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GUNWALKER: Media Matters obfuscates truth of Fast and Furious scandal -- Examiner

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  • GUNWALKER: Media Matters obfuscates truth of Fast and Furious scandal -- Examiner

    Media Matters obfuscates truth of Fast and Furious scandal


    Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner


    "As reported yesterday the extremist left wing organization Media Matters, which is underwritten primarily by leftist billionaire George Soros, has embarked on a smear campaign against author Katie Pavlich whose newly published book delineates the crimes committed by the Obama Administration in the Fast and Furious scandal and the subsequent cover up.

    The Department of Justice is now referring all of those with questions concerning Fast and Furious to the Media Matters website, which has devoted an entire page to the attempt to discredit Pavlich, implying that her book is full of untruths.

    But in researching the claims of Media Matters, this reporter discovered that it is Media Matters that is engaging in a campaign of untruths.

    The tactic? Obfuscate the truth by erecting straw men arguments that are of no consequence to the pertinent facts of the Pavlich book and the Fast and Furious operation.

    For example, Media Matters claims that Pavlich falsely claims that former Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer admitted that he knew guns were being walked into Mexico by the ATF in the Fast and Furious operation.

    Media Matters contends that Breuer admitted no such thing but stated that he knew guns were walked into Mexico during the Operation Wide Receiver campaign during the Bush Administration. At issue is Breuer's statement before Congress that he knew of gunwalking as far back as April of 2010.

    Breuer followed up with a statement on Oct. 31, 2011, claiming that the gunwalking to which he referred was that which was done during Wide Receiver and not Operation Fast and Furious.

    Thus, Media Matters has "caught" Pavlich in an error, an untruth, right? Wrong. The implication of raising this straw man argument is that Pavlich's book cannot be trusted. She is accusing Breuer of full knowledge about Fast and Furious although he is only referring to Wide Receiver, according to Media Matters.

    The problem with the tactic, however, is that Media Matters has just managed to hide the truth about Breuer by pointing to a minor point in the middle of a much broader pattern of criminal activity and deception that has everything to do with Fast and Furious and nothing to do with Wide Receiver.

    On multiple occasions this reporter and others have provided evidence documenting that Breuer and many other officials within the Department of Justice not only knew about gunwalking during Fast and Furious but had given prior approval to its implementation.

    This article from Nov. 1, 2011, for example, reports that Breuer provided testimony to Congress confirming that when the Justice Department claimed earlier in the year that it had no knowledge that guns were being allowed to walk in 2009-2010, that claim was false.

    The claim was the center of much controversy when it was discovered through its own internal documents that DOJ had known all along about the illegal walking of guns into Mexico, but it had already sent an official letter to Darrell Issa's committee in the House claiming it had not known.

    In order to avoid the charge of perjury, the DOJ withdrew the letter.

    As all of the evidence shows, everyone at the Justice Department knew what Operation Fast and Furious was all about. Eric Holder knew. Lanny Breuer knew. Former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke of the Arizona District knew and even leaked internal information in an attempt to smear ATF whistleblower agent John Dodson in retaliation for Dodson's going public with the story of Fast and Furious.

    A more appropriate question concerning who knew what and when is, how could they not know? The evidence also shows that the entire scheme was concocted at the highest levels of the Obama Administration, involving not only Eric Holder but Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, and FBI Director Robert Mueller. Clinton, in fact, was one of the original masterminds behind the entire scheme."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman