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Are The PizzaGate Pimps For The Global Elite Up To Snuff? -- Rense, Yoichi Shimatsu

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  • Are The PizzaGate Pimps For The Global Elite Up To Snuff? -- Rense, Yoichi Shimatsu

    Are The PizzaGate Pimps For The Global Elite Up To Snuff?


    by Yoichi Shimatsu


    A Rense Exclusive

    In Part 2 of an ongoing series on Pizzagate, this investigation into the shadowy underworld of the political elite is making headway, despite the threat from a pedophile-infested Congress. The proposed hearings on alleged “fake news” is a blatant attempt to intimidate citizen sleuths and bloggers from digging out more toys for boys from their closet. Undeterred by menacing noises from politicians and intelligence agencies, online researchers are grimly digging ever-deeper into organized pedophilia. Knowing full well that it’s a shortened lame duck session, the politicians are just bluffing.

    Before firing up the brick oven, anyone unfamiliar with the ingredients for an artisanal pizza can learn the lexicon from the researchers at 4chan and VOAT, who’ve cross-checked all references for accuracy. Here’s the Pizzagate Code:

    - hotdog = boy
    - pizza = girl
    - cheese = little girl
    - pasta = little boy
    - map = semen
    - dominoes = domination
    - pillows = drugs
    - chicken = a well-worn gay term meaning a youth, often a sex worker on the street
    - to that vetted list, one could add sauce, apparently the code word for group sex.

    Now to outline this follow-up on issues raised in Part 1:

    - First, we probe recent revelations about Saudi ownership of the Chevy Chase tract under Comet Ping Pong pizza and its implications that the Podestas and Alefantes-Brock have been running a chain of safe houses used as child-sex brothels for foreign dignitaries. An official cover-up of Pizzagate supported by NATO member-nations’ intelligence services indicates that a sex-for-secrets operation was being run under a clandestine American-Israeli spying and blackmail operation.

    - Next we revisit Rehoboth Beach, aka the Summer Capital for the Washington elite. The Delaware resort was a favorite hangout of that whack job David Brock, LGBT uberlord Barney Frank and gay-marriage propagandist Peter Rosenstein. In that same time-frame, Sussex County was also the spider nest of pediatrician Earl Bradley, who was convicted in 2010 of more than 100 counts of child molestation and rape of girls as young as 3 months old. The prosecutor in that case was Delaware attorney general Beau Biden, son of the Vice President, who suffered a medically improbable brain-tumor relapse in that same year. The synchronicity raises the troubling question: Was the younger Biden, a potential contender for the presidency, targeted for assassination by the pedophile mafia? If Brock feels paranoid, it’s for good reason since there may well be justifiable grounds for payback.

    - Then, after his binge of pizza and pasta, Tony Podesta was served just desserts by his lovely wife Heather Podesta nee Miller who divorced him in 2014 and took the Kalorama 8-bedroom heated-pool mansion. No point crying over spilt map, paesano, since there’s still the arts center down in the tunnel of the old Red Line under Connecticut Avenue NW, right near Comet Pizza.You know the place. Don’t worry, Antonio, the pajama parties will be back when Barry Soetaro moves into his new mansion, and his will be bigger than yours, just a couple of blocks away in Kalorama right near James Alefantes’s (J’aime les enfantes) digs.

    - The last section ties up loose ends, including the question of whether Alefantes is an actual surname as opposed to ”J’aime les enfants” (I love children, in French); and a peek into the strange family background of spirit-cooking artist Marina Abramovic.

    DOJ cover for Saudi assets

    The most perceptive insights on VOAT are focused on Arab-Saudi ownership of the entire city block underneath Comet Pizza and a nearby pizzeria called Besta (not Basta, the Italian word for enough or too much), operated by Abdul Hamade (Abdel Rahmann Hammad), who is also owner of the Boli pizza chain) and Samir Sbitan. Besta, as in bestiality, has for its logo the “Boy Lovers” symbol, a triangular spiral. Are there any sheep out back?

    The entire lot under Besta and Comet is owned, on paper at least, by attorney Andrew J. Kline, a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard. To disguise his government work at the Department of Justice, Kline hides behind a front business, the “Veritas” law office located on Dupont Circle and with a field office in Chevy Chase, near Comet Pizza. Further pursuit by online researchers showed the same curly-haired lawyer Kline to be a Bill Clinton appointee in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, when Janet Reno was Attorney General.

