Where do these footprints lead?

The PDF below contains an image of the footprint on Barack Obama’s 1961 (2009 certified copy) Coast Province General Hospital (CPGH), Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth:

1961 footprint of Barack Hussein Obama II by Lucas Daniel Smith

In October of 2011 I received the following image from Congolese friends who, at that time, were inside Kenya.   The following image is, ostensibly, a superior, exceedingly higher quality, photocopy/scan of Barack Hussein Obama II’s original 1961 Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth.   The footprint appears identical in shape and size to the footprint on the document that I obtained in 2009.  However, unalike the very dark and muddy footprint image contained on the 2009 certified copy, the footprint below is lighter, more pronounced and the lines and wrinkles of the skin are all discernible.  Moreover, the paper certificate appears to be light brown, tawny or perhaps beige in color:

1961 footprint of Barack Hussein Obama II? by Lucas Daniel Smith

Where do these footprints lead?   My Congolese friends are no longer contactable (I don’t know where they are and they haven’t replied to emails for a long time now) and I don’t really know if there is anyone left in Kenya who I can trust.

If anyone reading has the digital skill set to analyze the above images please post your thoughts in the comments section.   I’d like to know, definitively, if they are the same image, i.e., the original and a photocopy of the original, and if anything has been digitally altered.

Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so.

This entry was posted in Birth Certificates that aid in authenticating "president" Barack Obama's Kenya birth certificate, Kenya Protectorate, Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama birth certificate, paper antiquities and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

29 Responses to Where do these footprints lead?

  1. greatkim says:

    I will analyze your “pristine” footprint once you provide context for it. That is to say that I will examine it only after viewing the “beige” certificate containing the footprint.
    I have reasons to believe you are hiding us this copy.

    I would expect this copy to be without the toner roller smudges present on your posted “certificate”. Since I don’t believe CPGH doesn’t have a modern copier nor do I believe they would have had to pass it through a roller fax in order to give you a copy, I am convinced the copy you posted was faxed to you (probably by someone close to WND) and that you have now obtained the mother-copy.

    We also know that the smudged copy is stamped with a raised seal.

    so I am VERY curious to learn how the beige “pristine” copy is stamped.
    To be clear:
    the raised seal is on the copy,
    there are no traces to be detected on the copy of a copied seal

    show us the beige and we will draw a conclusion

  2. Gabe says:

    greatkim wrote:

    I will analyze your “pristine” footprint once you provide context for it. That is to say that I will examine it only after viewing the “beige” certificate containing the footprint.
    I have reasons to believe you are hiding us this copy.
    I would expect this copy to be without the toner roller smudges present on your posted “certificate”. Since I don’t believe CPGH doesn’t have a modern copier nor do I believe they would have had to pass it through a roller fax in order to give you a copy, I am convinced the copy you posted was faxed to you (probably by someone close to WND) and that you have now obtained the mother-copy.
    We also know that the smudged copy is stamped with a raised seal.
    so I am VERY curious to learn how the beige “pristine” copy is stamped.
    To be clear:
    the raised seal is on the copy,
    there are no traces to be detected on the copy of a copied seal
    show us the beige and we will draw a conclusion

    For what it is worth, a reasonable request, question is, will you produce or double talk your way out?

  3. Bruce says:


    I’m sorry to learn that your Congolese friends are no longer contactable and that you are unsure if there is anyone left in Kenya that you can trust.

    I carefully examined the ‘Pristine Image’ footprint visually under magnification when you first posted it on 11/2/2011 and compared it to the image on the posted Obama CPGH-BC:


    I don’t claim any ‘digital skills’ and thus can not comment on whether anything has been ‘digitally altered’ between the two images. However, to me, they do look visually to be images of the exact same ‘original document’ footprint. It simply appears that the resolution is just much better on the ‘Pristine Image’ print.

