What Trump does not do…and it’s fantastic

Trump at the future site of Trump Tower in 1980 
Ted Horowitz—Corbis/Getty Images

Image source: http://time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/


American Thinker, by Majid Mohammadi — March 16, 2019


When Democrats lost to a non-politician in 2016, they could not swallow the failure and began to degrade their opponent’s victory (by manufacturing “Russia collusion”), insult people who voted for the winner (calling them racist), and assassinate the character of the winner (calling him a dictator).  To make the case for the third act, they invented a story that Donald Trump likes dictators and wants to be one and will not leave office if not elected in 2020.  But his actions show the opposite. Trump does not want to be a king or a dictator, while his predecessors behaved as if they wanted to be.

To demonstrate this fact, I will provide examples of what Trump has not done and what King Barack H. Obama and King George W. Bush did.  Here is a list:

  1. Trump does not invite singers and performers to the White House to sing and perform for him and his family, while Obama and Bush did.  They sat like kings and used our tax money to be entertained.
  2. ……………………………………..

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