    The junior partner at Veritas is Stephen J. Whelan, who worked previously at Metro (the D.C. Transport Agency), an interesting coincidence with the controversy over the old Red Line Tunnel under Connecticut Avenue, mentioned in a John Podesta email.

    Kline’s employment with Justice causes some befuddlement among Pizzagate hunters, as it raises the question of whether Comet Pizza is an FBI honey trap to nab international child-smugglers. My educated guess is no, based on my work in an undercover journalistic probe into the secret activities of the human-trafficking bureau at Justice and the State Department.

    Despite its pretense of stopping people smugglers, the human trafficking program does the exact opposite, organizing and facilitating the transport of, say, North Koreans and Chinese Uyghurs into Thailand and onto the US territory of Saipan. U.S. consular officers provide money and fake passports to “snakeheads” from China and, more recently, Turkish traffickers who transported Mideast and African migrants by boat to Greece and onto Germany since the summer of 2015. The human trafficking officers aid and abet the flow of illegals, and often prevent immigration and Border Patrol from detaining their live cargo.

    Certainly, the Podesta brothers would not be assigned to a honey trap, as that would compromise their intelligence roles. The large property in Chevy Chase has to be part of a political bribery deal between the Arabs and the Clintons, now being protected by the Obama administration.

    IOUs from the UAE

    It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B. Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security. It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).

    This Dubai-owned property group, likely to be financed by the Saudis, has owned the lot for longer than a decade. The primary motive for the property does not appear to be rental income but instead is a vehicle to provide funds to the Clintons. The blog Lux E Tenebris has been so kind as to provide a map of the Dubai-owned lot on either side of Connecticut Avenue.

    The storefronts are occupied by Comet Pizza; Bucks Fishing and Camping restaurant (also owned by Alefantes); Besta Pizza run by Arabs; Politics and Prose bookstore owned by Lissa Muscatine, a senior speechwriter for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her husband Bradley Graham with The Washington Post. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO involved with promoting the European refugee crisis; and Terasol Bistro, whose website is decorated with the pedophile trapped heart symbol.

    By now, with so many facts vetted and verified, Pizzagate is clearly not fake news, Congressmen, and you’re going to have to face the facts and nothing but the facts.

    High-class Brothels for Small Vices

    Next question: What do the rich Arab investors get in return? As this question spun around in my brain, the image that popped up out of the memory banks was of a naked prostitute standing inside an upright steel coffin, that image being from the cover of of the second edition of Len Deighton’s 1967 potboiler “An Expensive Place to Die”. Here’s the jacket blurb:

    “A 'clinic' on Paris's Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that's the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft.
    “Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt's pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”

    Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.

    .................................................. ...

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    How credible is Hong Kong-based freelance journalist Yoichi Shimatsu?


    by Robert Charles Lee: Printbroker, financial printer, non-practising lawyer
    Written May 20

    He certainly has the necessary reputation and credibility in op-ed work, let’s put it that way. His strength is getting down to the ‘big picture’ of the politics of China and its players — often in a mercilessly funny way. Predictably, not always appreciated by the Chinese Establishment.

    Yoichi Shimatsu was previously an editor with The Japan Times Weekly, the tabloid imprint of The Japan Times (Japan Taimuzu), which is Japanese largest English-language broadsheet newspaper founded in 1897. The broadsheet is usually sold along with the International New York Times. One doesn’t get to work at a big-time newspaper unless one is good at and in the work.

    Moreover, Shimatsu used to be the associate editor of the Pacific News Service (PNS), which is an American non-profit “alternative news” service and famed for its independent coverage of the Vietnam War before it switched back to U.S. coverage after that war. Again, PNS is a reputable news service and to work for it means one necessarily has to be good and credible in the work.

    Since going freelance (don’t know when), Shimatsu is the current “editor-at-large” with 4th Media, another “alternative news” service that has good credibility in the world of journalism.

    View the complete post, including link, at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      The 4th Media


      Yoichi Shimatsu

      Yoichi Shimatsu who is Editor at Large at the 4th Media is a free lance journalist based in Hong Kong. He is former Editor of the Japan Times Weekly. Mr. Yoi is a former Tsinghua University lecturer. He's been regularly writing to several global media outlets including US, China and so on. He's been frequently sitting on CCTV News, Blue Ocean Network TV and other global media outlets in China, Hong Kong and other countries


      View the complete presentation at:
      B. Steadman