  4. Bruce wrote:

    I’m sorry to learn that your Congolese friends are no longer contactable and that you are unsure if there is anyone left in Kenya that you can trust.
    I carefully examined the ‘Pristine Image’ footprint visually under magnification when you first posted it on 11/2/2011 and compared it to the image on the posted Obama CPGH-BC:
    I don’t claim any ‘digital skills’ and thus can not comment on whether anything has been ‘digitally altered’ between the two images. However, to me, they do look visually to be images of the exact same ‘original document’ footprint. It simply appears that the resolution is just much better on the ‘Pristine Image’ print.

    Thank you Bruce.

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Probably to that website where you can generate joke birth certificates.

  6. greatkim says:

    reverse coloring is to show that the “pritine” footprint is in fact on lightly colored paper.
    The photo is to show that the border is part of the document.
    The reverse coloring of the “pristine document” has the same borders that appear in the other fake. The curious fact is that the “pristine” is colored only inside the borders.

  7. greatkim says:

    here is the photo showing the border as part of the document

  8. @ greatkim:

    Thanks Kim/Mik. I love the images that you have posted and I think that they will be of help.

    However, you have made one error in your statement and that is the part about the border.

    Yes, the tangible document itself does have some space outside (up to approximately 7/16 of an inch in some areas) of the border…..but the comparison PDF, for the purpose of this report (at scribd and embedded here in this WOBIK report) has been CROPPED at the border.

    And the ‘pristine’ footprint was already cropped when I received it from Congolese friends. I then cropped, for comparison, the scan of the copy (2009 certified that I have) down to about the same size and area.

    The cropped images (scribd and embedded here) end at the line (approximately) of the border.

    Take another look and see for yourself.

    You made a mistake but thats ok. Thank you again for the images (I love them!).

  9. greatkim says:

    Lucas Daniel Smith wrote:

    However, you have made one error in your statement and that is the part about the border.

    Yes, the tangible document itself does have some space outside (up to approximately 7/16 of an inch in some areas) of the border…..but the comparison PDF, for the purpose of this report (at scribd and embedded here in this WOBIK report) has been CROPPED at the border.

    And the ‘pristine’ footprint was already cropped when I received it from Congolese friends. I then cropped, for comparison, the scan of the copy (2009 certified that I have) down to about the same size and area.

    Thankyou Lucas,

    no mistake there, I pointed out the the coloring withing the border, which you confirm, but I didn’t draw any conclusions. As I told you previously I don’t have the elements to do this.

    As an explanation you replied that the “pristine” paper was cropped in Congo and that you received it as such. Fine.

    Now if we want to make progress it is up to you. You can post the pristine copy as you received it. Then I will perform some technical analysis.I anticipate that I will focus on:

    Maganga stamp which shouldn’t be present on the pristine copy
    or should be in a not matching position (since the stamp on the smudged copy is blue)

    Raised Seal which should be absent or not match the one on the toner smudged copy (since the seal on the smudged copy is raised)

    I believe you would agree with me that it is time to clear these doubts.

  10. greatkim wrote:

    Thankyou Lucas,

    no mistake there, I pointed out the the coloring withing the border, which you confirm, but I didn’t draw any conclusions. As I told you previously I don’t have the elements to do this.

    As an explanation you replied that the “pristine” paper was cropped in Congo and that you received it as such. Fine.

    Now if we want to make progress it is up to you. You can post the pristine copy as you received it. Then I will perform some technical analysis.I anticipate that I will focus on:

    Maganga stamp which shouldn’t be present on the pristine copy
    or should be in a not matching position (since the stamp on the smudged copy is blue)

    Raised Seal which should be absent or not match the one on the toner smudged copy (since the seal on the smudged copy is raised)

    I believe you would agree with me that it is time to clear these doubts.

    You have serious issues with personal responsibility and owning up to your mistakes. People often hide their mistakes from other people because they worry that they will think less of them once they’ve seen that they’ve messed up. But acknowledging your mistakes, apologizing for them, and then earnestly working to make things right almost always has the opposite effect – people respect you for it. There might still be consequences, of course, but people will appreciate your honesty. When you hide your mistakes, and they’re found out anyway, people lose their respect and their trust in you.

