comments Unearthed: ‘They’ve Been Working Hard to Kill This Show’

    Tucker Carlson Blasts Liberal ‘Mob’ After Comments Unearthed: ‘They’ve Been Working Hard to Kill This Show’

  2. Bruce Steadman says:

    The Speech Police Come for Tucker Carlson

    Like Lenny Bruce, the Fox News host is the target of an organized effort at suppression.

    Wall Street Journal
    by Bubba Clem
    March 13, 2019


    I host a comedy-driven radio show for guys. Until Sunday, no one confused it with something that should be taken seriously. Given my on-air name, “Bubba the Love Sponge,” I assume most people get the joke. We are rude, sometimes profane.

    Tucker Carlson called into my satellite radio show regularly from 2006-11, and like all my guests, he adopted an edgy comic persona for the broadcast. He said really naughty things to make my audience laugh, and they did. The 100 or so shows we made with Mr. Carlson weren’t a secret.

    Do I really need to go into the rich history of insult comedy? Lisa Lampanelli, Andrew Dice Clay, Rodney Dangerfield, even Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog. Comedy breaks taboo subjects that release the unspoken into the air in ways that are, dare I say, funny.


    View the complete article including image at:


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