    The more you refuse to acknowledge your mistakes, the more you create an alternate universe for yourself. This leads to a decreased ability to make good choices, as the information you’re using to do so is warped.

    I’m not sure if you are a man or woman (you often change your bio) but if you are a man you should ‘man up’ and stop putting so much time and effort into weaseling wording.

    And why would you state, “The curious fact is that the “pristine” is colored only inside the borders”. If you already realized that the image was cropped at the border then why make that statement? How would you know that the color is not on the outside of the border if you can’t see the space outside of the border.

    I don’t have any other images of the document from which the ‘pristine’ footprint was scanned from. You can keep asking but it wont change the fact that I don’t have it.

    If you want to write out a thorough hypothesis regarding your take on the origins of the ‘pristine’ footprint document I will consider publishing it here on the blog.

    However, I won’t publish anything which I know to be an intentional untruth on your part.

    And before we go any further I want to know if you have ever lived anywhere in Africa.

  11. greatkim says:

    I have lived in 2 African countries

  12. greatkim wrote:

    I have lived in 2 African countries

    Why are you lying again? Before it was a least three: Nigeria, Lybia and Angola.

  13. greatkim says:

    @ Lucas Daniel Smith:

    You asked me how many African countries I lived in. The answer is two.
    I visited many more.

    are you satified, idiot ?

  14. greatkim wrote:

    @ Lucas Daniel Smith:
    You asked me how many African countries I lived in. The answer is two.
    I visited many more.
    are you satified, idiot ?

    Then why did you say, “I have lived in Nigeria, Lybia , Angola”? That is three, not two.

    And why are you losing control of your emotions and calling me an idiot? That is not adult like behavior.

    To make things easier for you I’ve now cropped down the image that I posted yesterday so that you wont have to read so much to find your old statement about living in Nigeria, Lybia , Angola

    Why did you lie about how many African countries you have lived in? Please answer in a calm adult fashion, if you can. However, as you know, you are welcome at this blog to practice your free speech in a child like way if you so desire.

  15. greatkim says:

    would you mind remembering me how you got to Kenya from the Congo. You drove
    didn’t you ?

  16. Bruce says:

    Plantains and Rainforests in Kenya?

    Encountering Kenya 2011


    Marketplace in Kakamega

    Kakamega’s outdoor market has its own rustic charm. Ramshackle stalls made of sticks of wood and tin line the main tarmac road and an adjacent area that is right beside the “down town.” Although every day is market day in Kakamega, on Wednesday and Saturday, the market place becomes larger and livelier with more vendors from the surrounding agricultural countryside.

    It’s mostly a food market. When you see the beautiful produce available in large quantities, it’s hard to remember that just a few hundred kilometres from Kakamega in NE Kenya, there is a famine. Why doesn’t the food get from here to there? Given the unpaved state of many of the roads I’ve travelled in the past two weeks and the narrow main road with no centre line, I would say the absence of a transportation system.

    But back to the food, one of the major preoccupations of my life. Here is what is currently available. Tomatoes, mounds and mounds of them. Onions, pungent local garlic, Chinese garlic (!), potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, green peppers, kale, chard, cow peas and other greens we don’t know, peas, carrots, hefty cabbages, bananas, plantains, watermelon, oranges, lemons, apples, cucumbers, pineapple, huge avocadoes, mounds of dried beans and lentils. I can buy a load of fruit and veggies for 3 days for a couple of Canadian dollars. – (bold emphasis added)

    Kakamega Rainforest:


    Video: Kakamega Rainforest, Kenya

  17. @ Bruce:

    And these are the words from Barack Obama’s own brother, George Hussein Obama, in his book Homeland: An Extraordinary Story of Hope and Survival.

    George Obama at page 217: “”If you had cash and freedom, what would you buy to eat?” I’d ask Ramjo and the others. “Anything. You can go anywhere and afford anything. What would it be?”…..”Pilau,” Ramjo would answer…..”Nah, matoke,” I’d counter. “Has to be matoke. Nothing fills your belly like matoke.” Matoke was a TRADITIONAL, thick KENYAN stew made of cooked PLANTIANS, potatoes, and meat.”

    George Obama at page 234: “And then I took my first step into freedom and onto the teaming streets of the city. The four of us, along with the rest of the Huruma gang, headed directly for the nearest CAFE. Rambjo ordered pilau and I ordered MATOKE (PLANTAINS). That was our first, delicious taste of freedom, precious freedom.”

    PS- It also should be noted that Uganda (Kenya’s next door neighbor)is one of the biggest producers of plantains in the world.

  18. http://cameraforkpassport.blogspot.com/2012/08/time-travel.html

    This beautiful smiling woman from Shimba Hills in Kenya is peeling plantain. She is also a teacher at the local school. Every time I walked past her open hut on the side of the road, I was enticed by the sweet smell of the frying fruit. Plantain and cassava are a staple in this sub-tropical part of Kenya, and so they became a staple of my diet when I was there

  19. greatkim says:

    answering a question with an unrelated question. Plantains, yes or no in Kenya ?
    so, how did you reach Kenya ?

  20. @ greatkim:

    When you get done photoshopping (is that your idea of fun?) please answer the question that you ignored:

    Then why did you say, “I have lived in Nigeria, Lybia , Angola”? That is three, not two.

    And why are you losing control of your emotions and calling me an idiot? That is not adult like behavior.

    To make things easier for you I’ve now cropped down the image that I posted yesterday so that you wont have to read so much to find your old statement about living in Nigeria, Lybia , Angola

    Why did you lie about how many African countries you have lived in? Please answer in a calm adult fashion, if you can. However, as you know, you are welcome at this blog to practice your free speech in a child like way if you so desire.

  21. greatkim says:

    my questions came first

  22. greatkim says:

    for fun

  23. Bruce says:

    @ greatkim:

    I gottta admit it —

    You have effectively utilized digital/photo ‘persuasion’ (your word) to convince me that you really do have a talent for this stuff and also a good sense of humor!

    — Three GREAT LOL DOCUMENTARY ‘PHOTOS’ of Lucas recently posted here on the unique, important, informative and sometimes even a bit whimsical LDS Blog! Well done!

  24. @ greatkim:

    lol! “The Green Abyss” picture. That’s a keeper!

  25. greatkim says:

    Lucas Daniel Smith wrote:
    lol!“The Green Abyss” picture
    Bruce wrote:
    I gottta admit it – a good sense of humor!

    thanks to both. I truly appreciate. I am sure there is common ground between us three regardless the birth certificate affair

    but returning to more serious matter and paraphrasing Lucas let me add this:
    lol!“The Fake Certificate” picture. That’s a keeper!

    Discussing all this over a pack of beer would be indeed much better than this anger driving addictive web

    Stay well both of you

    Lucas should you ever need my humble assistance in photo-trashing Orly Taitz just
    let me know.

  26. Ack says:

    You already found “Helton” spelling in the news, but it was also spelled that way on a semi-official document:


  27. Bruce says:

    @ Ack:

    Thanks for your valuable input regarding the “Helton / Heltan” name controversy issue associated with the authentic ‘Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate’.

    I have incorporated your screen shot into my below linked post on the InspectorSmith Forum.

  28. Rambo Ike says:

    @ Bruce:

    Is the thread with 91 comments dead? I’ve tried to put in there and it won’t take it.

    Edit comment from Administrator

    @Rambo Ike

    The referenced thread comments section SEEMS to be ‘live’

    Please see my test comment on the thread, which I was able to add without any apparent problems.


  29. Lucas is a conartist says:

    Bruce wrote:

    @ Ack:

    Thanks for your valuable input regarding the “Helton / Heltan” name controversy issue associated with the authentic ‘Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate’.

    I have incorporated your screen shot into my below linked post on the InspectorSmith Forum.

    Except your problem is that it’s about how the Dr spells his own name not how other people may have spelled it. Here’s his professional linkedin profile: http://ke.linkedin.com/pub/heltan-maganga/27/980/1b8

    Lucas fucked up on his forgery.

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